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2� 1 ��8415 <br /> App���ation �f Paymen�s. LTnless App�ica��e �aw�rovides o�hez-�vise, al�payments rece�ved by L�nder sha1l be <br /> appl�ed: .firs�, �t� any prepay�nent�harges due�nder the No�e; second, to in�erest due; th�rd, to prin�ipal due; and <br /> last,to any�ate charges due under�he Note. <br /> Cha�ges� L�ens. Barrower shail pay al� taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f n�� a�d ixnpositians a��ribu�a.b�e �� �he <br /> Propertyr�vhich may at�axn pr�orit�over this S�curi�y�nstrumen�, and �easeh.o�d paymen�s or ground ren�s, �f any. <br /> Borr�vver. sha�l pay these ob�igatir�ns on t�me a�d d�rec�l�to �he per�on owed payment. At the request of Le�der, <br /> B�rrovver shall-prarr�p�Iy furn�sh to Lend�r rece�p�s e�id�nc��g the payments. <br /> Borrowe�-sha��promptly discharge any Iien v�hich has priar�ty aver this Security�nstrument unless Borrov�er: �a� <br /> agrees xn writ�x�g �o the payment of the ab�xgation secured by the Iien in a manner a�cep�able �o Lender; (b� <br /> �an�ests in g�o�3 faith �he �zen by, �r defends a�ainst enforcemen� of th� ��en �n, �egal pr�ceeding� which in the <br /> Lender's opini�n opera�e t� prev�,n� the enforceme�� of t�ie ��en; �r ��� secur�s from the holder �f the l�en an <br /> agreem�n�satis:factory to Lender sub�rdina�ing the Iien to �h�s Secu���y�ns��-umen�. �f Lender determ�nes that any <br /> part of��e Pro��erry zs subjec� �� a Iien which m�.y attain przorxty over th�s �ecurity Ins�rument, Le�ader may g�ve <br /> Borrowel-a notlice identifying the ��en. B�rrflurer sha�I satisfy�he �zen or ta�e ox�e or m�re of the actions se�forth <br /> above�n I0�days of the gxv�ng�f no�ice. <br /> Hazar� �r Property Insuxance. Borrower sh�.���eep�he improverr�ents n��v exis�ing or hereafter�rec�ed on the <br /> Property insurec�agains�l�ss by f�re,ha�ards in�luded�cr�thin�he term"�x�e�nded coverage" and any o�her h�zards, <br /> �ncludin� floods ar flood�ng, for wh�ch Lender requ�res insurance. This �nsuran�e sha�� be ma�nta��.ed �n �he <br /> amoun�s�.nd f��-�he periads tha�Lender requ�res.The rnsurance carrier pro�r�d�ng�he�nsurance sha��be chosen by <br /> Borrower sub�ect to Lender's approval ,wh�ch �ha�I not be unreasonably vvi.thhe�d. �f Borrav�er fails ta xnaintain <br /> cflverage descr:�b�d abave, Lend�r may, at Lender's apti�n, ob�a�n coverage �o pr�tec� Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Property ix�accc�rdance with section��t�ed Prat�C�ion vf Lender'��gh�s irn the Proper�y. <br /> A11 �nsurance p{�licies and renewais shall be a�c�p�al��e �o Lender ar�d shal� include a standard mor�gage �Iause. <br /> Lender sha11 hatve the r�gh�to hold the policzes and renevvals. �f Ler�der requzres,Borrawer sha11 pramptly give�� <br /> Lender a�l r�ce�p�s of paid premi�ms and renevv�al na�ices. In the event of 1oss, B�rr�wer sha11 g�ve prom�t notzc� <br /> to the�nsurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may ma�e proof of lflss if not m�de prompt�y by Borrav�er. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer fl�herwise agree in wrzt�ng, insurance proceeds sha�� �e app��ed to rest�ra�ion or <br /> repa�r of the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's �ole discret�on, �he res�ora��on or repair is economica�Iy feasib�e <br /> and I,�'s se�cur�t�r is not�essened. �f, in Lender's sole d�scret�on, �he res�or�.�ian �r repair is not econ�mical�y <br /> feas�b�e�r Lenc�ler's secur�ty�ould be lessened,�he insuranc�pr�ceeds shal�be applied�o the sums secured by this <br /> Security �nstruxnen�, whe�her or no� then da�e, ,wzth any excess ��.id ta B�rra�ver. Zf Borrower aba�dons the <br /> Prapert�,or doE.s not answer v�i�th�n the number of days pres�r�bed by App�icable Lavv as s��forth�n a no�ice fram <br /> Lender�to Borrawer that the insurance carr�er ha�offered to se�tXe a claim, then Lender ma�ca��ect�he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lendf�r nn.ay use t�ie proceeds to rep�ir or restore �h� Prope�ty o�to pay sums s�cured by�hi� Securi�y <br /> �nstrument,�hether or not�hen d�e.The periad af time for Borr�wer�o ansv�er as se�far�h in�he nat�ce wil�begin <br /> �vhen the r�otice is given. <br /> Un�ess L�nder�tnd Borrower otherwise agree zn�vri�ing, any appl�catzo�of�praceeds to przn��pa� shall n�t extend <br /> or pastpc�ne the due date of the pa�ments referr�d to in �he sec���n t���ed P��nnen� af Principa� and In�ere5t; <br /> Prepay�ent arnd La�e�harges ar change �he am��n.t of the paym�n�s. �f under�he section����e�i Acce��ra��on; <br /> Remedie�, the I'roper�y is acquired by Lender, Borrower's �igh� �fl ar�y�nsuran�e policies and proceeds resu��ing <br /> from da�r�age�a the Property priar to�he acqu�sitzon shall pass�o Lender�o �he extent of the sums s�cured by this <br /> Securi�y]:ns�ruxxxent imm�diate�y�rior�o the acquisition. <br /> Pres�rva��on, IViain�enance and� Pro�ect�on of the Proper�y; I�orrawer's Lnan Applicat�on; LeaSehaids, <br /> Borravvex�sha11�r�ot destroy, damage �r impair�he P�r�per�y, allovv�he Praper�y to deteriora�e, or cnrnmit�vas�e on <br /> the Frop�r�y. B�yrrovver sha�l be�n default if any f�rfeiture aC��on or procee�i�mg,whether civil or�rim�na�,is begun <br /> �hat in L��,nder`s g�od faz�h judgm�n� cfluld resul�. zn forfei�re �f�h� P�oper�y or athe�zs� materially impa�r �he <br /> Iien �rea#:ed by �hzs Security �ns�rumen� ar Lender's secur��y �nter�s�. B�rrovrrer may cure such a default and <br /> reins�ate, as provided in sec�ion titled Barrovv�rps I�ight t� Re�x�stat�, by�ausing�he ac�ian�r pro�eed�ng ta be <br /> dismis�e�.vvi��i a ruling that, in Le�der's gaod fai�]h d�terminat�on,prec�udes�'orfe�� of the Borrow�r's interest in <br /> the Praper�y or other material impa�rment of�he lien cre�ted by this Secur��y Znstrumen� ar Lender's secur�ty <br /> in�eres�.Borraw�er sha�l also be�n default if Borrawer,dur�ng the�oan app�zcation process,gave material�y fa�se ar <br /> inaccura�� informat�on or statemen�s to Lende� �or faiTed �o pravide Lender �vi�h any �nater�a� informatzon} �n <br /> connec�ifln tivi�h. the Ioan ev�denced by the Nc�te. �f this Secur�ty �ns�rum�nt zs an a Ieaseho�d, Borro,wer sha�� <br /> camp�y wrz�h a�l the provisions of�he Iease. �f�arroi�er acquzres fee�it�e�a�Jze Propert�,the�easehold and�h.e fee <br /> title shal�no�m��rge unless Lender agrees to�he n�erger�n writing. <br /> Pra���t�4n vf I�ender's l��s in �he Prope�tye Zf Borro�er fa��s �o per.form �he covenants and agreeme�.ts <br /> canta�ned in th��f Security rns�rumen�, or�here is a Iega�prfl�eeding�hat ma�signif�can�ly affec�Lender's righ�s�n <br /> the Prop�r�y � as a proceeding in bankruptc�, pra�a�e, for c�r�demna�i�n or farfe�ture or to enforG� �a�s or <br /> regulatiar�s}, th�;n Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary �o p7rotect the va�ue of�he Property and <br /> Lender's�-ights�:n the Property. Le�der's actio�s may�nclude pay�ng any sum�secured by a lien which has priorzty <br /> o�er th�s 5ecurzl.y�nstrumen�, appearin�in cour�,pay�ng reasonable attorney�'fees and entering an�he Proper�y to <br /> make repairs.A�.�hough Lender may take ac�ion under�h�s se�ti�n,Le�ader do�s�.ot have�o do so. <br /> Any amo�axzts disburs�d by Lender under th�s section sha�� bec�me �.dd��x�nal deb� af Borro�ver secured �y th�s <br /> Secur�ty :[nstrun�en�. Unless B�rrower and Lender agree to other �erms of paymen�, these am�unts shal� bear <br /> t�2a�4-20 l S Compliance:aystems,Ixzc.G I 8�1-4Q i E-20 x,i 1 15 <br /> �onsurr�er Reat Estate-Se��urity Instivment DL2�36 Pa�:e 2 of G ��ww.compiian� <br />