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2� 1 ��833� <br /> Pa�ment of Principal an�In��r�st; �ther[.harge5.Borrower shall promp�ly pay w�hen due�he�rincipal of and <br /> �nterest on�he debt owed under the�ontract and late charges or any other fees and cha�rges due unc�er�he Contract. <br /> Ap�licable Law. As used in �his S�curit� Instrument, the �erm "1�.pp��cab�e Lavv" �ha�� mean a�� contrfl��zng <br /> app��cab�� federa�, state and �ocal sta.�u�es, regulatians, �rdinances ar�d admin�strative��es and orders ��hat have <br /> the effect of�aw}as well as all ap�licable final,nan-app�a�ab�e jud�czal opznzons. <br /> �harg�s; Liensa Borrovver sha�l pay a��, assessments, charges, fines and imposi�ions attx�ibutab�e to the <br /> Proper�y wh�ch may a�t�in priorrty o�er�his ��ecuri�y�nstrument, and ��aseho�d paym��.�s or gr�u�.d rer�ts, if any. <br /> At�he request af Lender,Barrower sh�11 prorr►pt�y furnish tfl L�nder rece�p�s e�r�dencxng�he paymen�s. <br /> ��rr�wer sha11 promp�ly discharge any��en v�hzch has pri�rity over t�is Security Instrurraent un�ess Borrov�er: �a} <br /> agree� zn wr�t�ng ta the payment of the obl:iga�ion secured by the �i�n �n a manner acceptable �o L�nder; �b3 <br /> cantes�s �n gaod fai�h the �ien by, or defend�} against enf�rce�nent of the Iien in, 1�gal proceedings which in the <br /> ]Lender�s �p�n�on operat� �o prevent �he enf�}rc�ment of�he ��en; ar �c} secures from the holder of�he �ien an <br /> agreement satisfac��ry�o Lender subord�na�zz�g the �ier��� this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt. �f Lender determ�nes that any <br /> par�of�he Proper�y �s s�xb�ect to a lier�whzc��may at���n priorzty over this Security Ins�rumen�, Lender zr�ay give <br /> �3orrower a nfl�ice ident�fying �he �xen. �orrfl,�ve�shal� satzsfy�he �ien or�ake nne ar r�.ore of the ac�ions set for�h <br /> above�uithxn 1.�days of the g�ving of n�tice. <br /> �Ia�ard ar Property Ix�surance. B�rrovver s:hal�keep the impr�vemen�s na,w existzng� or hereafter erected on�he <br /> ]Proper�y��asured against�ass by fire,ha�ards:�nc�uded within�the�erm"ex�ended coverage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> �nc�ud��g flaods or floodzng, for whi�h Ler.�der requires �ns�rance. This insurance sha11 be maintained �n the <br /> amaun�s and for�he periods that Lend�r requzres. The insur�.nce carrier providing the��asura�.ce shal�be ch�sen�y <br /> Barrou�er subjec� t� Lender's approval whic�� s�.al� not be unreason�bly vvithheld. If�3orravver fails to maznta�n <br /> caverage descrzbed above, Lend�r may, at L�nder's op�i�n, �btair� coverage �� pro�ect Lender's r�gh�s in �he <br /> �'rflperty in accflrdance�v�th se��ion titled Pra�ection af Lender's R�ghfs�m the Praperty. <br /> A11 ins�arance poX�cies and renew�Is sha�� be accep�able to Lender a�.d sha�� �ncXude �. s�andard mflr�gage c�ause. <br /> Le�der shall have �he righ�to ha�d the polici�:s�nd renewa�s. �f Lender requires,Borr�wer shall pramp��y gi�e to <br /> Lex�der al�receipts of paid premzums and ren��wa�na��ces. �n the even�of 1oss, Borrov►r�r sha�I g�ve prom�at no�ice <br /> to the insurance�arr�er and Lender. Lender m,�y�n.ake proof of loss i�'not rnade promp��y by�arro�ver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and �3or�ovver �ther��se agree zr� wrz��ng, �nsurance prflceeds sha�I be app��ed to rest�ration or <br /> repa�r of the Property d�maged, if, in Lende��'s so�e discreti�n, the res�orat�on or rep�.ir is �can�mically feasib�e <br /> and Le�der's securi�y zs nat lessened. �f, in Lender's soTe discre�ian, �h.e restoration or re�air is n�� �c�n�mi�a��y <br /> feas�b���r Lender's security would be lessene+�,the insurance procee�is sha��be app�ied t�the sums secured by th�s <br /> Security Ins�rumen�, w�e�h�r or n�t �hen d��e, ��th any excess paid ta BorroWer. Zf Borro�uer abandons the <br /> Property,or daes nat an�vver within�he numb+�r�f days prescribed by App��cable L�w as set farth�n a n��i�e fram <br /> Lender to Borr�urer�h.a�the insurance carr�er has affered ta set��e a c�azm, then Lend�r may�olle���he �nsurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to re.pair or res�ore the Propert� or �o pay su:ms secured by this 5ecuri�y <br /> Zns�rument,whe��er�r not then due.The perzt�d of time for B�rrovver�o ansvver as set f�rth in�he not�ce will begin <br /> tivhen the nat�ce is given. <br /> Un�ess L�nder and Borrov�er other�vise agree in vvr�iting, any app��c��ion of proceeds to prznczpal shall no�extend <br /> or post��ne the due da�e of�he payments due ur�der the �antr�.c�or chan�e�h� am�un�of the paymen�s. �f under <br /> the sec�ian��t�ed A�ceier�.t��n; l�er�edi��, the�r�perty�s acc�u�red�y Le�der, Borro�v��r's r�ght ta any insur�.nce <br /> polzc�e� and praceeds r�sulting from damage to the Property prior �a �the acqu�sz�ion sha11 �ass to Lender �o the <br /> exten�of the surns secured by�his Securi�y�ns�ru.ment�mmed�ate�y prior to the aGquis�tion. <br /> �'reser�vativr�, Ma�ntenance and P�o���t�o�� �f the Property; ��rrower's Loan .Applicatian; L�aseholds. <br /> Borrourer sha��not destr�y, damage or impair th�Proper�y, a11ov�th�Property to dete��orate, �r commi�waste on <br /> �he Pro�er�y.Borrower shaZX be in default zf a�xy farfe�ture act�on or proceeding,�he�h�r Civi�or crimina�,�s b�gun <br /> �ha� in Lender's gaod fa��h judgr.�ent c�uld re su�t in farfeiture of the Proper�y or othe�rw�se materially�mpa�r the <br /> ��en created by th�s Security �nstrument or Lender's securzty zn�eres�. B�rrower ma.y cur� such a defau�� and <br /> reinstate, as provided in sect�fln titled Borra�ver's Right to Reinst���, by causing the act��n ar praceeding to be <br /> dism�ssed tiv�th a ruling that, in Lender's gofld fai�h determination,prec�udes forfeiture�f the Bnrrov�er's interest�n <br /> the Pr�per�y or other n�aterial �z�pazrmen� o f t�.e �ien crea�ed by �h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� �r Lender's securi�y <br /> interest.Borrower sha��a�so be in defau��t if B+�rr�wer,during the Ioan app�ication proc��55,g�.ve materially fa�se or <br /> inaccurate inf�rma��fln �r statements to L,en�ler ��r failed �� provzde Lender �with any ma�er�al informa��an} in <br /> connec��on u�i�h the �oan evidenced b��h� C�fn�ract. �f�his Se�urzty�ns�rument is on� Ieaseh�id, Borro��r sha�l <br /> comp�y with alI the provisions of�h��ease. If Bo�roujer acquzres fee t��le ta�he Property,the lease�.o�d and the fee <br /> ti��e sh�.11 not merge unless Lender agrees��th.e merger in wr����g. <br /> Pro�ec�ian af ]L�nd�r's Righ�s �n �he Pro��er�y. If Borro�ver fa�ls to perform �he c�venants and agre�men�s <br /> con�a�n�d in�his Securit�r�ns�rumen�, �r t�ere �s a legal proceeding tha�may szgnifican��y affect Lender's rights�n <br /> �he Proper�y �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, f�r candemnation ar farf��ture or to enforce �aws ar <br /> regu�ations�, �hen Lend�r may do and pay f�r wha�ever xs necessary to protect the �ralue of the Property and <br /> Lender's r�gh�s in the Prc�per�y. L�nder's actio��s may�n�lude pay�ng any sums secured by a lien which has priority <br /> �ver this Securi�y�nstrumen�, appearing�n coixr�,payz�.g reasonab�e attflrneys'fees and entering on�he Property�o <br /> ma�C�repairs.Althaugh Lender may�a�e�.ctia n under th�s se�t��xz,Lender doe�no�hav��tti do sa. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this sect�on shall becflme additiona� debt o:�'�orrawer secured by �h.�s <br /> Securitg� �ns�rument. Unless Borrawer an� L�end�r agree to ather �erms of payment, these amoun�s sha�� bear <br /> Cc??044-2�i 5 Campiia�ce Systems,Inc.61 SA-083E-2015.12.3.1,1 t 13 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Secui•ity[nstruxnent DL?Q36 Pa�e 2 of� wwiv.compiiancesysterr�s.�am <br />