� 2� 1 ��8337
<br /> Transfer Qf the Prflpert�Qr a Bene�cial Interest in.Borro�wer.If aI1�r any part�f�he Propert��r�.n�interest
<br /> in i� is sald �r transferred �or if a benef czal �n�erest zn Borro�vcr is sold or transferred and Borr�w�r is no� a
<br /> riatura� pers�n} u�ithaut Lender's prior writ�en cansent, Lend�r may, a� zt� op�i�n, require immediate paym�nt in
<br /> fu1l of alI sums secured �y this Secu.rifiy �ns�rien�. Hovvever, this ap�ion sha�1 not b� �xercised b� ��nder if
<br /> e�ercise�s prohi�ite�by federa��avv as of�he�a�e�f�his SecL�r�ty I�strument.
<br /> �f Lender �xercise� �his ap�ifln, L�nder shal� give B orrawer n���c� of a�c��eration. The notice shall pravide a
<br /> period of no� �ess �han �he minimum nu.mber nf days es�abli�hed by App�.icabl� Lavv frorn the d�.te �he no�ice is
<br /> del�vered ar mailed v�rithin which Borrourer must pay al� sums sec�red b.� this Secur�ty Ynstrument. �f�orra�crer
<br /> fails ta pay these sums pr�or t� t.h.e expiration of�his period, Lender may invoke any remedies perr�itt�d by th�s
<br /> 5ecuri�y Ins#�ru.ment wi�haut further n��ice�r demand on B�rrower.
<br /> Borrawer's I�.i�ght �o Re�nstate. If Borrower �neets certain cond�tians, Borrovver sha�� ha�re the righ� �o have
<br /> enforcement of�h�s �ecur�ty�nstru7ment discon�inued at any time pri�r�o the earlier af: �a} 5 days ��r such�ther
<br /> period as App�icab�e Law may specify for reinst�tement}before sal� ❑f the Proper�y pursuant to ax�y po�t7ver af sale
<br /> can�ained in �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�; or �b} �ntry af a judgmen� enfe�rcing th�s Secur�ty Instrurn�n�. Those
<br /> candit�ons are tha�Borro�ver: �a} pays Lender aIl sums vvh�c]h th�n vv�uld be due under this 5ecu.rity �ns�-umen�
<br /> arzd�he Con�ract as if no accelera�i�n had occurr��l; �b� cures any de�ault o�any other covenants or agre�rne�.�s; �c}
<br /> pays all expe�ses incurred iva enforcing this Security Instrument,inc�udir�g,but nat�imi�ed to,reasonab�e at��rneys'
<br /> fees tv th� ���ent perm�tt�d by�aw; and�d} takes such action as Lender may reasonably require�o assure�hha�fhe
<br /> �ien Qf this 5ecurity Instrument, Lender's rights in the Pr�pert:y and�3orro��er's ob�iga�ian to pay the sums secured
<br /> by �hzs Secur�t�r�nstrument shall continue unchanged. IJpon�e�nstatem�nt by Borrower, this 5ecuri�y Ins�rument
<br /> and �he ab�igations secured hereby sha�l remain fu1�y effec��ve as if no acceleration had accurred. Ho�►�v�ver, �his
<br /> r�ght to reins�a�e shali not apply in the case of acceleration under th�sect�on ti�Ied Transfer of�he Prfl��rty�r a
<br /> I3enef��ia1 Interest in Barrower.
<br /> Ha�ardous Su�stances.Borrvvver shall no�cause ar permit t:he pre�ence,use,dispasal, s�orage, or rel�ase of an�
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in the Praperty.�orrower shall not do,n�r al�ovv anyone else�n do,anyt�ing affect�ng
<br /> the Property �ha� �s in viala�ion of any Envir�nmen�al LaW. The precedir�g tvva ser�tences shall �ot ap�aly ta �h�
<br /> presence,use,or storage an the Pr�perty of sma��quanti�i�s�f Hazardous�ubs�ance��hat are genera��y��ecognized
<br /> to be apprflpriate�o normal residential uses and�fl xnaintenanc�of�h�Prop�rty.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promptly give Lender wri�t�n no�ice af any invest�ga�ian,c�az�n, demand, lav�rsuit or ot�er actian by
<br /> an� go�ernm�n�al or regulat�ry agency or private party invo:lving the Property and an�r Hazardaus SU.bs�ance or
<br /> Environmenta� Law �f which Borrovver has ac�t�.a� knovvledge. �f �3orr�wer learns, or is no�if�d by any
<br /> governmenta�or regu�a�ory authority, �hat any rernoval �r other rem�d�a�iom�f any Hazard�us Subs�ar�ce affec�ing
<br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, Barrower shal� pr�mp�ly �ake �l� necessary rem�d�ai actians in acc�rc�an�e vvi�h
<br /> Environmenta�Law,
<br /> As use�in this paragraph, "�Iazardous Substanc�s" are�h�se subs�ance� d�f ned as�ox�c or ha�ardous substances
<br /> by E�.v�ronmenta� La,t7v and �h.e fal�a,t�ring st�bstances: gasoline, k�r�sene, other flammab�e ar �ox�c ��tra�eum
<br /> praducts, toxic pes�icides and herbicides, �fllati�� solvents, materials cor�tain�.ng asbest�s Qr f�rma�d��yde, and
<br /> rad�oa��ive rr�ateria�s. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Environmental La�v" means federal laws and�avvs�f�h� sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�a�e�o hea��h,safety ar envir�nrnental pro�ection.
<br /> A�ceieration; Remed�es. Lender shall ��ve no��c� to Borr��ver �r�[�r 1�o acce�erati�n following �orrovver's
<br /> breach of any ca�enant flr agreement in th�s Secur�ty Instrurn�nt�r the Contract under whi�h�cc���rat�fln
<br /> �s p�rmi�ted �bu� na�prior�o acceleration under the se�tion t��I��Tra.nsfer of the Property�r a�e�.e��ia�
<br /> Int�rest in B�rrovver, uniess Applicabl� Law provides atherw�s��a The not�ce 5ha�i specify: ��} the defauit;
<br /> (b� the act�o� required to cure �he d�fauit; (�} a da�e, not �ess t�an �he m�nimum numbe�r o� days
<br /> esta�lished�y Applicable La�v from th�date�he notice is g��e�t��or�rower,by which the defaul�t rr�u5t be
<br /> cur�d; and �d} that fafiure to cure the defau�t on �r befare �h� da�e spec�fied in the not�ce may �esult �n
<br /> a�ceXeratian af the sums secured by this S�curity Instr�n�ent and :�a�e of �he Property. Tv the exten�
<br /> permit�ed by�aw, th� na��ce sha��furt�er infvrm Borrov+�Pr vf the ��g�ht tfl reinstate af�er acceierat��n and
<br /> �he rfght ta bring a�ourt ac�ian to ass�r�the nanwexisten��of a defaul�ar any vther defense of��rrower to
<br /> acceleration a�d sal.e.If the defau�t is nv� �ured on ar before th� d��� specified�n �he natice,Lender at��s
<br /> �ption may r�qu�re �mmed�ate payment ir� ful� of a�I sums seeured by �h�� Security Instrum�r�t v�vi��hout
<br /> fur�her demaa�d and may invoke th� po�v�r of�a�e and any �ther remed�es permitted by Appli��b�� Law.
<br /> To �he ex�ent pernutted by law, Lender shal� be ent�tled to c��lec� a�I. �xpenses in�urred ir� pur5u�ng the
<br /> remedie5 pr�v�ded in th�s Section,includ�ng,but not�imited to,�reasvn.ab�e attorneys' fees and��st5�f�itle
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the�oyver of sai�is�nvoked,Trustee shall recard a noti{ce �f defau�t in each coun�y in which an�par��f
<br /> �he Property�s lo�ated and shal�mail �opies af such na�i���n th��nan��er prescrib�d by App��cabie I�aw ta
<br /> Borrodver and to the other pers�ns pre�cribed by Applic�.�le L�w, A�'ter the �ime required by.A�pp�icable
<br /> Law, �Cruste� shall give public notice vf�ale ta the per�ons and in t�i�e manner pres�rxbed by A�pp��cable
<br /> Layv.Tru��ee,v�vithout d�mand an B�rr�v�ver, sha��se�I th�Pr���r�y a�pubiic aucti�n t�the h�gh�st bidder
<br /> a��he�ime and p�aCe and under the tern�s deS�gna�ed in�h�noti�e of sale in one or more par�el�and�n any
<br /> ord�r Trus��e deterrrunes. Trustee may ��5�pone sale of all �r an�� parcel of the Propert� lb� pub�ic
<br /> a�n�un�eme�t at the tin�e and place of�ny pre��usly sch�du�e�sal�.�Gender or�ts designee may�urchase
<br /> �he��rop�rty at any 5a�e.
<br /> Upvn re�ei.pt �f payment�f the price b�d, 'I'`rus�ee shal�. de�iv�r t� the purchas�r Trustee's d�ed ��nweying
<br /> �he�r�perty.�'he recitaXs in the TruStee's de�d shall�e prima facie evidence flf�h�tru�th of th�5tat�men�s
<br /> fl 2444-2fl�5 Compiiance Systems,Fnc.618A-EE3D-2a15.12.3.1,1115 �
<br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate-Secu�ty I�strument DL�435 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.corri
<br />