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<br /> grants to L�nder a Uniform Gamm�rcial Cvde security interes�in�he Per-sanal Property and Rents.
<br /> PER���1►�L P�f]PERT'V, IS GIV�I� TD SEGURE (�� RAYjlliEf�T ��7'HI1� I�IDE�TED�lESS AfVD {�} PE�t�(]�lUi►�NCE �F
<br /> ►�NY ►�ND AI�L ��LI��►TE��lS l.�f��ER T�� N4T�, THE �EL►�TE❑ G�f]�l1�ENT5, Ai1�C� TH15 QEED Cf� T'�UST. TH�S
<br /> D���DF T1�US`� I� �IVEfi�A1�IC�ACCEPTE�DN'THIE F�LL��V[NG T'�RMS:
<br /> P►�YI�E�IT' AND �ERFDRii�ANCE. Except a� o�Cher�ise pro�ided in this D�ed af Trust, Trustar shaiE pay ta Lender all
<br /> amoun�s secured by this ❑eed o� Trus�t as they become due, and shall s�rictly and in a �imely mann�r per�orm all of
<br /> Trus�or's vbliga�ivns under the fVote,this Deed ❑f Trust, and�he Related Documents.
<br /> P�55ESS1��9 A�D �iAIf�T'EN►�i�CE flF THE �R�PERTY. Trusta� agrees that Trustor's passessian and use o� the
<br /> Property shall be go�erned by�he following pra�isivns:
<br /> Possessiv� �nd Us�. Unti! the ❑ccurrence af an E�ent af Default, Trustor may ��� remain 3n possession and
<br /> con�trvl ��the Property; ��} use, ❑p�r���or manage the Pr�perty; and �3} collect the Rents�ram�he Property.
<br /> Du�y tv ill�ain�ain. Trustor shall ma�ntain �he Property in govd condi�ian and prvmp�ly perform all repairs,
<br /> . replacemen°�s, and main�enance neGess�ary to preser�e i�s�alue.
<br /> Comg�li�nc� �i�h E�►�ironme���l La�vs. Trustar r��resen�s and warrants tv L�nder�ha�: {�} Durin� �he period of
<br /> Trustvr's.�wn�rship❑#the prop�rty,there has be�n nv use, genera�ian, manutac�ure, s�orage, treatm�n�, dispasal,
<br /> r�lease ar �hr�atsned rele�se a� any Ha�afdaus Substance by �ny �oersan on, under, about ar fram �he Praperty;
<br /> ��� Trus�c�r has no knowl�dr�� �f, ar reasan �o belie�e �that ther� has been, exGep� as pre�ivusly �I��ciosed �❑ and
<br /> a�knc��r�rledged by Lsnder in writing, �ay any brea�h or Wiol��ion of any Environmentat Laws, (b} any use,
<br /> gen�ra�ion, manu�acture, s�c�rage, treatmen�, dispvsal, r�[ease ar threatenec] r�lease of any Ha�ardaus Substance
<br /> on, und�r, about vr from '�he Pr�perty by any prio� owners or accupants �� �h� Praperty, vr {c� any aGtua[ or
<br /> threatened litigatian or cl�ims o� any �ind by any persan rela�ing to such ma��e�s; and {3� Except as pre�ic�usly
<br /> discEased�o and acknow�edged by Lender in wri�ing, �a� neither Trustor n�r any tenar�t, cantrac�or, agent ar ather
<br /> authari�ed user of�he Property shall use, generate, manu�acture, store, treat, dispose o� a�- release any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance on, under, abvu�flr from the Praperty; and �by any such ac�i�ity shall be conducted in campliance with
<br /> all applicabl� federal, state, and Iocal laws, regulations and ❑rdinanGes, including without limitativn all
<br /> Enviranmenta! Laws. Trustor autharizes L�nde� and i�s agen�s to en��r upon the Proper'ty ta mal�e such
<br /> insp�ctions and tes�s, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may d��m apprapriate to determine compliance af �h�
<br /> Prvperty with this se�tion of �he Deed ❑f Trust. Any inspections n� tests made by Lender shall lae �ar Lender's
<br /> purpases ❑nly and shall not be canstrued to create any responsibility vr�iabili�y on the part af Lender ta Trustor or
<br /> ta �ny other p�rson. The representa�ians and warrant€es contained hetein are based an Trustor's due diligen�e in
<br /> in��stigating �Che Proper�y �ar Hazardvus Substanc�s. Trustar hereby �1} releases and wai�es any #u�ur� claims
<br /> against Lender for indemnity or contributi�n in �he e�ent Trustor becvrn�s liable �or cl��nup ar o�her casts under
<br /> any such laws; and ��y agr��s�o indemni�, de��nd, and hold harmless Lender agains�any an�1 all claFms, lasses,
<br /> I�abiiities, damages, penaltiesr and e�penses v�rhich Lender may directly or indi�-ectly sustain�r su#�er r�su�ting �ram
<br /> a breach vf�this section o�F�he Deed ❑# Trus� �r as a con�equence of any use, gen�ration, manu�aC�ure, storage,
<br /> dispasai, r�lease or�hrea�ened re[ease o�curring prior ta Tru��or's o�nership flr in��rest in the Prvp�r�y, whethsr or
<br /> not �he �ame was or should have been knawn ta Trusto�. Th� proWisinns v� �h�s se�tion �� th� �eed af Trust,
<br /> including the obligation to indemnify and de�end, shai!sur�����h� paymen�o�th� lndebt�dness and�he satisfaction
<br /> and r�Gan�eyance of�he li�n o�fhis Deed of Trust and shall na� be affected by L.�nder's acquisi��vn o�any interes�
<br /> in the Praperty, whe�her by farecfasure ❑r o�herwis�.
<br /> f�u�san�e, �l�s�e. Trustor shail not cause, condu�t or perm�t any nuisanGe nor commit, pe�mit, ❑r su#fer any
<br /> str�pPing of or waste ❑n or �a the Prope�ty or any partion of the Praperty. Wi�hvut �imiting the generality o�the
<br /> foregaing, Trustor ►nrill nn� remv�e, or grant to any other party�he right ta rema�e, any#imber, minerals �including
<br /> oiE and gasy, caal, c�ay, scoria, sail, gra��l a�rock praducts w�thout Lender's priar written cons�nt.
<br /> Remav�[o�Im�ro►�eiments. Trustor shall nat demolish ar rema�e any Impro�ements fram the Real Proper�y withaut
<br /> Lender's p�i�r writ'��n consent. As a cond�tian t❑the remo�al o�any lmpro�emen�s, Lender may require Tru�tor to
<br /> make arrangements satis�actory �o Lender r� replace such Impro�Ements with lmpro�em�nts �� at �east equal
<br /> value.
<br /> L�nde�'s Righ�to En�e�. L�nder and Lend�r's agen�s and re�resent��i�es may en�er upon the Reaf Praperty at a�1
<br /> reasonabl� ��mes t❑ att�nd �o Lende�-`s in�er���s and to in�pec� �he Real Pr�perty fvr purpases of Trustor's
<br /> complianGe with the terms and cvndi'�ions a��his Deed �f Trust.
<br /> Compi'r�m�� wi�h Cove���sn���a1 �iequiremen�s. Trustor shall promptly �omply wi�th all iaws, �rdinances, and
<br /> regula�.ivns, n�w or hereaf�er in effec�, ❑� all ga�ernmental �u�horities appli�abEe �� the use or accupancy ❑f the
<br /> Praper�y, Trus�or may can�est in good faith any su�h �aw, ordEnance, or regul�'�ir�n and vvithhold compEiance during
<br /> any �roceeding, includinr� appropria�e a�p�als, so lor�g as Trus�or has n��iti�d L�nd�r in writing priar to doing so
<br /> and �o long as, En Lender's soie �pinion, Lender's interests in�he Prvperty are nat�eapardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trus�or�o post ad�quate security or a surety�ond, reasvnabfy satis�a�tory�o Lender, t❑ protect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty �o P�o�ec'�, Trus�ar agrees neither ta a�andon or lea�e unattended the Property. Trustor shaE! da all other
<br /> a�ts, in addition'�v�hose acts se�for�h abo�e in�his section, which�rom the charac�er and use af the Property are
<br /> reasanably necessary ta prv�ect and preser�e the Proper�y.
<br />