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<br /> � KN�T�T ALL PE�PI�E �Y T�ESE FR.E;a�t�'a; Th�t RilT�ER/SINIdN GROTJ�,
<br /> LTD. , a corporation a� the ��a}e cf i��bra.�ka. Grantor, in cansiderati.on ��
<br /> � the sum of One Dollaz t�1.aQ } and cther gcod �nd valnable c4n�idesation,
<br /> to it d�ly paid, the re�eipt v�herac€ �s ��?reby acknawledged, has r�mised.
<br /> � seleased arid qui.tclaimed, ar,a h�� thss� presents dnss remise, release and
<br /> � €o�ever quitelaim unto GAIL M. ��'�?`EIL1. Grantees, their successars and ,
<br /> assigns. forever. all of its right, �itlet interest, estate� rlaim and
<br /> demand. both at law and in ec�it�. e�, ir and to the rQ�l estate situat�d �
<br /> in the County of I�all, St�te af I3s:hxa.ska. �escribed as folZows:
<br /> All �f a strip cf 2and cf rar.iec2 width. iapon and �hr�ugh the Narth
<br /> HaZf t�I1/2) o� the I�4rthwes± Grua�.�~tsr tF3W1�4} of Sec•tion 20. Township 9
<br /> Nozth and I�a,n�e 9 West a�. the 3:��th. ��.ncipa]. Meridian, formerly knawn as �
<br /> � the right sr� wa•� +�� the 8t. ,Tr:s�eph an�3 rr�nd Is2and RaiZway and contai.n�irig
<br /> 1.6D. acr$s �:�re or Iess. �
<br /> �: .
<br /> There is howeve�. exFressly raserv�r� and �:scepted from ��ss quitcla3.m
<br /> all coal. oil, gas and the m:..-��rals and. rnineral rights af whatever natur�
<br /> and descrigtion� 1r.in� o� char�cter. like or unlilce, kno�rn or unka�ot�m� and
<br /> whether ocC�ring in sc3a�,. �.iqu��. vaporous or other and difFerent forms
<br /> . in, vn or unde� ths lanr� 4uitclaa:��d hexeunder; provided that m.�: operation
<br /> � of invest.a.a�iire�, exp�cri.reg, ��aspec�.��.g or mi�ing. . for �Y�- sto��ng or
<br /> ' � transportii��; s�ia m��era:l�s or any c�� �hem, shal� bE -�:,Sndueted o� :��aeec3 .
<br /> � upon said p'rarnises. � � . ,
<br /> � � All h�::.3ges and ballas'ts, i� any, on the ahave described propex�s are �� � '
<br /> reserved �y the 5�;���er ar�d arE ��ot included in this sale. Seller �.�: his �
<br /> assigns sha-L.-3. have tY�e right until J�n� 1 . 239d to remov� tlae brid��s ancl � .�
<br /> �allasts. Selisx� -reserves the right of ingress a�d e�ress or. the above ��
<br /> �esc���ed pro�ert� u�til Jeane 1, 1994 far the purposQ of removing -
<br /> h�rid��{s) ard b�,l�a��� �r 6VEY' such r�ute as the B•uyors and Seller may
<br /> agree.
<br /> TL��'�fi�rL"•I� �r�.�h all and si�,ular th� h�rediti•�ner��Cs and appurtenances ���
<br /> th���x�»i:� b�1on�:��-�g; to have a.r,.d ta hold �t}:� premises described abov�, '
<br /> su�r�eut ta . the afaresaa.d exc��i�iun an� rn�ervation, unto Grantees. ±heir
<br /> successor.s ar�c3 assigns �orever. �
<br /> ►.
<br /> ,
<br /> IN WI�'NESS WHEREOF, the Grar.���r has Fxecutecl thi� quitc�a.� �EG� thi.a
<br /> 5th �i,��l of �'ek�rYary �
<br /> �ty�uu
<br /> �f,g�a.a�_..t.e��l�, �i T �R/BINIO � . T�; D. � .�
<br /> �,�! •.� �� ' � .
<br /> �..o, .� 1S,'s _
<br /> ���:'�COR'r'v^^���E�:�� EiY: AME� D GL.T,��.ING � .,
<br /> r � ��.,Lr �� � Its Vice r�esident�
<br /> STATE•: GF' rTFF�I���11 a�^�� �
<br /> �,��� . �s. e%•'
<br /> C�UtfTY OF N .- : `�,�`
<br /> ��'•; ,,.
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<br /> The fore�aing`�� � . was ucknci•.rl�d�e�l b�fc��•e m� this 5th d�y of
<br /> Februaz-y, 199a by ���N1ES L► G�FtF�IP�G. Vice-�resident o� Butl�x-/E�inian G�vu�
<br /> Ltd. . � Nebrask� cc,rporation, on beh��lf of the car�orati.nn.
<br /> �A1 �rwr� � �. ��ul,� .�..__._
<br /> � Ilrhr► ly►.t�l!�'i PJa _a����Iic �
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