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i <br /> � 2� 1 ��8341 <br /> any part thereof. A[I su�h sums so receiv�d by Lender�v��! be appl��d fa the�biigatian�secured hereby; <br /> or Lend�r, a�i�s opfilon, may�urn over and deliver�o Trus�ar�s} or�heir successars in in�eres�, any�r aEl <br /> of su�h sums wi�hout pr�judice fo any of Lender's r�ghts to fake and retain fu�ure sums, �nd w[�hvu� <br /> pre�udice �� any �f ��s �fher r�ghts under �his �rus� deed. This assignmen� �nri!! be cons�ru�d �o be a <br /> pr�Wisian for�he paymen��r re�uc�ian af�he �b[igafians, sub�ec��o fihe Lender's ap�ion as h�r��nbefore <br /> �rovid�d, independen��f�h��rus�deed on �he Prop�rty. <br /> Trustor and each vf them fur�her c��enants and agrees with,or cert�fjes and represents ta Lender <br /> as fol�aws; <br /> �I. Ta pay aC1 li�ns, judgmen�s, or o�h�r assessments agains� fhe Property, and �Q pay �rhen due a�I <br /> assessmen�s,tax�s, ren�s, u��i[ties,fe�s, charges or en�umbrances upon fhe Property or under any[ease, <br /> permi�, licens�, o�privilege ass�gn�d�o Lender as addEfiion�l securi�y fo�his��usf deed, Encluding�hose in <br /> or an public domain. <br /> � 2. Ta rnsure an� keep insured ail build�n�s and ��her impravements, including f�x�ures and attachmen�s <br /> naw on ar hereafter placed on�he ReaI Pr�perty fo�he safiisfacfion of Lender, Such Ensuranc�v�r�1I�an�a�n <br /> an endorsem�nfi shawing Lender as Ben�fc[ary. �n demand, T�us�orv�riIi furni�h said poIicies or proof of <br /> insurance t� Lende�and �h� insurance carrier sha[E be sa�isfa��o�y�o Lender. T�us�or shal� give�w�itten <br /> not�ce �� �ender immedia�ely �f any cIaim or loss. Any sum� sa received by Lender may be appiied in <br /> paymen�of any ma�ured or unmafiured �bliga�ions s�cured �y�hrs�rust deed, ar afi�he ap�ion of Lender <br /> may be used fo pay far r�c�ns�ructi�n af the des��oyed �mprovemen��. Such insuranc� wilI be in an <br /> amaun� a� leas� equal �a �h� less�r �f�he loan ba[ance, �he ac�uaI cash valu� of�he P�oper�y, or �he <br /> r�placemen�cos#of�he Praperty, and w�lI a�a minimum, cover losses caused by fir�, l�gh�ning, expIosion, <br /> riot, air�raf�, vehrcles, Wandalism, civi[ cammo�ron, smoke, w�nds�orm, and hail. Trus�or v�riI! obtain and <br /> keep flaod insuranc� in force�a co�rer Iosses by fCo�d as r�quired by Lender and �y�he Nafiiona[ Fload <br /> Insurance Ac� vf �958, as am�nded, and �y regulafiions implemen�ing �he same. Trust�r fur�her agrees <br /> fha� Lende�2� not and �ri1l no� be �iabl�for any faiiure �y Trustor ar by any insure�, for wha�eW�r reason, <br /> �o ob�ain and k��p�his insurance in farce. Trus��r shall grve wr�tten na�i���a Lender�mm�diafiely of any <br /> cancella��an, �ermination or ma�erial modifica�ran of any such insuranc�. �f Trus�or fatIs fo ma�n�ain �he , <br /> coverage described ab�ve, Lender may, a�Lend�r's�p�l�n, a��ain cover��e�� pr�tec�Lend��'s righ�s in <br /> fihe Property ac�ord�ng to fih�terms of this�rus�deed. <br /> 3. To keep a11 buxldings, fix�ures, at�achmen�s, and a�her impro�emen�s now on ar hereafter ��a��d an <br /> �he Real Prop�rty occupied and in g��d repair, main�enanGe, and candi�ian and to n�i�h�r commi� nor <br /> permi� any acfs af v�ras�e ar any impairm�n� of�he va�ue of �he Proper�y. Trus��r shai! n�� remo�� ar <br /> demolish any improvemen� �nr��hou� prior wri�en appr�val of �he Lender. Trust�r shaii g�We imm�dia�e <br /> no�lce �� Lender of any mafierial dama�e t� or constructian on or reEafed to any af�he Pr�perty. Lender <br /> may en�er upon the Rea[ P�operty�o in�pect fhe same or�o perform any ac�s au�horized herein or in �he <br /> Loan Docum�n�s. Any InspectEons, r�p�r�s or samp[es conduc�ed by Lender shai[ be f�r fiheir �wn use <br /> and ben�fi�, and L�nder shalI nof be �e�uir�d fio disclase fhe re�ulf� �f any inspec�ions�o Trusto�for any <br /> reas�n, regardless of whe�he�L�nder ha�dane s�an any o�her accasian un�ess Lender agrees�o d�so <br /> �n a separa�e writing. Trus�ar is �esponsibie far monitar�ng, preservin� and inspec�ing fihe Proper�y <br /> indep�ndent�y- of Lender, �nd Lender makes nQ r�presenfia�Ran, s�atemen� or warran�y regarding �he <br /> accu�acy of any insp�c�ion, r�p�rts or sta�emen�s rela�ed �o �he Pr�per�}�'s condi�Eon, auan�i�y, ar qua[�fiy <br /> of any na�ure, and Trus��r agrees ifi shaIl na� rely upon s�a�emen�s reIa�ed �here�a made by a <br /> representa�iv�vf Lender. <br /> 4. That Tru�tar is, and sha�� con�inue �o be, duly �rganized, validIy exis�ing and legally qualified �o do <br /> �usiness under�he raws of fhe sta�es in which Trus�Qr operates, in compl�ance wi�h fede�al, s�a�e and <br /> i��a� [aws ar regula�i�n�, and ha�e Iegal aufihorl�y in such�fia�es�o conduct Trus�or'�bus�ness opera��ons <br /> and �o awn agricuItural rea[ es�afe. N❑ �hange has b�en mad� in �he name, av�rnership, confr�l, <br /> rela�ionship, legal s�afius, or organi�a�ional and f�rmafii�n da�umen�s of any undersigned s�nce the ��me <br /> any such inf�rmafiion�nras las�pravided�o Lende�.Any bo�r�v�rrng res�lu�ian ar sim�la�documen�p�ov�ded <br /> �a�he Lender, whe�her�n Lender's form ar��hen�vise, has be�n ex�cu�e� hy a��thas�wi�h an avtirr�er�hip <br /> interes�in �he Trus�or's en�i�y and such designa�ed signor as sefi farth �n �he b�rrowrng re�a�ufiion is duly <br /> auth����ed ta ex�cu�e any and all Loan Documen�s on ��ha1f the en�ifiy, in��uding �his�rus�deed. <br /> �R AII knQwn saurces of ex�s�in� or po�enfiial environm�n�al c�nfamina�ion �n or n�ar any Rea� Property <br /> ovtirned ar�p�rafi�d by Trus�ar has b�en fu11y disclosed t� Lender; the opera��vns vf Trus��r c�mpIy, and <br /> App#:54�G957; CIF#:55��4; I�ate#:3�5�844 20�EA Legal Doc.❑ate:Navember 3D,���G <br /> F�RII!!5�'['�,Trus�❑eed and Assignmen�af Ren�s Page�of 8 <br />