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<br /> Prepared By: Great�Vestern Bank clv Irene Forsch, P�Box�345 , Sioux Falls, SD 571�1 —6�5-413-�34�
<br /> L�AN N�. 1554�866958
<br /> WHEREAS, the indebtedness se�ured by the DEED �F TRUST, executed by�_lark D Brown„& CherYi
<br /> A Brawn, husband and wife,AS TRU5T4R�S�,to�reat Western Bank, as TRUSTEE, for the benefit af Gr,�eat_
<br /> Western Bank, AS BENEF��IARY named therein, dated December Z2�,.2,�11 and recorded an Januar,y 23, ZU1�
<br /> in the office of�he Register of Deeds vf Hall �ounty, Nebraska as Instrument No. 201�4U558 or in Book nla at
<br /> Page nla af Martgage Recards,has been discharged,and said Beneficiary has reyuested in wr�ting that this�]eed vf
<br /> Recan�eyanc��e executed and deii�ered as conf rmed by the endarsement be�ow.
<br /> N�]�V, THEREF�RE, in considerat�on of such pa�ment and �n accordance with the request of the
<br /> Benefciary nam�d therein,the undersi�ned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release, quitclaim and
<br /> recon�ey to the person or persons entitled thereto, without warranty, all the estate and interest deri�ed ta said Trus�
<br /> by or thruugh said Trust Deed in the property iegally describ�d as fol�ows:
<br /> IN �]VITNE55 WHEREQF, the undersigned Trus�ee has executed this Deed af Recon�eyance this day, December
<br /> 13,2415.
<br /> Great Western Bank,a bank charter�d under the laws of the State�f South Dakata,Benef ciary and Trustee
<br /> � �,
<br /> By:
<br /> elsey Hansen
<br /> � Its: �perations Manager
<br /> STATE�F S�UTH DAI��TA }
<br /> �SS.
<br /> 4n this �3th day of December �0�G, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public duly commissioned and
<br /> qualified for said county, personaliy Came �helsey Hansen, �peratians Manager af Great Western Bank, a bank
<br /> chartered under the laws of th� State of S�uth Dakota, to me known to be the identica� person whase narne is
<br /> subscribed�a�he foregoing instrument, and to ha�e acknow�edged the execution thereof to be�he�aluntary act and
<br /> deed of such officer on behal�of the Bank.
<br /> � �.
<br /> ���1V E �, FC��S�H
<br /> ��T�y P���� Notary Public—S�ate of S�ut�Dakota
<br /> ��urM Q�ar� � ��.
<br /> � . .
<br /> My�ommiss�an Exp�res:A�ari1��2U18
<br />