<br /> � 2� 1 ��8341
<br /> coII�c��he ren�s, issues, crops, profits, and income�hereof, �ncluding �hose past due and unpaid, and
<br /> apply�he same upvn any Dbliga��ons secured here�y or in the Loan ❑ocum�n�s.
<br /> d� Lender wiIi be enfiifi[ed �o a receiver to �ake immediate possession af fihe Pr�p�rty and al[ ren�s,
<br /> issues, craps, pr��i�s, and in�ome thereof,vtiri�hou�r�gard fi��he value of�he Property, or�he sufficiency
<br /> fiher�e�f�o discharge the�rus�deed d�b�and �he foreclasure cos�s, fe�s, and e�cpenses. Such recei�er
<br /> may be immed�afely appoin�ed by any court af compe�ent jurisdlc�ion upon ex parte app�ica�i�n, no�ic�
<br /> being hereby e�press�y w�l�ed and shaIl serve wi�hou� band if fihe �aw allaws. Tn� receiver v�riI! apply
<br /> all ren�s, 1S5L1�5, crops, profif�, and income of �the Property �a keep fihe same En g�vd repair and
<br /> condi�ion, pay ali�axes, ren�s, fees, charges, and assessmen�s, pay insu�ance premiums necessary�o
<br /> keep the Proper�y insured, pay the expens� of �he receiv�rship and a��rney's fees �ncurred by �he
<br /> receiver, and apply�he ne�pracee�s�a�he paymen�of�he�bliga�ions se�ured hereby. Such �eceiver
<br /> �vill ha�e all�he ofher usual powers of rece���rs aufnor�zed by law and as�h�c�urt may direcf.
<br /> e. In�he eWen�Trus�or faiIs to pay any liens,judgrnenfs, ass�ssmenfs, �axes, �ents, fe�s, or charges�r
<br /> ma�n�ain any insurance on�he Prop�rt�, �uild�ngs, fx�ures, at�achm�n�s, ar impr��emenfis as pr�vided
<br /> herein or in�he Laan Do�umen�s. Lender, a���s option, may make such paymen�s�r p�av�de insuran�e,
<br /> ma�n�enance, or repa�rs and any amoun�s paid �herefor wi�� become part af the principal �bIiga�ions
<br /> secured hereby, be lmmedia�ely due and payable and laear in�eres�afi�he d�fauI� rate pravided in �he
<br /> L�an l�vcumenfis from fihe da�e vf paymenfi unti!paid.The advancemen�by Lender of any such amoun��
<br /> will in no manner fimi��he r�ghfi❑f Lender�o deciare Tr�us�or�n defau�fi�r�x�rcise any of Lend�r's o�her
<br /> rrgh�s and r�medi�s.
<br /> f. In �he even� L�nder is a party�� any li�igation affecting�he Property or�hi��rus�deed, rncluding any
<br /> ac�ion by Lend�r�o enfar�e�his��us�deed ar any sui��n wh�ch L�nder is nam�d a defendan���nciuding
<br /> eminen�damain and laankrup���r proc�edings}, Lender may incur expen�es and advance �aymen�s for
<br /> abstract fees, a�#ar�ney's fe�s��o�he exten�aIIowed by law}, c�sfis, expenses, appraisa{fees, and a�the�
<br /> cha�ges and any amaunts so ad�r�nced �rEII �ecame �art of�he principa� �bli��tiQns secu�ed here�y,
<br /> be imm�dia�ely due and payable and bear�nteres�a��he default ra�e p���id�d in �he Laan Dacum�n�s
<br /> from the da�e of a�vance un�i1 paEd.
<br /> �� De�ay by Lender in exerc�s�ng i�s rlgh�s upon defaul�will no�be cvn��rued as a wai�er�her�of, and any
<br /> ac� �f L�nder wa�v�ng any specific defaul��nrill n�t be cons��ued as a �nraiWer of an}� fufure defauI�. If�h�
<br /> p�aceeds und�r sale ar fo�eGlosure as sefi forth abav�are insufficienfi��pay�he�otaI �b��ga�i�ns secured
<br /> hereby, Lend�r Vvi�1 be en�i�led f� a d�fici�ncy judgmenf.
<br /> 9. Any av�rards made �o Trus��r or �heir success�rs by �h� �xercise �f eminen� domain are he�eby
<br /> assigned �Q Lender; and Lender is h�reby au�h�rized to coll�c� and apply the same in pa�men� flf an}�
<br /> �ndebf�dness, ma�ure���un--mafure�, s�cur�d by this f�us�deed. Trusfior sha11 imm�dia�ely n��ify Lender
<br /> of any acfiion in eminen�domain. �
<br /> '1 fl.Tnis trus�deed c�nsfitu�es a securl�y agreemen�v�vith respec��o a�I the P��perty de�cribed herein.
<br /> 1�. No �emedy her�in canferred upon or rese�ved�o Trustee or Benef[ciary is in�ended�n be exclus�ve of
<br /> any o�her remedy herein �r by Iav�r provld�d �r permi�fed, bu�each wili be cumu[a�ive, wEII �e in addi�i�n
<br /> �o every ��her r�medy gl��n hereunder ar�nQw or hereafter e�cis�ing a�[aw ar in �quify ar by s�a�u�e, and
<br /> may be e�ercised concu�ren�ly, independently ar successively.
<br /> �12. Trus��r ackn��rledges �hat fihe du��es and vbrigafiians �f Trus��e �virl be defermined soIeI� by the
<br /> expre�s provisior�s of�his trus�d�ed Qr�h�N�b�aska Trus�❑eeds Ac�and Trus�ee w��[n�fi�e liab�e excep�
<br /> f�r th� perfarmance af such du���s and ob[igations as are sp�cifcaf�y se�forth thereEn, and no implled
<br /> co�enan�s or�bIiga�ions wi�1 be Emposed upan Trusfiee; Trustee wii[ not b� liab�e for any ac�ion b}� �� in
<br /> good faith and reasanably b�Iieved lay if �o �e au�hori�ed or within �he discreti�n or righ�s of po�rers
<br /> conferred upvn i�by�hi��rus�deed or��a�e Ia�.
<br /> '�3. The covenan�s con�ained in �his �rus� de�d wiIi be deemed t� be s�verable; in �he even� fha� any
<br /> p�rtion of�his�rus�deed Is defi�rmined�o be Woid ar unenfor�ceable, fihat defiermina�i�n irvl!! not affect�he
<br /> Waiidi�y of the r�emaining parti�ns o�th��rust d�ed.
<br /> 'I4. Trusto� hereby r�ques�s a copy of any no�i�e of defauIt or nafice of saie hereunder�� be m���ed by
<br /> certified mai[fa Trusfor a�the addres�se�fa�th h�rein.
<br /> �5.All no�ices, reques�s an� demands fio�r upon the respec�ive partles here�o to �e effec�iv�sha[1 �e �n
<br /> �rri�ing and, unle�s ofherwlse expressly provid�d herein, sha�l be deemed fia have been duly given �r
<br /> made when de�i�ered by hand, or�hree days after be�ng deposited in�h� ma�l, p�s�age prepaid, or, in�he
<br /> cas� �f de�Ev�ry by a na��ona��y recogni�ed o�ernight courie�, when receiv�d, addressed �o �ne o�more
<br /> of�he �ndividuaIs ex�cu��ng this �rus� de�d on beha�f of such parfy a��he addr�ss s��forth above, or��
<br /> such o�her address as su�h par�y may deslgna�e far its�If by iike no��ce.
<br /> App#:54'[695?', C1F#:5���4; iVo�e#:3�5G844 ���EA Legal Doc.Date:No�ember 30,2��6
<br /> FOR1V[50��,Trus�❑eed and Assignment a�Ren�s Page 6 of 8
<br />