2� 1 ��833�
<br /> TransfQr af�he Praperty or a I3ene�c���I�n�ere5t�rn Lvrrorv�r.If a11 ar any part�f the Property or any in�eres�
<br /> �n i� is sold or transferred �ar if a benef���al. interest in Borro,wer z� s��d or transferred and Barrov�rer �s nat a
<br /> natural person} withaut Lender's pria�-vvri�t��� c�nsen�, Lender may, a� its optzon, requzre �mmedxate payment in
<br /> fu�� of aX� sums secured by this Sec�ri�y Instru�nent. Ho•�ev�r, this �ption sha�l n�t be exerci�ed by Lender xf
<br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federal law as flf the da�e of�his Security�nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises this opt�on, Lender sha�:� g�ve Borra�er notice of acceleration. The r�o�ice sha11 provide a
<br /> per�od of not less than �he minimum number af days est�.blxs�ed b� App�xcab�e La� �rom the date the �oti�e is
<br /> del�ver�d or mailed uvi�hin whi�h Borro��r �nust pay al� sums se�ured by this Securi� �nstrument. �f Borr�wer
<br /> fails �o pay these sums pr�or �o th.e expira�io�� of�his period, Lender may invake any remed�es p�rm��ted by �his
<br /> Secur�ty�ns�rumen�v��ithout fur�her notic�ar c�emand on B�.�rr�vver.
<br /> �3orrower's Righ� to F�einS�a�Qo If B�rrov�,��ar m.ee�s �er�ain condi�ions, Borrower s:hal� have the right �o have
<br /> enf�rcement of t�.�s �ecurity Instrument discc�ntinued at any tzme pr�or�o the earlier c�f: �a� 5 day� ��r such other
<br /> per�nd as Applicable La�r may speci�ffl�-rez�zs��.�ement���fore sale af the Praperty p��rsuant�o a�.y power of sale
<br /> contained in �hi� Se�urity rns�ruxnen�; ar �:�f} �ntry of a judgmer�t enforc�ng th�s �ecur��y �nstrument. Those
<br /> conditz�ns are that B orr�wer: �a} pays Lex�.�.��r a�1 sums which then wouid b� due under�h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�
<br /> and the��ntract as if no acce�era�ion laad occ��rr�d; �b� �ures any default of a�ay o�her covenants or agreement�;�c}
<br /> pa�s aI�exp�nses incurred in enf�rcing thzs SE�curz�y Ix�strument, in�Iuding,but n�t 1im�ted��,reas�nab�e a��orneys'
<br /> fees�o �he ex�ent perrnitted by 1a�r; and �d} t��kes such act��n�s Lemder may reasonal�ly require to assure that the
<br /> �ie�of thxs Security�nstrument, Lender's righ�rs i�the�'ro��rty a�.d Borrower's obligat�on�o pay�he sums secured
<br /> by �his Secu.rzty �ns�rument shall con�inue u�.��hanged. Up�.�n r�insta�ement by Borrower, �his Security Instrumen�
<br /> and the n�ligat�ons secured hereby shall rem,�.�n fully effe�tive as if no ac�e�era��on h.�.d occurred. �owe�er, this
<br /> right to re�ns�ate shall not apply�n�he case��f'ac�el�ra�i�n under�he sec�ion�i�led Tran�fer af�h�Property o�-a
<br /> I�enef���al In�er�s�in Eorrower.
<br /> �Ia�ardaus Suh�t�nceso Barrower sh�l�n�t c ause or p�r�mi��he presence,use, disp�s��l, storage, �r relea�e af any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,on or in�he Property.F�or�-ower sha��not do,nor al1�w any�ne else�o do,any�h�ng affe�ting
<br /> the Pr�per�y �hat is i� v�a�at��n of any Envi�flnmenta� La�v. The preceding �wo sen��;nces �hal� �ot apply �o the
<br /> presen�e,use,or storage on the Property of sraxal�quantitie�of Hazardous Subs�ances t17at are generally recognxzed
<br /> to be appropriate to norma�res�dential uses�d to ma�n�enance of the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promptly give Ler�der�rrztten���tzce�f any investigat��n,c�aim,demand,1a�w�ui�or o�h.er act�an by
<br /> any go�ernmen�al or regulatory ��ency or�r�vate party involving �he Proper�y and an��azardous Substance or
<br /> Environme��a� Law of which �.3orrower h��s actua� kn��wledge. �f Borrower lea�rns, ar zs notified by any
<br /> govern�nen�al nr regulatory autharzty, tha�any rem�vaX ar��her rem�diatian af any Haz�rdous Substance affe�ting
<br /> the Proper�y is necessar�, Borro�er sha11 ��r�mpt�y �a�e a�� nec�ssary remed�a� G�ctions �n a�cordan�e vv�th
<br /> Enviranmenta�Law.
<br /> A�used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are those substa�ces def ned as to:xzc ar hazard�us substances
<br /> by Enviranmental Law and the fol�owing s��bstances: gGs�Iine, ker�sene, ather flan�mable or �ax�c petro�eum
<br /> produc�s, t�x�c pes�icides and h�rbicides, v��atz�e solvents, mater�a�s containing asb�stos or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad�oactive mater�als. A�used zri�his paragr�.�fh, "Environmen�al Law" means federa�l.aws and laws af the sta�e of
<br /> Nebras�a�hat rela�e to h�a�th,safety or en�ir�nmental prot�ction.
<br /> Acce�erat�un; iZem�dae�. Lender sh��� g�ve nmtice �o F�rrovWer pri�r �o ac�elera���or� following �orrov�er's
<br /> brea�h of any co�enan�:or agre�men�in thi.s Security I�.str�umen�or�he Co�trac�unc�er which ac�el�ra��on
<br /> ��permitted �bu�n��pr��r �o a�ce��rat�an u��er the s�ctiam ���Ied Transfer of�hEe Property or a �e�e�c�al
<br /> Interest�n �orrflw�ry un�ess Applicab��L-a;�r�v prov��es v�h�rv�ise). The no�i�e �h�ll spe��fy: (a} th� defau�t;
<br /> �b} the act�vn requi�-ed t� cu�e the �efau��; �c} a c�ate, not l�ss �han the mi��mum number of days
<br /> e5ta�li�hed by�pp��cabl�Law fram th�date�he notice is given �v�3orrower,�y�wh��h the default mu��be
<br /> cured; and �d} �hat failure to �ure th� d���au�� on �r I��efore �he date spec�fied �x� the mo�ice ma� resu�t in
<br /> acc��ex°ation af �he suxns secu�°ed by ��is Securi�y In�trumen� and sale vf the Pro�er�y. To the extent
<br /> permit�ed b�Iavv, �lhe nm�xce shall furth�r inf�rm I3orr��vv�r of th� r�gh� �� reinsta�e after acceleratian and
<br /> the righ�t❑bring a cour�action ta assert�r�e n�n�:�xi5�ence�f a c�efau���r any oth.er defense of Borraw�r to
<br /> acc�iQrat�on and sa�e. If the default is �ot��ured on ar befvre th�dat� spe��fied i�n �he no�ice,Lender ai��ts
<br /> �pt�on may require ��nrnrnmedia�� paymen� i�i f�u�� ❑f aIl sum� secured by this Se��rity Instrumen� withou�
<br /> fur�her dem�.nd and xr�.ay in�oke the p�we r �f saie and any fl�h�r remedies pernr���ted by A�p��cable Law.
<br /> To the extex�t p�rmi��ed b� �avw, Lend�� �l�ali be ent�t�ed t� cailect a�Z expenses �ncurred �n pursuing �he
<br /> remed�es provided in ���i�Se����n,�nc�ud�n;;, but not linute�d ��, reasonabie attarn�ey�' fees a�d co��s af fitle
<br /> ev�den�e.
<br /> If�h.e power af�a�e is invo�ed,Tru�te� �h��� re�ord. a n�txce of d�fau�t�n each co��ty�n which a�y par�of
<br /> �he PrQperty�5 located and shali m�ii��p�e�5 nf such n�tice in �h�manner prescrx�bed by Applicab�e La�to
<br /> �3orrov�er and t� �hQ oth.er per�ons pre�cri:be� b� App��cab�e L�.�vv. .After the ��nr�e required by Ap�licabie
<br /> Law, Trustee �ha�� giv� pub��c no�i�e af����� ta the per�ons and in �he m�nner ��escr�bed by Ap��ic�b�e
<br /> Law. Truste�i w�thout�em�.nd �n �arravr�f�r, �ha��sel� the Prop�r�y ati public auet�an t��he hi�hest bidder
<br /> at�he��me and��ac�an�un�er the#erm.s cles�gnated�n the n�tice of sa�e�n one o.r mare parcels��d in any
<br /> order Trustee de�ermin�s. Trustee m�y �f�s�pone saie o� ali vr an� parc�l of �he Proper�y by pubiic
<br /> annauncement at the t�me�nd p�ace of an�y pre�iously s�heduled saie.Lender�r it�des�gnee may purchase
<br /> the Pr�perty a��.n�sal�.
<br /> Upon r°ece�p� of pa�ment of the price bid, 'Trus�ee shall deli�er �o �he pur�has�r Trus�ee's deed �onve�ing
<br /> the Prvperty. The r�cital5 ir� �he TruS�ee's�ie�d sha�� be pr�ma fa�xe evidence of the truth of�he��a�ements
<br /> t�?2�D�-2��5 Garnptiance Systems.Inc.�l 8A-083E-2D t�.t?.3.i.1]1 S
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secu�-aty Inst�vment DL?D�b Pa�e 4 af� w���r�.campIiancesysterns.corn
<br />