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2� 1 ��8347 <br /> continue�a pay�o Lender�h�amount�f t�e separately designated paym�en�s tha�were due when the <br /> insurance ca�erage ceased�o be in effec�. Lender will accept, use and reta�n th�se payments as a <br /> n�n-refundab���oss reser�re�n lieu of M�r�gage Insurance. Such lass re�er�e sha��be non-refundable, <br /> na�withstanding the fact tha�the Loan is ultimately paid in fu��, and Lender shal�not be r�quired to pay <br /> BorrQv�rer any inter�s�or earn�ngs on suc��oss reser�e. L�nder can no longcr requ�rc�oss res�rWe pa�men�s <br /> �f Mor�gage Insurance ca�erage��n�he amount and for�he period that L�nder requ�r�s� pro��ded by an <br /> insur�r seiected by Lender again becames a�a�lable, is���ained, and Lender re�uires separa�e�y designa��d <br /> payments t�ward the premiums far Mnr�gage�nsurance. If Lender required M�rtgage Insuranc�as a <br /> conditian�f making the L.�an and B�rrower was required to make separa�eiy des��nated paymen�s tav�ard the <br /> premiums f�r Mar�gage�nsurance, Barrower shall pay�he premiums required �o ma�nta�n.Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance in eff�c�, or�o pro�ide a nan-refun�able Xoss reser�e, un�i� Lender's requ�rement far Mortgag� <br /> �nsurance ends in acc�rdance wi�h any wri��en agreenn�n�betv�een Borr�w�r and Lender pro�iding for such <br /> term�na�i�n or un�i� �erm�na�i�n is required by Applicable Law. Na�hing in�h�s Sect�on �� affec�s � <br /> Borrower's abiigation�o pa��n�erest a��he ra�e prav�ded in the���e. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance reimburses Lender�or any ent�t��hat�ur�hases�h�No�e� for certain losses it ma�incur <br /> if Borro�rer does not repay the L.nan as agreed. Borrower�� not a par��r�a th�Mor��a�e�nsurance. <br /> Mar�gage insurers e�a�uate their�ota� risk on all such �nsurane�in force fram time to time, and may�n�er <br /> �n��a�reements v�ri�h o�her par��es�hat share or mod�f��heir risk, or reduce los��s. These agreements are on <br /> terms and condi�ions�hat are sa�isfac�ary to the n�or�gag�insurer and�he ofher par�� (�r parties� to th�se <br /> agreemen�s. Thes�a�reements may require the mortgage�nsurer�a make payments us�ng any source of funds <br /> tha�the mortgage insurer may ha�re availabie(v�hi�h may include funds a��ained frnm�ortgage�nsurance <br /> prem�ums}. <br /> As a resu��of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the No�e, ana�her�nsurer, an� reinsurer, any o�h�r <br /> en���y, or any af��ia�e af any af the foregoing, �nay re��ive �dir�ctl�or ind�rec��y3 amoun�s that deri�e from <br /> �or migh�be charac�eriz�d as} a p�rtion�f Borro�er's paym�n�s for Mortga���nsurance, �n exchange for <br /> shar�n�or modifying the mor�gage insurer's r�sk, or r�ducing �osse�. If such agreement prfl�xdes�ha�an <br /> aff�l�at��f Lender takes a share of the insur�r's risk in�xchange for a share of the premiums pa�d t� the <br /> insur�r, the arrangement is aften�erm�d "captive reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a3 Any such agreenr�ents wi��no�affect�he amoun�s that Borrower has a�reed�o pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other terms�f the Loan. Su�h agreem.en�s wil� not increase the amoun� <br /> Barrov��er�v���awe far Mor�gage Insurance, and they will no�en.t��ie Barrawer ta any refund. <br /> �k�� Any such agreements����1 not aff�c�the rights Borrower has�if any-vv��h resp�t tv the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under the Hameawners Pro�ec�ian A�t of 1998 or any other la��v. These righ�s <br /> m�ay�nc�ude the right to rece��e certa�n dis��osures, to request and obtain can�el�ation of the <br /> Martgage Insurance, to ha�e the MortgagQ Insurance terminated au�oma��cally, andlar to recei�e <br /> a refund vf any�Vlor�gage Insurance�r�m�ums that were unearned at the t�m.e af�uc� <br /> cance��a�ion or�erm�nat�an. <br /> ��, Assi�nment of ��scel�aneous Praceeds; Forf��ture. All Miscel�aneous Pra�e��s are hereby assigned�n <br /> and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> �f�he Proper�y is da�nageds such M�sce��aneous Proceeds shall be app�ied�o res�ora�ion or repair flf�he <br /> Pr�perty, �f�he restoration�r repair is e�onom�cally f�asibie and Lender's s��urity is n�t Iessened. During <br /> such repa�r and res�ora�ion per�od, Lender shall have�he r�ght to hold su�h Misce��aneous Proceeds until <br /> L�nder has had an opportun��y to inspect su�h Proper�y�o ensure the�vork has been conip�eted to Lend�r's <br /> N�BRASKA-5�r�gte Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UN#��RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 34Z$11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi(NE�t13��f <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer FinanGia!5er��ces Page 9 of 17 <br />