2� 1 ��84�8
<br /> Paym�nt of Pr�ncxpa��nd Intere�t; �tlher Charges.Barra�er sh���promptly pay��hen due�he pr�x�.c�pal of and
<br /> interest on the debt avved under�he�on�rac� �nd�ate c�.arges ar any o�her fees and�harges due under the Cantrac�.
<br /> A�pli�ab�e Law. As used i.x� this ���Urity Instrument, �he term "Appl�cable Law" shal� mean aII �ontrollua.g
<br /> appTicable federal, state an�. 1ocal �tatu�es, r{ugu�ations, ❑rdinances and adminis�ra�i�� rules and arders �that have
<br /> �he eff'ect of law�as well as alI applic�.ble fin,�.l,nonwappealab�e judicial opinions.
<br /> C�ar�es; Liens, Borravver sha1l pay a�l ta�e�, assessm.ents, charg�s, f nes and imposi�ions attribu�ab�e t� �he
<br /> Property�vhzch may a�tain pri�r�ty o�er this Se�urity�nstxu.men�, and I�aseho�d payrrien�s or graund rents, �f any.
<br /> A�the request of Lender,Borrower sha1l pro�nptly furnish to Lender re�eipts evider�ciz�.g�.h�paymen�s.
<br /> Borro�ver shall prompt��r discharge ar�y lien�wh�ch has priority nver�his �ecurity�nst:rument unless Barrotiver: �a}
<br /> agr�es in writing t� th� payment of the o�l�g�.tzon se�ured by �he Iien in a mann�,r acc�ptable �o Lender; �b)
<br /> con�es�s in goad fai�h �he l�eri by, �r defenc�s against enfvr�em�n� vf�he �ien in, �e�;al proceed�ngs Which in the
<br /> Lende�'s op�n�on opera�e ta prevent �he en�or�ement af the lien; ❑r �c} s��ures fr�rn �he halder of�he lien an
<br /> agreernent sa�isfacti�ry ta Lender subordina�ir�g�he li�n�o �h�� S��uri�y Ins�umen�. I�F Lender determines�hat any
<br /> part af the Proper�.y is subj ect ta a 1i�n vcrhich rnay a�a�n pr��rity av�r this Security l:nstrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borro�ver a natice iden�ifyir�g�h�l��n. I3orrc�ur�r s�ial�s��isfy�he l�en�r take one or more af�he act�ons set for�h
<br /> above w��h�n �Q days af the givir�g of n�tice.
<br /> Hazard or Pr�perty I�sur�n�e. Borr��ver��h�Il keep the impr�venzents now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Prop�rty insure�agains�Ioss by fire, hazards in�Iuded��hin�he�erm"extended c�ver�.ge" and any o�her ha�ards,
<br /> inc�uding floods flr flooding, for wh�ch Ler�d�r requ�res insurance. This insurance shall be ma�nta�ned in the
<br /> amoun#�s and f�r the periods�hat Lender require�, The ir�suran�e�arrier providing the insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borra�ver sub�ect �o L�nder's approval vvhi�h �hall no� be unreas�nably vvithheld. ��Barro�ver fails t❑ �nai�tain
<br /> caverage des�rzbed above, Lender may, a� Lender's opt�on, obta�n c�verag� �o protect Lender's rights �n �he
<br /> Proper�y in accordance vvith sect�an t���ed Pr��te��fon af Lender's l�ight�in the Property.
<br /> AlI in�uran�e palicies and renev�als shall be a�cep�ab�e �o L�nder ar�d sha�l include a standaxd mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have the right�o hald�he pa�icies and r�newals. �f Lender re�uires, Bor�rower shall promp�l�gi.ve to
<br /> Lender al�receip�s of paid premiums and rer.�e�ral n�tic�s. Zr��lae even�of�ass, B�rra�w�r sha�1 g�ve promp�no�ice
<br /> �o the insurance carrier�nd L�nder. Lender rr�ay make proof of loss�f no�made promp���y by Borr�wer.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rr�vaer o�herv��se agr��e in writing, in�urar�ce proceeds sha�1 be applied �o restnra�i�n or
<br /> r�pa�r ❑f the Property damaged, �f, i�. Lend�.r's so�e dis�retian, �he restaratifln ar repa�r �s econamzca�Iy feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is not�essened. �f, in Z�ender's sale discretion, �he res�ora�ion c�r repair is no� ec�n�mica�l�
<br /> feasible or Lender's security wou�d b�Iessen��d,the�nsurance p�oce�ds shall be applie�3 to�he sums se�ured by�his
<br /> Securi�.y �nstrumen�, ,w�e�her or n�t then due, w�th any ex�ess pa��d to Borrow�r. If Borrou�er abandans the
<br /> Property,or daes not answer vvithin the�.um��er of days prescribed by Applicabl�Laur as se�for�h in a notice fram
<br /> Lender ta B�rrower�ha��he insurance carrie:r has affered�a settle a�la�rn, then Lender may co�lect�he insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �o r�,pair or xest�re �,he Pr�perty or to pay s��ms s�cured by�his Security
<br /> �ns�r�u�a.en�,�vh��her or no�then due.The p eri od of�ime f�r B�rr�wer�o answ�r as set f�rth in the notzc��rill b egin
<br /> urhen�he natice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender axa.d Borrower of.�ierv�ise �gre�; in writi�g, any applicati�n of proceeds to prir�cipal shal�not extend
<br /> or pos�pane the due da�� �f the payrnen�s du+� under�he Con�rac�o�•�hange the amourn�of the payments. If under
<br /> �he sec�ion tit�ed Accelerati�n; Remed��s, �l�e Prflpert�r is ac�uired by Lender, Borrtf�er's righ��a any insu�-ance
<br /> po�ici�s and proceeds r�sulting fr�m damag�� �� trie Prope�-ty pri�r �o the acqu�s�tion shall pass t� Lender to the
<br /> ex�ent�af�he sums secur�d by�his Security�r����rumen�immed�a��Iy pr�or�o�h�acquisi�ion.
<br /> Pr�servation, Mainte�ance and F��tect�on �f �he ]Prvper�y; �3�rrov�erts Lflan ApplYcati�n; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Barravver sha�l r�at destroy, damag� �r impai:r�he Property, allov`r th�Praper�y�� de�eriara��, �r cammit waste an
<br /> �he Pr�per�y. Barrower�hall be in defat�l�if any forfeiture acti�n ar p�oceed�ng,whe�h.er ci��l ar criminal,�s begun
<br /> �ha� xn Lender's g4od fa.ith j�zdgmen� cauld r��s�It in forfeiture �f the Property or oth+�rwis� ma�eria��y impa�r �he
<br /> ��en cr�ated by this Se�urity Ins�rum�n� or Lender's se�ur�t� in�e��st. Borr�wer m�y cur� such a �efau�� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as provided in sect�on�ztled B�rro,we�'s Right �o l�eins��.��, by causing�h{� ac�ian or proceeding t� be
<br /> dismissed vSrith a rul�.ng�hat,in Lender's good fai�h de�errnina�ion,prec�udes forfeit�re af�he Barrower's�nterest in
<br /> the Proper�y ar other ma�er�a� impairment c�f�he �ien created �by th�s 5ecurity Ins��:�u.m�n� ar Lender's security
<br /> �nteres�.Borrovver sha�l a�so be in default if B orr�vver,during�he�oar�appl�cation p�o���55,g�.ve mater�al��r false or
<br /> �naccurate �nforma�ion ar s�a.temen�s �o Len��er �or failed to provide Lend�r v�ri�h ar�y material �nformat�on� in
<br /> �onne�t�an w��h the ��an evidenced by the C��ntract. �f th�s Sec�r�ty ins�rument�s on a I�asehold, Borrotiver shall
<br /> comply vtrith al�the provisians of the Ieas�. Zf B�rrower acquires fee ti��e t�the Property,the�easehald and the fee
<br /> ��t�e sha�l nat merge unl�ss L�nder agrees to�ie�nerger in wr�ting.
<br /> Pr�tecti�n af Lend�r's Right� in the Pro��erty. �f Barrower fa�Is �fl perform the cflvena.nts and agreemen�s
<br /> �on�a�ned in�his Securifiy Instrumen�, or�her��is a lega�proce�ding�hat may si�,mifica�tly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Praperty �such as a proceeding in b�.nkrt�pt�y, proba�e, for �and�mna�ion or forf�i�ure Qr �o enforce laws or
<br /> regula��ans}, �hen Lend�r may dv a.nd pay ���r wha�ever is necessa�y t� pro�ec� the �alu� af�he Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s�n the Property. L�nder's act�o ns�nay�nc�ude paying any sums s�cu.red by a lien v�rhich has pr�ority
<br /> over this Se�uri�Instrumen�,appearing in court,pay�ng reasonable a��orneys'fees an�!en�ering ar�th�Property to
<br /> make repairs.A�thou�h Lender ma��ake acti��n under�his sec�ivn,L�nder does n�t have to d�so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lend�r under thi,s s�cti�� sha�I bcc�me add��ional debt af BorraWer secured by this
<br /> Securit�r Ins�rument. Ur��ess B�rrativ�r and I�er�der agree �o o�her terms of paymen�t, �hese amounts sha�l beax
<br /> �24D42a 15 Compliance Systems,Inc.61 SA-C787-2015,�15
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