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2� 1 ��8344 <br /> Trar�sfer Qf the Prvperty�r a�3enef�cia�In�terest fn Borrower.If al�nr any par��f the Praperty�r any in�erest <br /> xn it is sold or �ransferred �or if a ben�f cial in�eres� �n Borravver is sa��. �r transferred and Borr�we� zs not a <br /> natural pers�n} without Lender's prior wr��ten Gonsent, Lender may, a� it� opti�n, requtre immediate �a�ment in <br /> fu�l of a�1 sums secured by �his Securi�y �n�trum�nt. HoWe�er, �his �p�i�an shall n�� be exercised b� L�nder if <br /> exer�ise is pro�ibited by federal�avv as of the date of this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this option, Lender sha�� give Borrovver notice of a�ccelerati�n. The noti�e shall pr�v�de a <br /> period af nat less than �he minimum number of days established�y App��cab�e Law from �he date the notice is <br /> del�vered �r mailed Wi�h�n which Borrawer mus� pay alI sums secured by �his Security Instrumen�. If BQrrovver <br /> fails to pay �h�se surns prior �� the expirati�n af�his periad, Lend�r nr�ay invoke any remedies p�rmit�ed by �his <br /> Security�n�trument vSrithau�fur�her notice�r demand an Bar�-�vver. <br /> B�rrower's R.ight �o I��xnstate. If Borravv�r m�ets cer�ain cflnd�tio�s, B�rro�ver shall have the ri��t �o have <br /> enforcemen� o.f�his Security�ns�rumen� discontinu�d a�any�ime priar to the earli�r of: �a} 5 days ��r such other <br /> period as App�icab�e Law may specify for reirzs�a�ernen��before s�.l�flf�h�Pr�perty pursuan�to any po�ve�of sale <br /> can�ained �n �his Se�uri�y Instrument; or �b} entry of a judgmen� enf�rcing �his S�cur��y �ns�rument. Th�se <br /> condi��ons are that Barr�wer: �a} pays Ler�der aI1 sums which then woulc� be due under thzs Securi�y Ins�r�.imen� <br /> and the�ont�act as�f no acceler�.�ion had occurred; �b�cures an�r defau�t a:f any oth�r covenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays al�expens�s incurred in enfarcing this 5ecurity�nstrum�n�, inc�uding,bu�n�t�imi��d to,reasonabl�a��orneys' <br /> f�es �o �he extent permitted by�aw; and �d} takes such ac�ion as Le�der m�ay reasanab�y require t� assure�hat�he <br /> lien of th�s Secur�ty Ynstrux�aent,Lender's righ�s�n�he Property and Borrovver's�bligation to pay the surns secured <br /> by �his Secur��r Instrumen� sha�l can�inu� un�hanged. Upon reins�a��men1:by B�rrtiwer, �hi.s Secur��y Instrument <br /> and the �bl�ga�io�.s secured hereby shall r�main fully effect�ve as i�na a�ce�eration had occurred. However, thzs <br /> right��reinstate shall not apply in th�cas��f accelera�ion under t�i�sec�ic�n titled Transfer of�the Pr�p�rty�r a <br /> Beneficial Ix�terest in��rrower. <br /> Ha�ardous ��hstances.�orra,urer sha�1 na�cause ar permi��he pres�nce,us�,disposal, 5�4�age, or r�Iease of ar�y <br /> Ha�zaxdous Substances on�r�n the Proper�.Borrovver shall x��t da,�ar allaw anyone e�se to da,anythir�.g a�fecting <br /> �he ProperCy that �s in violation of any Environmenta� Law. The p�ecedir�g two sen�ences shalX not apply ta �he <br /> presence,use,or storage on the Praperty of sma�l quan�ities of Haza.�-dous�ubstanc�s that are general�y r�cogn�zed <br /> to be apprapr�ate ta norma�residential use�and to ma�ntenance�f�he Proper�y. <br /> B�rrau�er shall promp�ly give Lender writ��n no�ice of any investiga�ion,claim, demand,Ia�vsuz�ar��her action by <br /> any governmen�al or regulatory agency or pri�ra�e party involving th� Pra�perty and any Hazardous 5ubsta.nce or <br /> Enviranme�.ta� La�v af which Borrovver h�s actual know�edge. �f Barrower learns, or �s notif e� by an�r <br /> governmenta� ar regulatory au�hority, that any r�moval or o�her rem�diation of any Hazardaus Substan�e a�fec�in� <br /> the Property is necessary, B�rro�v�r sha�� promp�Iy �ake a�� necessary remedzal actions �n accordan�e �wi�h <br /> Environmen�al Lavv. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are thQse substances d�fined as�ox�c or hazardous substances <br /> by Env�ronmenta� Lavv and the follouring subs�ances: gaso��n�, k�r�s�n�, other f�amrna�Ie �r tvxic petroleum <br /> pr�du�ts, tox�c pes�ic�des and herbicides, va�atile s��vents, materials car�taining asbestos or formaXdeh�de, and <br /> radioac�tive ma�eria��. As used in this paragraph, "Envir�nmenta�La��v" m.e�ns federal lavvs and Iavvs�f the state of � <br /> Nehraska tha�relate�o health,safety or environ�mental prote�tior�. <br /> Acce��rat�on; Remedies. Lender sha�� g�ve �v�ice tQ Borro�ver �r��r ��v acce�erati�n fo�Iovvi�g Borr�wer's <br /> brea�h of any��venar��vr agreement in th�s Se�ur�ty Instrum�nt�r th e�ontract under whi�h accei�rat�on <br /> i�p�rmit�ed�bu� nnt priar to a�ce�erati�x� under the 5ectifln �i�l�d Transfer flf the Property or a Be�e��Yal <br /> I�ter��t in Bo�-rflwer, un�ess App�i�ab�e La�v provides vther�vis��n The no��Ce shall spe��fy: {a� t�� def�ul�; <br /> �h} fihe acti�rn requir�d tn cur� the d�fa�lt; �c� a date, no� l�ss �ihan �he min�mum nuxn�be� o�' days <br /> established by Applicab�e La�v from the da��the notice is g��en ���orr�wer,by which the defau�t rrnu�t be <br /> cured; an� �d) that failure tQ cure th� def�ult �n or befor� th� da�e speci�ed in the notic� may ��su�t in <br /> a�celeration of the sura�5 secured by thi� ��curity Instrux�ent an� ;��le of the Property. T`� the e��ent <br /> permit�ed by�aw, the notiYce shall furth�r i�form Borrovver vf th� r�g�t�� reins�ate after acceler°ation and <br /> fhe right to br�ng a court�c�ion to as5ert the non-existenc�of a default vr any other defense of��rrvw�r to <br /> a��elerat�on a�td sale. If the default is nvt cur°ed on or bef�re the d�te �pecif�ed in �he natice,Lend.e� at�ts <br /> op�ion ma� r�quire immed�afe payment �n full �f aI� sums secured by this Security Ins�rurnent v�i�hout <br /> furth�r demarnd and may invoke the po�ver of sa�e and an� other rem�d�es perrn�tted by Applxc�b�� Law. <br /> To th� exten� perrrutted k�y �ayv, Lender sha�l b� entit�eci t� co�lec� a�Ll expenses incurred i� pursui�.g the <br /> remedies pr���ded�n �his-Sec�xon,inc�uding,but nvt l�mited��, �reasan�b�e a�torneys' fe�s and�osts�f title <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the pvwer of sa�e is xnvaked,Trustee shall record a notice af d�fa�tl.t�m each count�in yvh�ch any part of <br /> �he Praperty f� lo�ated and sha��ma�l c�p�es�f such not�ce in th��nanner prescribed by Appl�cable Lavv to <br /> Borr�wer and to the other per�ons prescribed by App�icab�� L�.w. Aft�r the tYme required by A.pp���ab�e <br /> Law, Truste� sha�l give public nvt�ce of sa�e �o �he per5ons a�d in �h�e manner prescr�bed by A,pplicable <br /> Law. Trustee,vvithout d�rnand on Borrower, shall sel�the�roper�y a�pub�ic aucti�n to �he h�ghest b�dder <br /> at the time and pla�e and under the term�s des�gn�.�ed�n th�not��e of s���e in one or mare parcels and�n any <br /> order Trustee determin��. Trustee may postpone sale vf all ur any parce� of the Property b� �ublic <br /> annvun�eme�.t at the time and p�ace of any previously scheduled sa��.�Lender or its designee�ay pur�hase <br /> �he Property at any 5a�e. <br /> Upan receip� �f pa�ment flf the pr�ce bid, "Trus�ee sha�� d�li�ver�o the purchaser Trustee's deec� �vnveying <br /> the 1'roperty. The reci�a�.s�n �he Trustee's d�ed shall be prima fac�e e�i�ence of the truth af the statements <br /> ��404-2415 CampIiance Systems,Inc,6ISA-FF4d-2415.12.3,1.1115 <br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument T3L2035 Pa�e 4 flf 5 <br />