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2� 1 ��84�8 <br /> Transfer of the Prop�rty or a Benef�c��l Irit�x�eSt ir� B4rr4wer.If�.11�r any par�of�he Praper�y or any interest <br /> in it is sold or transferred ��r if a beneficial interest in ��rrov�rer is sold or �ransferred and Borro,wer is no� a <br /> natura� person} �ithout Lender's priar vvri�te n consent, Lend�r may, at i�s ap�ion, rez�uire imrnediate paym�n� �n <br /> full of a�� sums secured by �.iis Security �n.��rumen�. �-Iov�rever, this option sha�� no�� be �xercis�d by Lender �f <br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federa��avv as�f�he da�e�f�his S�curity Ins�rument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this option, Lender shal� gi�e B arr�wer �.flt�c� af acceleration. The na��c� �hall pravide a <br /> peri�d af not less than the rninixxiu�.nurnbez• �f days es�ab�ishe� by App�icab�e Lativ� from �he date �he no�ice �s <br /> delivered or mai�ed wit�ir� tivhich Barr��ver must pa� a�� sums sec�red by this Se�u�-ity Ins�rument. �f Barrower <br /> fails �� pay th�se sums pri�r t� �he e�piration. �f this per�ad, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by�h�s <br /> Securi�.y�ns�rument wi.��out furth�r natice vr+�er�and on Borrower. <br /> Borrawer's Right t� l�einstate. If Bflrrow�r meets cer�ain conditi�ns, Bor.r�w�r s�ha1l have the righ� to have <br /> enf�rcemen�gf this Security�ns�rument disc4�ntinued a� a�.y t�rr�e pri�r to �he earlier c�f: �a} 5 days �or such o�her <br /> peria�as App�icable Law may specify for re�ns���ement�befflxe sa�e of�1ae Pr�perty p�ursuan�to any po�ver of sal� <br /> contai��d �n �his Secu.rity Instrument; or t��} en�ry af a judgment enforc�ng �his 5ecu.rity Instrumen�. Those <br /> condi�ions are �ha�Borrower: �a� pays Lend��r al� sums urhich then Vvau�.d be due un�der th�s 5ecur�ty �nst�.m.�nt <br /> and th�Con�rac�as if n4 accelera��fln had accurr�d; ��)cur�s any�efau�t of any o�her caven�n.�s or agreements; �c� <br /> pays all expenses in�urr�d in enf�rcing t�is S+�curity Ins�ru.ment, inclu�ing,but not��m�te�.t�,reasonable a��arne�s' <br /> fees�o the exte�z�permi�ted by�a�xr; a�d �d} t��kes such ac�ion as Lender may reasanab�y require�a assure�hat the <br /> �ien of this 5ecuri�y Instrumen�,Lend�r's rig��s �n the Pr�perfiy a���nrrovver's obliga�i�n ta pa��he sums secured <br /> by thzs 5ecuri�y�nstrun�en� shall can�inue ur�ch�nged. U�nn reinstatement by Borrou�er, th�.� 5ecur�ty Ins�rumen� <br /> and �he abligatians secured hereby shall r�mai� fully effecti�� as if r�o ac�elerati�r��iad occurred. Hawever, �h�s <br /> right t�reins�ate sha�I not apply i��h�case o�`acce��rat�on under the section ti�led Tra�nsfer of the Propert�or a <br /> Benefi�xal Inter�st in�vrr�vver. <br /> Hazart�ous�ubstances,B�rrovv�r sha1l�����ause or permit the presence,use, C�15�]�5���, storage, or re�eas�of an.y <br /> �ia�ardous Substances�n ox in th�Proper�.�3arrovver shall nat do,n�r al�otiv anyone else ta do,anything <br /> �he Property �hat is iz� vi�la��on �f any Envi���nmen�al La�v. The px��e�i�g t�ra s��z���ces sha�l n�� apply �o �he <br /> presence,use,or s�orag�on�he P�aperry of s��al�quantities of Ha2�rdflus Substances�ha�ar�g�neral�y recognized <br /> �o lae appr�priate�o narmal residentia�uses a��d�o main��x�.nc�of tlae Proper�y. <br /> B�rrov�er shall promptly give Lender wri�ten notice�f any inv�s��gation,clai�n,d�mand, la�rsu�t ar other a�tion by <br /> any governmen�al or regulatory agen�y or pz�ivate party �nv�lving th� Proper�y a.�.d a.ny H�.zardaus Subs�an�e or <br /> Enviranmenta� Law of v�rhich Borrav�r�r hi�s actua� knawl�dge. If B�rrower lea�:ns, o� is notxf ed by any <br /> governmental❑r regu�atory au�h�ri�y, tha�an�r remaval�r o�h�r rem�dia�ion af any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affe��ing <br /> the Property is necessary, Borrov�rer s�all pramptly ta�e al� nece�sary remedia� �.�tions �n accordance vv�th <br /> Environmen�al Law, <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�Iaz�.rdous Subs���nces" ar��h�se substan�es def ned as taxic or hazardflus subs�ances <br /> by Environmental Law and �he fol�awing s��bs�ances: ga.�oline, kerasene, o�her �a�mmab�e or toxic p��ro�eu�m <br /> praduc�s, toxic pesticid�s and herbic�d�s, vc��at�Ie s��ven�s, r�a�erial� c�n�aining as�es��s or forma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�oac��ve ma�erials.As used�n this paragra��h, "Environmental La�v�' means federa�lativs a�d lavvs of the s�ate of <br /> Nebraska�hat r�la�e to hea�th,safety�r envir��nmenta�pro�ec�i�n. <br /> Accele�-at��n; Remed�es. Lender shall give n�tice �a �orro�v�r �rior tv a�celerat��n f�Ilovv�ng Borrovver's <br /> brea�h nf any covenan��r agre�ment in th:�s�ecurity Instrument or the�on�ra�t under yvhi�h ac�e�eratinn <br /> is�ermit�ed �but nat priar to a�ce��ration under the se�ti�n ��tl�d Transfer of th�Pro�erty or a Benef��ial <br /> Int�rest in I�nrrower, unl��s Applicab�e L��vv provides �therwis�). The notice �h<<l�spec�fy: �a� the def�ul�; <br /> �b� the acti�n requir�d t� cure t�e defa:ul�; �c� a date� I1D� YE55 than the m�inimum n�mb�r of days <br /> establi�hed by Applica�le La�v frvm th�da.te the noti�e�s giv�n ta Bflrrawer,by�v�hi�h the default mus�be <br /> cured; and �d� that fa�Iure ta cure th� dei ault on or bQfo�r� th� date specified i�� th� not�c� may r�sult �n <br /> acceleratian of �he suxns secured by th�s S�curity Ir��tr�ment �nd sale of �he I'roperty. To the e��ent <br /> permitted by�a�vv, �he �mti�e sh���further��nform�orr�w�r of the right t� rei.ns���� after accelerat�an and <br /> fhe rig�t to br�ng a co�r�a��i�r�to�ss�rt t��e mon-�e�ist�nce af a defaul��r any otri��defense of B�rr�yv�r t� <br /> acce�era�i�n and sa�e. If the defau�t is �o� ��ured on or befare the datQ spe�if�e�i i� the natice,Ler�der at xts <br /> option may require immed�atie payme�t i�1 full af all sums se�ured by �his S�curity Instrument �vi�haut <br /> fur�her demand and �.ay invn�e th� power �f sale and an�� ath��remedi�s p�rrmit�ed by Applicable Law. <br /> To the extent p�rmitted by lavv, Lend�r s:ha�l be entitled to co�1��t aI� expen�es �ncurred in pursuin� the <br /> remedies provid�d�n�h�s Sectian,includin g,but nnt lim�ted�o, rEasonahle attorr��y5'fees and costs of tit�e <br /> ev�den�e. <br /> If the pvwer vf sale��invn�ed,Tru�te� sha.11�e��rd �.n�t��e of default�n each co�unty�n Vvh�ch �ny part of <br /> �he Fraperty�s�ocated and shal�m�i� cop���s�f such na�i�e in th�mariner pres�ri��d b�Ap�Iicab�e Law t� <br /> B�rr���r and �o the o�her per�ons pr�scr:ib�d by Appli�ab�e Law, .�.fter the tirr�e required by �ipplicabie <br /> Law, TruStee sha�l gfv� pub�ic no�ce of s��ie to �h� p�rs�ns and in �he �r�ann�r pre5cribed by Applicabl� <br /> Law.Trus�ee,w�th�ut demand on �3or°r�w+#r, shall se�i the Pr�p�rty at publ�� �.uc��ion to the hxghe5t bidd�r <br /> at the t�me and p�ace ar�d u�der fh�terms t�es�gnated in�h�n��i�e af s��e in on�or mare par�e�s and in any <br /> vrder Trus�ee determi.nes. Trustee may ��o�tpvn� �a�e �� all �r any p�r�e� oiE the FrQperty by public <br /> announcement at the��me�nd place vf any previousiy�ch��iulec��a�e.Lender or iit� de��gnee may purc�.ase <br /> the Pr�perty at�ny sal�. <br /> Upvn �°e�eipt of payment of the pri�e b�d, 'Trustee sha�l deliv�r to th�purchaser Trustee's �eed �o�.veying <br /> the Pr�perty. The recfta�s i� �h�Tra�s�ee's �de�d shall be prima facie evidence of�t���ru�th of the�tatements <br /> C��dQ�-2�]S�DiT'ip�ia31C�SySt�lI7S���.��sA-c���r-2a i s.i�.�.�.1 r�s <br /> Cansumer R�al Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 4 cF 5�n <br />