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2� 1 ��8353 <br /> Pa�nrnen�of Pr�in�ipal and In�er�s�; �ther Ch�rg�s,B�rravv�r shal�prompt�y pay when due the princip�l of and <br /> in�erest on the debt owed under��e Contrac�and�a�e charges or any o��ier fPes and charges due under�he��n�rac�. <br /> ,�ppli�able L�w. As used in this Se�urxty �n�trument, �he term piA.p�l�cable Law" shall mean all controlling <br /> a�p��cab�e federal, sta�e and local s�a�utes, regula�z�ns, ordzn�nces �nd administrative rules and arders �that have <br /> �he effect of la�v}as�vell as all applicable fina�,non-appea�ab�e�ud�c�al opi�a�ons. <br /> �harges; Li�rns. Borro�v�r shall pay a�l �axes, assessmen�s, cha�-ges, fin�s and �mpas��ions a�tri�utab�e to �he <br /> Proper�y Wh�ch may attain priority over�his Securzty�nstrument, �.nd leasEhald paymen�s flr ground rents, if any. <br /> .At the reques�of Lender,Borrower shal�pr�mptly furnish to Lender�eceipts evidencing the paymen�s. <br /> Borrav�er sha��promptly discharge any lien,wh�ch has pr�or���r over�h�s Security�nstrument unless�orro�er: �a} <br /> agrees in writz;ng to �he paymen� of the �bliga�iar� secured by the ��en �n a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b} <br /> contests �n goad faith �he l�en by, or defends agai�.s� enforcemen� �f the �ien in, legal proceedings which in th� <br /> Lender's �pinian �pera�e t� prevent the enforcemen� of the lier�; ar �c� se�ures from �he ho�der flf the l�e� an <br /> agreemen�sa��sfact�ry�a Lender su�ardinating�h� ��en to th�s Security�n�.trumen�. If Lender deterfn�nes that any <br /> par�of the Pro�erty is subject�o a 1�en urh�ch may attain prit�r�ty tiver th��. Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender may gzv� <br /> Bor�-a�r�r a identif�ing the ��en. Borrower sh�ll satisfy the lien or�ake ane or m�re of the a���ons set for�h <br /> above with�n 1�days of the g�v�ng of notice. <br /> I�azard or Praper�y Ir�surance. Borro�ver shall keep the impravemen�s novv ex�stxng ar hereafter erected on the <br /> Proper�y�nsured against Ioss hy f re,hazards i�.c�uded�vithin the term"ex��nded coverage" and an��o�her hazards, <br /> including floocLs ar �.00dzng, for which Lende� r�qu�res insuran�e. This insurance sha�i be maintaxned �n the <br /> amounts and for the periods that Lender requireso The insurance ca�-rxer prov�ding the insurance sha11 be chosen by <br /> Borrourer sub�ect �o Lender's approva� v�hich sha11 not �e unreasonab�y yv�thheld. If BorroWer fails to maintain <br /> cover�.ge described ab�ve, Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, obta�n caverage t� protect Lender"s rights in the <br /> Pr�perty in accEardance w�th section�itled Pro�ec�io�of Lend�r's Righ�����the Property. <br /> All �nsurance �o�icies and renewa�� sha11 be acGep�ab�e to Lender a.nd sha�ll �nclude a s�andard m�rtgage c�ause. <br /> Lender shall the r�ght to hold�he po��cies and renewals. Tf Lender re�u�res, Borrower shall prflmpt�y give to <br /> Lend�r all receip�s af pazd premiums and rexnewa�n��ices. �n the ev�nt of��ss, BorroWer sha11 give pro�npt notice <br /> to the insurancE carrxer and Lender.Lend�r may�-nake proof af lflss i�'not x��de prflmpt�y by Borrow�r. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrovver o�herw�se agree in wri�ing, in�uran�e �roceeds sha1l be app�ze�i �a restorat�an ar <br /> repair �f the P��operty damaged, �f, �n Lender's �ole dzs�re�ion, the res��ration or repa�r �s ec�nox�ica�Iy feasible <br /> and Lender's sEcuri�y is n�� Xessened. I�, in Lender's so�e discretion, �he restoratzon ar repair is no� e�anomicalTy <br /> feas���e or Lender's secur��y would be lesse�ed,tlhe insurance pr�ceed�sha��be applied to the sums secured by th�s <br /> Secur�ty Instrument, �vhe�her ar not then due, u�i�h any excess pa�d to Borrawer. If Borr��wer abandons the <br /> Properry,or do�s no�ansvv�r with��the nur�ber of�iays prescr�bed b�r Appl��ab�e Law as set forth in a n�tice from <br /> Lender ta Borrawer tha��he insurance carr�er has offered to sett�e a c�aim, then Lender may ca�lec��he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �o repa�� or restore the Pr�pez�� or �o pay sums secured by�h�s S�curity <br /> �nstrumen�,wh��ther flr no��hen due.The p�r�od of��me for Bnrravver��ans�wer as set farth in the nflt�ce wzl�begin <br /> vvhen t�e nat���is gi�en. <br /> Unless Lender�nd Borrotiver otherwxse agree in�ur���ng, any applica�i�n of prnceeds to principa� shall not ex�end <br /> or p�stpone th� due date of the payments due under�he Contrac��r cha�g�the amoun�af the payments. �f umder <br /> the section titled,Accelerat�on; l�em.ed�e�, the �roper�y is acquired by Le��der, Borrovver's r�ght�o any��a�urance <br /> po�icies and pr�ceeds resul�ing fram damage to th.e Proper�y prior �o the acquis��ion sha11 pass �� Lend�r to the <br /> exten�of the sum�s secured by�his Securi�y�ns�ru�nent immed�ate�y prior�n the acquxsit�an. <br /> Preservat��n, Main�enance and Protect�on �f �he Prape�-ty; �orr���er's Loan Application� LeaSeho�ds. <br /> Borrawer sha�l not des�roy, damage or�mpair th�Proper�y, allaw th�Prop�rty�o deter�orate, or camm��waste on <br /> �he Proper�y. B�rrower shal�be��.defaui��f an��:orfeiture act�on or proceec�ing,whe�her civil�r criminal,xs begun <br /> �ha� �n Lender�5 good fai�h judg�x�.ent could r�su�t �n f�rfeiture of the �rop��y�r o�herwxse materi�lly�mpa�r the <br /> ��en created by �his Security Znstrument ar Lender's security zn�eres�. B�rroujer may cure such a defa��� and <br /> reins�ate, as provxded�n section t��led Barrow�r's I�.�ight ta Reins�ate, by causing the actxon or proceed�ng�o be <br /> d�smissed vvith a rul�ng�hat,zn Lender's gaad fazth determinati�n,preclude��farfexture af�he Borro��er's xn�eres�in <br /> the Pr�per�y o�• oth�r ma�eria� �mpairment of the lien created by this Se�ur��y �nstrument or LenderTs security <br /> zn�erest.Borrau�er shall a�so be in defau��xf��rrow�r,durzng the�aa�app��cation process,gave ma�erially false ar <br /> �nac�urate info��xnat�on or s�atements t� Lender �or fai�ed t� provide Lender wzth any ma�er�a� information� in <br /> connection tiv�th the l�an e�idenced by�he Contract. �f this Secur�ty�nstrument is �n a�easeho�d, �orr�vver shall <br /> comply v�ith all the pr�v�s�ons of the�ease. �f Sorr�wer acquires fee��t�e�a the Proper�y,the Ieaseh��d and�he fee <br /> tzt�e shal�nat m�erge unless Lender agrees to the merger�n writing. <br /> Pratect�on of Lender'� Righ�� in �he Proper�y. �f Bflrrawer fails to perform the co�enants ax�d abreemen�s <br /> contained�n this Secur��y Instrument, or there is a legal proceed�ng tha�may szgn�f�can�ly affect Lend�r's righ�s in <br /> �he Pr�perty �such as a pr�ceed�ng in bar�rup�cy, proba�e, for conde�nnatian or forfei�ure ar �o enforce lau�s �r <br /> regulations}, �h�en Lender may do and pay for u�hatever is necess�ry �to protec� �he va�ue of�he Pr�perty and <br /> Lender's r�ghts:in�he Property. Lender's acti�n�rnay include paying any�ums secur�d by a lien v�rh�ch has priority <br /> aver this Sec�rity Ins�rument, appearing�n�aurt,pa��ng reasonable a��arne�s'fees and�ntering on�he Pro�er�y tfl <br /> make repa�rs.Although Lender may�ake ac�ion under this�ect�on,Lend�r does no�have tfl do so. <br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this sect�on shall become addi�iona� d�b� of�arr�wer secured by �his <br /> Securz�ty Instrument. Unless Borrouj�r and �.ender agre� to ather �e�-ms �f payment, these amflunts �hal� bear <br /> Cc�2�p4-?O 15 Complian�e Systems.Inc.5 t SA-1 A�3-LO t�.1?.3,1.1 I 15 <br /> Car�surner Real Estate-Sc;curity Instrurraent DL?�3G Pa�e 2 of� ww�w.compliaz�� <br />