2� 1 ��8384
<br /> Transfer of the Property or a�enefi�ial I�iterest in B��ra�er. If a�l vr any par�o:E�he Property or any in�erest
<br /> in it i5 sold or �ransferred �or if a ber�efici�.l �n�erest in �Qrrower is sald or �ransfFrred and Barr�wer is nfl� a
<br /> nah�ra� pers�n} vt�i�h�u� Lender's prior wr�t�e�n consen�, Lend�r ma�, a� ��s option, requ�re imm�diate pa�ment �n
<br /> �U�� Qf al�. Sl�.I175 5eC11�'�C� by' �115 S�CII�'l��►` �ri5����ri�. Ha�vever, this apt�on shal� not be exercise� �y Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohi�b�ted b�federa�Iau�as af the da�e tif�his Sect�-ity�nstrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this opt�on, Lender �ha:Ll give Borr��rer n�tzce of a�celeratian. The natice shall provide a
<br /> p�riod of n�� Iess �han the minimum numbe r of days established �by Applicable Lav�� fr�m the da�e the �atice is
<br /> delivered or mai�ed vvx�hxn which Borrow�r m�s� pay aIl sur�s secured by this Securi�y Ins�ru.m�nt. I�'Borrovver
<br /> fails to pay these sums pri�r to �he exp�ra�ic�n af�his period, Lend�r may invoke an�r remedies permi�ed b�r this
<br /> Se�urity�nstruxn�n�w��hau�further no�ice or demand an Borra�ver.
<br /> B�rrti�v�r's Right �o l�e�nstate. If Bor�flv��e� meets cer�ta�n �ond�tions, Borrovver �hall have the right �a have
<br /> enforc�men�of�his Securi�y Ins�rumen� disc{�n��nued at any time p�iar to the earlier�af: �a} S da�s �or such other
<br /> per�od as Applicable Lav�r may specify ftir rei.nstatement}before sal� af�he Properry�ursuant to any poWer af sale
<br /> contained i�. �h�s Security Ins�rumerzt; or (b} entry af a judgme��� enforcing this Security Instrum�n�. Those
<br /> condit�ons a�e tha�Borr�vver: �a� pays Lend�r a�� sums �hich �he�.w�u�d be due un.der this Security�ns�rumen�
<br /> and th��antrac�as if r�fl accelerati�n had acc�urred;�b}cures any default�f any o�her{v�venan�s ar agre�men�s; �c�
<br /> pa�rs a�l e�pense��ncurred in enforcing�.his Security Instru�nent,including,bu�not l��n���d to,reasanabl�a�tarneys'
<br /> fees to �he ex�ent permi�ted by��vv; an��d� �akes such action a�Le��er may reasanauly require�a assure th�t�he
<br /> ��en af th�s Security�ns�rument,Lender's rig�:lts �n�he Pr�per�and Borraw�r's obliga�t�on to pay�he sums s��ured
<br /> by �hi� Secur�ty I�strumen� shall �ontinue ur.�changed. V��n reinst�.�ement by Borr�vv�r, this Securi�y Ins�ment
<br /> and �h� �b��gatians secured hereby sha�I rerr:ai� fully effe�tive as i�no accelera�i�n l�ad accurred. Ha�vever, �his
<br /> right ta rezns�ate shall n�t apply in�he case o:E acceleration under th�section titl�d Tr��sfer of th�Property or a
<br /> Be�eficia�In�er�st�n�arrawer.
<br /> Hazardous�uh�tance�.�orrovv�r shall r�ot��ause or permit��e presen�e,use, �15�}�5r�i, s�orage, or reiease of any
<br /> Hazaxdaus Subs�ances on or in the Pr�per�y.]3arrawer shall not d�,r�or al1oW anyone s�1se�o da,any�hing affec�zng
<br /> the Prflperty �ha� is in viflla�i�n of any Env�:ronmen�a� La�v. The preceding two sentenc�s shal� �ot apply tfl the
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�orage on�he Property of s�nall quan�it�es of Haza�d�us Subs�a.nces��at are genera�Xy recog�ized
<br /> to be apprap��a�e to nflr�na�resident�a�uses a��d�o maintenanc�of the Property.
<br /> Bo�-rav►�er sha�l pr�xnptl�give Lender writ�en n��ice of any investiga�ion,c�aim., dema�.�,lawsuit o�other action by
<br /> an�r governmenta� or regta�atory agency or p�•iv��e par�y inv�Iv�ng the Property and �ny I�azaxd�us 5ubs�a.nce ar
<br /> Environmenta� La�w af Which �orro�ver h��s actual kr��w��dge. �f Borr�wer Iea:rr��, or is notified by any
<br /> governm�ntal �r regu�a��ry auth�rity, that an��r�mova�Qr�th�r rem�diation of any���ardaus Subs�ance aff�c�ing
<br /> the Pr�perty is necessary, Borravs�er shall p�-amptl� take al� ne�essary remedial �.�tio�s in accor�ance vvith
<br /> Environmenta.l Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are�h�se �ubs�ances def�ned as ta���c or hazardous substan�es
<br /> by En�rir�nmen�a� Lavv and the folla�ving s�ubstances: gaso��ne, k�rasene, other fla:mmable or tox�c petroleum
<br /> produc�s, toxic pes�icid�s and herb��ides, v�i�atile s��vents, materials con�aining asb�st�s or f�rmaldehyde, and
<br /> radinactive materials. As used in�his paragra�ah, "Enviranmen��I La�v" means federa�I�.�rs and�avvs of the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate ta hea�th,safe�y or envirc�nmental protec�i�n.
<br /> Ac���erati�r�; Remedie�. Lender sha�l �i�e nvtice �o �3�rr��ver �arior to acce�eration fallow�ng B�rro�ver's
<br /> breac��f a�y c�venant or agre�rnent�r�this Security Instr�ament or the�ontract under vvhi�h ae�e�era�ion
<br /> is permi�ted �bu�no�prior to a�celeration under the sec���n titl�d Transfer of th�Pr�perty or a Bene�c�al
<br /> Int�re�t in �orr�vver, �r�less App�icabl� L�E� prov�des �th��rwi��], Th� no�ice sh��.l spec�fy: �a� the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the ac�i�n r�qu�red to cure the def��ult; �c} a date� nflt �ess than �he rn�in�mum num�er of �days
<br /> established by,A►,pplicab�e Law from the da.t�the notice as�iven �fl BarraVver,by vvh�ch the defau�t mus�be
<br /> cured; and �d) �hat fa��ur� to cure the dei ault �n vr bef�r� �h� date speci�ed i�� the naiice may r�sult �n
<br /> a�ce�era�ion �f the su�rns secur�d by t�is ��curity In,�tr�ment and saie of th� Property. To the e�tent
<br /> per�ut�ed by Ia�v, the ��t�ce sh�I�furth�r�inform B�rrovv�r of��e ri��it to reinsta�e after accelera�ion and
<br /> the right to bring a cou�-�actio��o ass�r�t��e r�on-exis�e��e of a default or any ot��er defense�f Bvrr���r�o
<br /> acce�erat�on and sa�e.If�he default�s not+�ured on ar befo�e th� date spe�ified i:� �he not�ce,Lender at�t5
<br /> option may require imme�iate payment ���. f�u�l of all sums secured by this Se�urity Instrument �vith.aut
<br /> further demand and may im�o�� �he p�wer of sal� and an� ��h�r r��rnedies pern.u�ted by Applicable Law.
<br /> Ta the ex�er�� permitted by Iavv, I,ender siha�l be entitled �� coll�ct all expenses �n�urred �n pursuin� the
<br /> rem�di�s pr���d�d in t�is Sect��n,inciu�din;�,bu� not li�uted ta,�easflnable attorr.��ys' f�e�and costs of�i��e
<br /> evYd�n�e.
<br /> If�he power af�a�e i��n�oked,Truste�shall record a natice of defaul�in each caun�y�n whxch any part of
<br /> the Praperty is Ivcated�nd 5ha11 mail cflpifls �f such nQtice in th�man�er prescribed by Ap��icab�e La��o
<br /> Borro�er and t� �he other person5 pre�criibed by�Ap�licahle L��v, After the tirr�� requ�red by App���ab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shall giv� publ�c notice of s�El� �o �he per�on� and in the manner prescribed by Ap��icable
<br /> Lavv. T'ruste�,wrthou� demand on Borr�w��r, shall sel� �he Pr�p�rty at pubif c au�:fifln �v the highest bidd�r
<br /> a�the time a�d��Zace a�d u�der�he terms�[es�gnaf�d�n�h�notice of sale in one ar mflre par�els a�d�n any
<br /> order Trust�e determ�n�s. Trustee may �r�stpon� sa�e of all �r a�� parcel oi' �h� Property by pub�ic
<br /> ann�ur�cement at the t�me�.nd place af any prev�flu�ly�cheduled sale.Lender flr�;ts d�s�gn�e may purchase
<br /> the Pr�perty at an�sal�.
<br /> Upon receipt of�rayment of the price bid, 'rrus�ee sha�� deliver �� the purchaser T'rustee's deed �onvey�ng
<br /> the Praperty. The rec����s in th�Trus�ee's �ieed shall be pr�xna f��ie evidence of t:he�ruth of�he statemen�s
<br /> �240�3-24I S Com�Iianc�Syst�ms,Inc.�t 8A-DC lD�2015.12,3.I.1 l 15 �
<br /> Cgnsurner Reat Estate-Secu�ity Tnstrument DL2�36 Page 4 oF5 www.comp3iancesystems.carr�
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