� 2� 1 ��8344
<br /> Payment of Pr�neipal and Interest; �th�r Ch�.rges.Borrov�er sh�.��pr�rnptly pay vvhen due the principal of and
<br /> �n�erest an�h�de�b���ved under the Con�ract and lat�charges ar any o�aer�ees and charges due under the��n�ra��.
<br /> .A►.ppli�ab�� I1aw. As used in this 5ecurity �ns�rumen�, �h� �err.�. P`Appl��cable Law" shal� mean a�� �on�rolling
<br /> applicab�e federal, state and l�cal s�tu�es, regulations, ordinan�es and adxninis�ra�ive rules and orders �that have
<br /> �he effect of�a�v�as we��as al�app�icable f na�,non-appealabl�judz�ial op�nions.
<br /> Charges; I►ien�s. B�rrower shall pay a�� taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and 11T1p�51�I�115 a�.�rib�x�a.ble �a �he
<br /> �roperty whi�h may a�taxn pr�ority over this 5ecuri�y Instrumen�, ar�d �eas�haXd payments ar ground rents, if any.
<br /> At the request af L�nder,Borrovsrer shall pran�pt�y f�rn�sh to Lender receipts euidencing�he payments.
<br /> Borrawer shall promp�ly discharge any��en whi�h�as priority ov�r�his S�curity�ns�rumen�unles�Borrovaer: �a�
<br /> agrees in wri�ing �o �he pay�nen� of�he �b�iga�ion secured by the �ien zn a manner accep�able to Lender; (b�
<br /> Can�e5t5 in gO4C� faith �he �ien by, �r defend� against enf�rcement �f�he Iien �n, �egal pro�eed�ngs which �n the
<br /> Lender's opi.n��n �pera�e �o preven� the en��r��ment af the l�en; or ��} se�ures from the holder af�he 1�en an
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinat�ng�he lien t� th�s 5ecuri�y In��rument. If Lender de�ermi.n�s t�a� any
<br /> part of the Property is sub�ect t4 a lien which may a�tain priarity ��rer xh�� Security Instrument, L��der rr�ay g�ve
<br /> Borrau�er a no�ice identifying the lien. B�rr�we�-sha�� satisfy the �ien❑r tal�e�ne or more of�he ac�t�ons s�t f�r�h
<br /> above�xrithin ��days of the giving of no��c�.
<br /> Ha�ard or l�roperty Ims�xrance� Borro�rer sha��keep �he impr�v�rnents r.�ow exis�ing or hereaf�er e�ect�d on�he
<br /> Proper�y insured aga�nst Ioss by fire,hazards includ�d vv�thin the term"ext�nded coverage" and any oth�r hazards,
<br /> including flaods or flooding, for v�rhich L�nder requires insuranc�. Thi�� insurance shal� be mazn�ained in the
<br /> am�un�s and for the periads that Lender requires. T"he insuran�e carri�r pra�viding the insurance shall be ch�sen by
<br /> I3orravver subj ec� �o Lender's appr�va� wh�ch shall not be unreasonably vvithheld. �f Bvrrov�rer fai�s t� n�aintain
<br /> coverage desCrzbed abav�, Lender may, at Lender's option, ab�ain cov�:rage to pratec� Lender's r���.�s in �he
<br /> Property�n a�c���.ance vvith sec�ion ti�led Prfl���ti�n vf Lender's�ghts�n�he Property.
<br /> A►.�� insurance poX�c�e� and re�evva�s sha11 �be ac�ep�able ta Len�er and shall include a standaxd mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the righ�to hald the pol�cres and rene�t7vals. If Lender requires, Barrovver shall pr�m�tly give ta
<br /> Lend�r a��receipts�f pa�d premiums and renewal n�tices. �n the ev�n��f�.oss, Borrou�er shall g�ve pr�m.p�natice
<br /> �a the insurance carr�er and Lender.L�nder may mal�e praof o�'�ass�f n��rr�ade pramptly 1�y Borrotiv�r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bflrr�tiver a�herwise agre� �n vv�riting, insurance pr�c�eds shal� be app�ied to res��rat��n or
<br /> repair of�he P�-operty damaged, �f, �n Lender's so�e d�scre�ion, �he res�or���ion or repair is economicalXy feasibie
<br /> and Lender's securit}r is no� �essened. If, in L,�nder's sole discretio�, �he rE,s�oratzon or repair is no� economicaTly
<br /> feas�ble or Lend�r's securi�y wvu�d be�essened,the�ns�.rance proceeds shall be applied�o the sums secur�d by this
<br /> 5ecuri�y �nstrument, tivhether or not then d�e, w��h any excess pazd t� �orravver. If Borro�vver abandons the
<br /> Property, or daes na�ansvvear wi�hin the number�f days prescr�bed by Appli�able Lativ as se�farth in a nflt�ce fr�m
<br /> Lender to Barr�v5rer that�he �nsurance carr�er has off�red�o set��e a��a�m, then Lender rnay collec�th� znsurance
<br /> p�oceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair flr restare t�e Pr�p�rty o�r�o pay sums secured by this 5�cur��ty
<br /> �ns�rument,wh��her or no��hen due.The per�od of�irne for Borrflv�rer�o answer as set fflrth�n�he�a�ice wil�begxn
<br /> wh�n th�na�ice is given.
<br /> U�.less Lender and�orrower o�her�r�se agree�n wri�ing, any appl���.�ion o:f proceeds t❑pr�ncipa�shall��t e�tend
<br /> flr postpflne th� due da�e of the paymen�s due under the Con�rac�or chang��he amoun�of the payments. If under
<br /> �h� sec�ion�itled,A,.cceleration; laemedies, �h�Propert�r is acquired by Le��der, Borrawer's righ�to any insurance
<br /> pa��c�es and pr�ceeds resulting frnm damag� �o th� Prapez-ty priar �o the acquisi�ian shall pass to Ler�d�r ta �he
<br /> extent of the su�ns secured b��his 5ecurity�nstrument im�nediate�y p�ior to��e acquisition.
<br /> Pre�ervati�n, M��nte�ance and Pr�tecti�� �f �he Property; �orrov�Ter's Loan App�i�at�on; L�aS�h��ds.
<br /> Borrotiver shall nat destray, damage or impair th�Praperty, al�av�r�h�Prop��rty�o deteriara�e, or commi�wa��e an
<br /> �he Properfiy.B�rro�vsrer shal�b�i.n default�f any farfei�ure act�on or�roc�eding,whether civi�or crimi�a�,�s begur�.
<br /> �hat in Lender`s good fai�h j udgment cou�d result ix� f�rf�itur� of�h� Prop�rty or other�sr�se ma�er�a��y impair the
<br /> �ien created by this 5ecurit�r Ins�rumen� or Lende�'s security inte�est. Borr��rer m.a�r cure such a d�faul� and
<br /> reins�ate, as provided�n sect�on�itled Borro�vv�r's Right to l�einst��e, by causing the ac�ion�r proc�ed�ng�o be
<br /> dismissed wi�a.�ruling�ha.t,in Lender's gaod fai�h determinatifln,pr��lude�f�rfeiture of�he Borrower's�nt�rest in
<br /> �he �r�perty or ather material ir�pairmen� of the Iien created by thrs Se,curi�ty �nstru.men� ar Lender's s�curity
<br /> �nteres�. Borrov�er shall al�o be in defaul�if��rr�v�rcr,during the loa��pp�ica�ion pracess,gave ma�erially fa�se or
<br /> �naccura�e inforrnation or sta.tements t� L�nd�r �or fa��ed �o provide Lender �with any ma�erial �nforma�i�n3 in
<br /> cannectinn wz�h the ��an ev��enced�by�he Con�ract. �f�his S�cur��y Instru�nent is on a leaseh�l�, Borrawer shall
<br /> camp�y vSrith all�he provisior�s of�he lease. If Borr�w�r acquir�s fe��i�1e ta�he Prflperty,the Ieaseh�ld a.nd�he fee
<br /> title sha�l no�m�rge unless Lender agrees�o#�ie merger�n writi.ng.
<br /> Protection of JLender's Righ�s �n the Pr�perty. �f Borrow�� fails �o perform �he covenan�s ar�d agreemen�s
<br /> cantained in�his Securi�y�ns�rument, nr there is a Iegal praceeding tha�may signif cant�y affect Ler�der's righ�s in
<br /> the Prvperty �such as a proceeding zn banl�ruptcy, pr�bate, for conc�exnna�iox� or farfei�ure or t� er�f�r�e lativs ar
<br /> regulations}, �h�n Len�.er may do and pay for �vhatever is r�ecess�r� �� ;pr��ect the value of the Pr�per�y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the Proper�y. Lender's actions r�nay include paying any surns secured by a Iien whi�h has pr�or��y
<br /> over thls Securifiy�ns�rumen�, appearing i.n.caur�,paying reasonable at�orne:ys'fees and en�ering on�.i�Property��
<br /> make repairs.Althaugh Lender may�ake ac�ian under th�s section,Lender d�oes not have to da so.
<br /> A.�y am�un�s d�sbursed by Lender under �his se���on shall be�om.e add��ianal deb� �f B�rrower sec�.red by �his
<br /> 5ecur�ty �nstrument. Unless B�rrower and Lender agr�e �o other �erms �f paymen�, these amoun�s sha�I bear
<br /> Q 24fl4-2�15 Cam�liance Systems,In�.b t 8A-FF�d-2415.1 Z.3,t.�1 I 5
<br /> Consum�r ReaI Estate-Security Instrumer�i]3L2�36 Pa�e 2 of 5 www,campliancesyst�r�s,cvm
<br />