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2� 1 ��8413 <br /> r�quired by RE�PA, and Borr�wer shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to m�ake up th�de�cie�.c� �n <br /> accordance with R�SPA, but �n na mor�than �2 monthly payments. <br /> Up�n payment �n full�f ai� sums secured by th�s S��urity In��rument, L�nder sha��pr�mptl� refund to <br /> Borrow�r any Funds held by L�nder. <br /> 4. Charges, Liens. Bflrravver sha�I pay alI ta�es, assessmen�s, charges, �nes, and impasitions at�r�butable ta <br /> the Pr�per�y u�hich can a�ta�n pr��r�ty a�er�his Secur��y �nstrumen�, leasehold payments or graund rents on <br /> the Proper�y, if any, and��mmunit�Ass�cia�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the e�ten�that <br /> these�tems are Es�r�w �tem,�, Borrower�ha��pay them in th�manner prov�ded in Section 3. <br /> Barrower sha�l promp��y d���harge any�ien which has priority over this Security �nstrumen�un�ess <br /> Barr�wer: �a} agrees in wrz��ng to the payment of�he ob��gat�on secured by the Iien in a manner ac�eptable <br /> to Lender, bu�only sa long as Borrower is performing such agreement; ��}con�ests the lien in gaod fa��h by, <br /> ar defends a�a�ns�enforcement of the���n�n, �ega� proc�edings wh�ch�n Lender's npinion apera�e to prevent <br /> th�enfarcernen�of the li�n tivhile thase proc�ed�ngs are pend�ng, but�nly un��� such proceedings are <br /> Conclud��; or�c} secures from the h��der of the Iien an agreem�n�satisfact�ry ta L�nder subordinating the <br /> �z�n t� th�s Security �nstrument. �f Lender determines that any par�of the Pr�per�y is subj�ct to a�ien which <br /> can atta�n pr�ority o�er this Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender ma�give Bflrrawer a not�c�id�ntifying the�ien. <br /> Within �0 days of the�ate on which that n�tice is giv�n, Borrower shall sarisfy the�ien nr take one ar more <br /> of th�ac�ians ��� f�rth above in this Sect�on 4. <br /> Lender may r�quire Borrow�r ta pay a one�time charge fnr a rea� e�tat�tax verification andl�r r�porting <br /> serv�ce used by L�nder�n connection with th�s Loan. <br /> 5. P�operty lnsurance. Borrower shall��ep the impr�vement� naw �x�st�ng or her�aft�r erected an�he <br /> Proper�� �nsured against�os�by fire, hazards inc�ud�d w�thin the term� "�xt�nded coverage," and any other <br /> hazards �nclud�nb, bu�no�l�mited t�, earthquakes and f��ods, for which Lender requ�res �nsurance. This <br /> insurance sha�l be maintain�d �n�he amounts tinclud�ng�e�uct�b�e�e��ls� and for the p�r�ods �ha� Lender <br /> requ�res. What L�nd�r requ�res pursuant�o the preced�ng senten�es can change during th�term af�he�oan. <br /> The insuranG�carrier provid�ng�h��nsurance sha11 be chosen by B�rrow�r subject ta L�nder's right�o <br /> disappro�e Borr��uver's�ho�ce, which r�ght sha11 not be exercised unreasanab�y. Lend�r may require <br /> Borr�v�rer tfl pay, xn�onne�ti�n with this Laan, e�ther: �a} a one��ime charge for fload zan�d�terminat��n, <br /> c�rtif�catian and�rack�ng ser�ices; �r�b} a oneWtzme charge for�1ood zone de�erminati�n and certifica�ian <br /> s�r��ces and subsequent charges each time remapp�ngs or s�m�lar chang�s occur which reasanab�y might <br /> affec�such determinatiQn�r c�r�z��ca��on, Barraw�r sha�� a�so be respans�ble f�r the payment of any fees <br /> . �mposed by the Federal Emergency Management Ager�c� in connec��on w�th�he review of any flood zon� <br /> determ�na��on resulting fr�m an abjec�ian by Bnrr�wer. <br /> If Borrov�er fai�s to ma�ntain any of�he caverages�escribed ab�We, Lender may obtain insurance���erage, <br /> at Lender's aptian and Barro�ver's�xpense. Lend�r�s under na obligation to purchase any particu�ar�ype ar <br /> amount of Co�erage. Therefore, such�o�erage shali cover L�nder, but m��ht or might nat pratect B�rrawer, <br /> Borrower's equity �n the Praperty, �r the content� of the Proper�y, aga�nst any risk, hazard or liabili�� and <br /> might provi�le�reat�r or lesser coverage than was pr��i�usly in eff�c�. Borrower acknowledges that the cost <br /> af the insurance coverage so obtained might signzf�car���y ex���d th���st of insurance�hat Borr�wer could <br /> have ob�ain�d, Any an�ounts disbursed by Lender under th�s 5e�t�on 5 shall b��ame additiona� debt of <br /> Borrower s��ured b� t��s Security �nstrumen�. These amounts sha�l bear inter�sfi at the No�e rate from the <br /> date�f disburseme��and shall be payab�e, with such interes�, upan n�tice fran�.L�nder�o B�rrower <br /> r�q��sti�g pa,���e��. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fanr�ie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTR�M�NT �vrm 3fl�8�1�7 <br /> VMP[r� VMPfitNE��13QZ) <br /> Walters Ktuwer Fina�cfai Ser�ices �'���s���� <br />