2� 1 ��8353
<br /> T�ansfer af the Propert�o� a�3eneficia�Int�r�st�n Borravwer. Tf a�l�r�.ny part af the Pr�per�y flr any in�eres�
<br /> �n �� is so�d or transferred ��r if a benef ciaX �nterest in Borr�wer is s�1d or transferred and Barrower is no� a
<br /> natural persan} tiv�thout Le�.der's przor written consent, Lender may, at its op��on, requ�r� zrnmed�a�e payn�.ent �n
<br /> fu�l of a�� sux�.s secured by this Security �nstr�men�. Ho�wever, this op�iom shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohxbited by federal la�v as of�he da�e of th�s Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> �f Lender ex�r�ises this op�ion, Lender sha�l g�Y�e Bflrr�tiver notice �f ac��leration. The natic� sha�� pro�zde a
<br /> period of nat ��ss than �he m�nimum number �f days estab�ished by Applic�ble La�w fr�m �he date �h� nflt�ce is
<br /> delivered or m���ed wi�h�r� Which Barrov�rer�x�.us� pay alI �ums secured by �h�s Security �ns�rument. Zf Borr�tiver
<br /> fa��s t� pay these sums prior �o �he exp�ra�io�a af th�s per�ad, Lender may�nvo�e any remedies pex�n�tt�d by �his
<br /> Security�nstrun�ent wzthaut further notice or demand an Barro�uer.
<br /> E�rra�ver's �i�ht to l�ein�ta�e. If Barraw�r mee�s certain condit�ons, Borrower sha�� have the righ� t� have
<br /> enfor�ement af�his Security �ns�rument discor��inued at any�ime pr��r to �h� earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Appli�able Law�nay spe�ify f�r r�zn��a.tem.en�}before sale of�he Praperty pursuant ta any p��rer of sale
<br /> con�ained �n �h�s Security Instrument; or �b� entry of a juc�gmen� enforc��.g �h�s Secur��ty Ins�rume�t. Th�se
<br /> ��nd���flns are that Borr�wer: �a} pays Lender al1 sums whxch then �vould be due under this Security��s�rument
<br /> and the��ntract as zf no accelera�ion had occurred; �b}cures any defaul�of any other covenan�s or agreeme�ts;�c}
<br /> pays a��expenses incu.rred�n enf�rcing�his Securi�y Instrumen�.,inc�ud�ng,but nat�imi�ed to,reasonabX�a��orneys'
<br /> fees to �he extent permi�ted by�ativ; and �d� takes such ac��on as L�ender rnay reasonably requ�re �o assure�that the
<br /> ��en of this Securi�y�ns�rument, Lender's righ�s ir�the Praperty and�o�row�r's ob�zga�ion to pay the surr�s secured
<br /> by�his Se�urity�nstrumen� shall c�nt�nue unc�anged. Upon r���stat�x�a.e�.� by BorroWer, this Security Z�strum�nt
<br /> and �he ob�igat�ons secured hereby sha�� rexnain fully effect��e as zf no accelera�ion had ��curred. However, this
<br /> right�o reinstate shal�not app�y in�he case�f acce�erat�an under the sect���.t�t��d Transfer of�he l�r�pert�or a
<br /> B�nef���a�In�erest in Sorrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Borrovver sha11 n��caus�or perm�t�he pres��c�,use, dzsposal, storage, or re�ease of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Propert�.Bflrrawer shal�no�do,��r ail��v anyone e�se�n do,anythin�affecting
<br /> the Property �hat is in v�ola�ion of any Envxr�nmental Law. The preceding �w� sentences sha�� n�� �pp1y to the
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on the Property of srnall quant���es�f�Iazardous Substances tha�are general�y r��ogn�zed
<br /> ��be apprapr�a�e�fl normal resident�a�uses and tc�maxntenance of the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha1l promp��y g�ve Lender wrxtten no�i�e of any�nves�xgation,claim,demand,�avvsuxt or oth�r ac��on�y
<br /> any governmen�al �r regu�a��ry agency or�ri�ate par�y znv�l�ing �he Proper�y and any Hazardous �ubs�anc� or
<br /> Environmental Law af wh�ch Borro�ver ha� actual knowledge. �f �ar�rovver learns, �r �s not�f�ed b� any
<br /> gavernmen�al or regulatory authority,that a�y remaval or other remedxati�n of any Ha�ardous Substa�.Ge affect�ng
<br /> �he Praper�y xs necessary, Borrower shai� prompt�y take a1I necessary remedial ac�ions ir� ac�ordan�e with
<br /> Env�ranme�tal La�.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are those subs�ax�ces defned as toxic or ha2ard�u� subs�ances
<br /> by Envir�nmental Law and the followzng substances: gasoli��e, �e�osene, other flammable or tax�� petro�eum
<br /> products, �oxic pesticides and herbicides, �olatile s��vents, ma�er�a�� cantain�ng asl�estos �r formalde�yd�, and
<br /> radiaactive ma�erza�s. As used in�hzs paragraph, "Env�ronm�nt�.�Lavv" m�a��s federal laws and�aws�f the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�a�e�a health, safety or environm�n�a�pra�ec�ian.
<br /> Acceleration; Rer�.ed�es. L�nder sha�� g��e �o�i�e �o Larravver �r�or t� accelera�i�n fo��aw�ng �orrawer's
<br /> breach af any cuvenan��r agreexnent in thi���cur�ty I�s�r�rr�ent or�h�Con�ract under which acce�eratian
<br /> is perm���ed �but not pr�or �o acceieration unc�er�he sec�ifln �it�ed Tra��Sfer of the I'roperty or a Ben��cial
<br /> Irnterest in �3o�-rower, �an�ess App���ab�e I�avW pravides otherv���e). T�e notice shall �pecif�: �a� �h� d�faui�;
<br /> �b� �he ac�ion �equired t� cure �he d�fa��t� �c} a date, not �ess ���an �he min�mum nur�.ber af days
<br /> es�ab�ished by Appx�cab�e I�aw from�he d��e the no�ice is g;i�en �a Barrower, by which�he defa�al�;�nus�be
<br /> cured; and �d} that fa��ure �o �ure the defau�t on or l�efare t�e dat� �p�cif�ed �n the not�ce m�y re�ul� in
<br /> a�ce�erat�on of �he surr�s secur�d by �his Se�urity Ins�rum�n� an� sale af the Propert�. T� the ex�ent
<br /> perx�aitt�d by law, the nat��e sha�l further i�for�n.I3orrower �f the rig�.t ta rein5�ate after a��e�era��on and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a court�ctxon�o assert the non--existen�e of a d�faul�o�any�ther defense of�3orro�ver tfl
<br /> accelera�ifln and sa�e. If�he d�fault is n�t curec� on or bef�re �h�da�e specif�ed �n �he no��ce,L�nd�r at��s
<br /> aption �aay r��uire immedia�e pag�mex�� in fuli �f a�i sums s��urec� �y this Security Instrumen� w�thaut
<br /> further demand and xr�a� �nvvke the p�v��r o�sa�e and any oth�r remedies perm�t�ed by A.pp��c�b�� Law.
<br /> T� �he �x�en� permutted by �aw, Lender shall be en�itied to ca��e�� a�� expen5es xncurred �n pur�uing the
<br /> rem�d�e�pravided�n thi� Sect�on, including, �ut nflt I�m�ted t�, reas�nable att�rneys' fees and costs�f tzt�e
<br /> evid�nce.
<br /> If the power of sa�e�s in�oked, Trustee �hal�record a noti�e of defau�t�n each county in wh�ch ar�y�ar�of
<br /> tihe Prvper�y i��oca�ed an�shall mail cop�e�❑f such notice in �h��nanrner pre�cr�bed by App�i�abie Law tn
<br /> B�rravver and �o �he ather persan5 pre��ribed by �ppli�abXe L�vv. After the ��me requ�red by Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�� g�ve �ublic noti�e of s��e t� �he persoi�s and �n �he manner prescr�bed by Appincabie
<br /> Law. Truste�,without d�mand an�3�rro�ve�-,�ha�l se�� the Property a�pubiic aucti�n to �he��.ghe���xdder
<br /> a�the time and p�ace a�d under�he term�d�signated in the n���c��f saie in one or�nore parc�Is and�n any
<br /> order Trustee de�erm�nes. Trus�ee may p���pa�e �ale ai� all �r �.n� parce� of the Praper�y �y �ubl�c
<br /> annauncement at�he t�m��nd place�f��y�r��ious�y scheduled sa�e.Lender or its de��grnee may�urchase
<br /> �he Praper�y at any sai�.
<br /> Upon reCeipt of payment �f the pr�ce bic�, Tr�stee shali de��ver fio the �purchaser Trustee's dee� conveying
<br /> �he Praper�y. The rec�ta�s�n the Trus�e�'s dee� s�all be pri�a f�c�e�v�idence af th� �ruth of�he sta�ements
<br /> [�7�C}p4-2��5 Compliance Systems.Inc.�i 1$A-I A3 7-?�l 5.t?.�.l.1 l�5
<br /> C�nsurner Rea]Estate-Se�urity Instr�ment DL?a36 Pa�e 4 n'�5 ��ww.�ompliar�cesystems.cam
<br />