2� 1 ��8387
<br /> by a l�en�h��h has priorx�y vver th�s ��cu���y��s��ume��; �b3 appear�ng Yn caurt; and �c} payxng
<br /> reas�n�'b�e attorneys' fees ta protect x#s���eres��n the Pr�perf�r andlor righ�s under�hxs Secur�ty
<br /> Instrumen�, �ncluding its s�cur�d p��itivr�i���an�r�p�cy pro���d�ng. Securing the Pr�pert��n��udes,
<br /> but�s not�xm��ed��, e�te��n�the Propert��o �nake repaxrs, �h�ge lacks, repla�� or��ard up doars and
<br /> win�.��v�� dra�x�v�r���r�'r�m pipes, e����n���i�t�i�d�ng��•��h�r�ode�ia�at�ons or dang��ous condit��ns,
<br /> a�nd hav��t��xt���t�r��d ��or��'fe .A�th�u�h L��.der���j��k�ac���n u�der this Secti�n 9, L�nder doe5
<br /> nvt hav� t� do s��.������ot d�mder any du��r o����i�a��.�� �� ��s�s T�is a�reed tha�Len�er incurs r�o
<br /> liabx�i���'ar nvt t�kin�a�y or a��acti��s 1����r���d under�h�s Se�:����9.
<br /> An��xnounts dxsburse� �y Lender�xr�der��a�s Se�t��� � sha�1 be�orr�e additio�a� d���af Borr�vv�r��c�.red
<br /> by thi� Secur�ty�nstrum��t. �`h���ar�����t���a�1 b�ar��.��r�s��t the N�te ra�� frox��he date �f
<br /> �i��urse�n����.nd 5h���be g�y�b��, �r��h su��in$�rest, up��r�ntxr.��ram L.e�d�r fo B�rro�v�r request�ng
<br /> paymen�.
<br /> �f thi� �ec�rxty�ns��ux��n��� ��.a��ase���d, �3�rr��rer��a�X� ���np�y vvith aI� �he pr��r��ions o�the�ea.�e.
<br /> If Borr�w�r ac�uare�����i��e �� t�� Prv����y, �h+e �e�se�a�d ��d th�f�� ti��P sha��r�ot m�rg�ur��ess
<br /> Ler�der�grees to th��n�rger�n�vrxt�n�.
<br /> 'I Oe Assignnnen� �f Miscelianeou� �r�ce�d�; �'�rt����r�. Al� 1V��sc�l��neous Pr�ceeds are hereb�r
<br /> assigr�ed t�and shal�be paxd t��.�nder.
<br /> 7f the Froperfy rs damaged, such M�s���lar����s�r�c�e���hal��e apppied to r�s�ara#�on or repa�r of#he
<br /> Prop�r�y, if the res�ara�i�r���r�pa�r ys e�or��m��a�X�r f�a��b��and L�nder's�ecur�ty is not X�ss�ned.
<br /> I�ur�ng su�h repai�and restaration peri��, Lend�r�h�1i ha�e the r�g�t to �oXd such M�scellaneous
<br /> Pro�eeds until Lender has had an ap�or�un�t� t� in�pect such Pr�pert��o ensure the vvork ha�been
<br /> cvra�p�eted to Lender's sa�isf�c#i�n, provxde�.�hat such inspec��o�shall�e und�r#ak�n prompt�y. Lender
<br /> rnay pa�for the repairs and�rest�rat��n i�a s�ngle d�sburse�nent�r in a ser�es of pragress payme�rts as the
<br /> v�ork�s completed. LJn�ess a�agre�men��s m�d� in wr�tin�or Applic�bl� Law requires interest to �e
<br /> paid ❑n suc�a N.�iscellaneaus Prvice�ds y Le��er sh�����t be�•equir�d�� pay Borro�rer an�xriteres#ar
<br /> earnx�gs vn such M�sce��ane�u§Pro��eds. �f�h�rest�ra��x��or�epair�s n�t����omic�lly f��.s�b1e ❑r
<br /> Lender's secur�ty w�u�d be I�ss�n��, th�Mi�ce��ane�u� Proceeds sh��X�� app�ied�� �he sun�s secur�d��
<br /> thxs Se�urity�ns#rument, �r��th�r�a�r n����en du�, �v��� ���� exc�ss, �f any, paid to �orrov��r. 5uch
<br /> Ni���el��ne�us Proc��ds shal��� applied�n��e �rd�r�ra��ded far Yn��ec��an 2.
<br /> In the �ven��f a tota� �a���ag, dest�ruc�ir�n, �r�o�s i��ralr���f��e I�r�per��, the M�scellaneou�Proceed�
<br /> sha11�e �pp��ed #o the s��ns sec�r�d b�������ecurxt�r�x���r�ment, �vlhe�h�r�r n��then due, w�th the
<br /> excess, if an�, paid to Barro�rer.
<br /> �n the eve�.t of a part�a�#a1��g, de���•����iar�, ��-���s��va��� of the 1'r��er�y in which the f�i��rz.arke�
<br /> va�ue af th�Pr�p����mr�e���a�e�y b����r� $���pa�•���.1 t�king, �es$ruc�io�, ❑r I�ss���aXue ps equal to �r
<br /> g�eater�h�n the am�u�n�of t��sur�s sec�r�d�y th�s �ec�rit��nst�u�rr�e��i�xn�d�ate��before the partia�
<br /> ta�ing, destruc�i�n, �r�os�x��a��e, ������� ��rr�vver ar��Le���r��hervv�se ag�ree in�ri��ng, the sums
<br /> s��ured b�this Se�uri#�r Yr�s�r�r�ent s��a��b���d�Xced�y�h�ax�ount af�h� �Vdis�e��a.neo�xs Proceeds
<br /> r�u�t�plied�y��e f�1l�vvi�g frac���n: ��� ��e��t��a�x�aun�❑f th�s€�ms secured immediate�y befare the
<br /> par�ia� taki�g, d��tru�ti�n p �r 1�ss xn va1u� div�d�d.�y ��� th�faix market va�ue �f the Prvpert�r
<br /> immediateXy before the partia��akxng, des�ructi�n, �r��ss�n value. 1�.n���alance sha�l�be paid to
<br /> Barrower.
<br /> z 2��a 4 4 4� ,.,,.,, _ ..,_,_.. ,_.,.,....... o o��13�2 3�.
<br /> FHA❑eed of Trust With MERS-NE
<br /> Bankers 5ystemsT� VMP C� VMP4N(N�}�750fi]Q❑
<br /> Wafters FC�uwer Finan�ial Ser�ices Page 9❑f'17
<br />