2� 1 ��8337
<br /> �aymen�of 1'rin��pal and Inter�s�; �ther Charg�s.�3orrourer sha�l pr�nzp�l�pay vvhen due tihe princ�pal flf and
<br /> in�erest on�he deb�owed under the Con�rac�and la�e charges or any��her fees and charges due und�r th��vn�rac�.
<br /> Appli�ab�e L�w. As used in �his 5ecuri�y Ir�s�rument, the term "App���ab�e Law" shall mean aI� contro�xing
<br /> appli�able fed�ra�, state and 1oca1 s�a�u�es, regulatians, ordinance� and ad�zunis�ra�ive rules and orders ��ha�ha�re
<br /> the effec�of Ia��v�as vvell as a1I applicable fn�.l,non-appealable judicial opi3�ions.
<br /> � Charges; I1��ns. Borrovver shall pay a�� tax�s, ass�ssments, charges, f�r�es and imposi�ions attxi�utable �o the
<br /> Praperty vvhi��may attain pri�rity over this Security Yns�rument, and�easeha�d paymen�s ar grflund re�ts, if any.
<br /> At�he request of Lender,Borrow�r shall pramptly furn�sh�o Lender receipl.s ev�dencing the payments.
<br /> B�rro�ver sha1�pr�mp�ly discharge any I�er�vcrhi�h has priority aver this S��urity Instrument unless Borr�vver: �a}
<br /> agrees �n writing ta th� paymen� of th� obligat�on s��ured by th� l�en ir� a rnanner a�cep�ab�e to Lender; �b}
<br /> c�ntests in go�d fa�th the lzen by, or �efex�ds agains� enforc�ment �f the l�en in, legal procee�in�s w�.zch �n the
<br /> Lend�r's opin��n aperate tfl pre�rent �he enforcement of the �i�ri; �r �c} �ecures from the halder of th� ��en an
<br /> agreement sa�isfactory�o Lender subardinating the lien�a th�s 5ecuri�y�n�,�ru.men�. �f Lender�e��rmin�s that any
<br /> par�of the Property is sub�ec��o a lien which rr�ay at�a�n pr��rity ouer thi, Security Ins�rumen�, Lende�may g�ve
<br /> �orxo�ver a no�zce zdentifying the l�en. Sorr�Uver sha1� satisfy�he iz�n or t�ke one or mor� flf the �.ctions set f�r�h
<br /> abo�e within 1�d�ys of t�e giving flf natice.
<br /> IIa�ard or Property Insurance. Borrovver sha��l�eep the improver�aents r�ow ex�st�ng or hereafter erected�n�he
<br /> Property insured aga�nst loss by f re,hazards in�Iuded wi�hin the term"ext�nded coverage'f and an�oth�r hazards,
<br /> inc��ding fl��ds or fl�odxng, for �rhich Len�er requires insurance. Thi� �nsurance shall be main�ained in �he
<br /> am�un�s and f�r�he per�Qds tha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing�he insurance sha�1 be chosen�y
<br /> Bar�flvaer subject �o Lender's apprflva� which shall not be unreasonab��y wi�hheld. If Borr�wer fail� tfl main�ain
<br /> coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, ob�a�n cov�;rage ta pratect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Praperty in acc�rdance vv�th secti�n t�tled l�rvte�tion of Lend�r'S�ght�i��the Property.
<br /> AI1 insurance po��c�es and renev�als sha�1 be acceptable �o Lender and sha�� include a standard mortg�.ge clause.
<br /> Lender shall have�he r�ght��hold the policies and renewals. �f Lender re�uires, Borrovver shall promptly give�o
<br /> Lender a�I rece�pts of paid premiums and ren�v�ral no�ices. In�he ev�nt of loss, Borro�ver s�.a�x giv�pro�xapt nat�ce
<br /> ta the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may�nake proof o�lass if not made promp�ly by Borrotiver.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrotiver atherwise agree in wri�ing, insurance praC�eds sha1� be applied �o res�aratian or
<br /> repair of the Pr�per�y damaged, �f, in Lender's �o1e discretion, �he restara��ti�n or repair is economica��y feasible
<br /> and Lender's security�s n��lessened. If, in Lender's so�e discr�t�on, the restorat�on ar repair is nflt ecor��mica�I�
<br /> feasibie or Lender's security ujould be lessened,t�e znsuxance pr�ceeds shal�be app�ied t�the sums secured by�his
<br /> Se�urity Ynstrument, whether or n�t �hen due, wi�h any ex�ess paid ta J�flrra�er. If B�rrower a�bandans the
<br /> Property, or does�ot azasv�er wi�hin the number of days prescri�ed by Appli�able Law as se�for�h i.n.a no�i�e from
<br /> Lender to B�rr�vver�hat the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, �hen Lender may co��ec�the in�urance
<br /> prac�eds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restar� �he Pro�ert� c�r�o pay sums secured by�his Se�urity
<br /> �nstarument,�vhether or na��hen due.The per�ad af�ime for BorroWe���an��rer as se�for�h in�he nu�ice vtrill begin
<br /> vvhen�he�.otic�is given.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower ot.�ierwise agree �n tivriting, any appli�a�ion o:E proceeds tfl principal �ha�l not extend
<br /> flr postpone t�e due da�� of the payments due ur�der the �antract or chang��he amflun�of the paymenta. �f under
<br /> the secti�n�it�ed A.�celeration; Remedies, �.he Property is acquired by L��zder, B�rrower's r�ght to any insuranc�
<br /> pol�cies and praceeds resu��ing from damage �o the Proper�y pri�r to the ac�uisi�ian shall pass �a Ler�der �o the
<br /> ex�en�of the suxns secured by this 5ecurzty�ns�rument irnmedza�ely pri�r�a the acquis�ti�n.
<br /> Preser�ation, Mazntenance and Prvtec�ion vf �he Proper�y; �Qrrov�Ter's Loan .A►pplicat�on; L�as�ho�ds.
<br /> Borrovver shal�no�des�r��, damage or impair th�Proper�y, a�I�w�he Property to deteriorate, ar com�nit�rvas�e an
<br /> the Property.B�rr�Wer shall be in defaul�if any forfeiture ac�ir�n or proceeding,whether civ�l or crim�inal,is begun
<br /> tha�in Lender'� good faith judgment cou�d result in farfe��urc �f�h� Prop�r�y �r o�herv�ise ma�erially ir�pair tihe
<br /> �ien created by �his 5ecuri�y �nstrumen� or Lender's securi��r interes�. B�rrow�r may �ure such a d�faul� and
<br /> reinstate, as provided in sec�ion ti�led Borrg�v�r's l�ght to l�e�nst�te, by causing�.he ac�ion or pr�ceedin��o be
<br /> dismissed�with a ruling tha.�,in Lender's g�od fai�h det�rmination,pr�c�ude�forfei�ur�of the Borro�ve�-'s in�eres�in
<br /> �he Proper�y or o�her materia� impairment of the lien created by �his Security �nstru.m�nt ar L�nder°s s��urity
<br /> �nterest.Borrovver sha1�alsa be in default�f Borrower,during�he I�an applica��on process,gav�materially false or
<br /> znac�urate inf�rmation �r statements to L�nder tor failed to prov�de Len.der wi�h any ma�eria� infarma�ion} �.za.
<br /> cannec�ion w�th the l�an evidenced by the �ontract. If this Secur�ty�nstxu�ment is an a leaseh��d, B�rr��r�r shal�
<br /> camp�y with all the prov�s�ons vf the lease.If B��r��ver acquir�s fee�it�e��the Praperty,the lea�eho��and the fee
<br /> tit�e sha�l not m�rge un�ess Lender agrees t��he�x�,erger in writ�ng.
<br /> Proteetion of Le�der'� R�ghts �n the Praper�y. If Borrower fai�s �o perform the ca�enants and agreements
<br /> cont�ined in�his 5ecur�ty Insfirumer��, or there is a 1ega1 proceeding that�na.y s�gnificantly affec�Lend�r's r��hts in
<br /> the Proper�y �such as a praceeding in bax�l�ruptc�, probate, far cond�mna�ion ar forfeiture flr ta enf�rce lau�s or
<br /> regulations}, th�n L�nder may do and pay f�r wha�ever is ne�essary �o prot�ct �he va�ue of the �raperty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Property. Lender's ac��ans ma�r inc�ude paying any su�ns�ecured by a lien urh�ch has priflrity
<br /> over�his Securi�y Instrument, appearing in���,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering an th��roperty t�
<br /> make repairs.A�though Lender may take ac��on under t�is sec�i.an,L�nder does no�have to da so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his sec�ion sha�I bec�me ad�ii�ional deb� �f Borrov�er secur�d by this
<br /> Se�urxty Ins�rumen�. Unless Barrower and Lender agree �o other tern�s ��f paymerit, �hese amoun�s sha�� bear
<br /> Q 20a4-2415 Compliarice Systems,Tnc.fi I SA-EE3D-2�I5,I2.3,1.1115
<br /> Cans�tmer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e Z of S ww�•.carnpliancesystems.�am
<br />