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<br /> ;_�::.:- - L1.cea6e Agreetr�nt
<br /> �'�°"'� .. � C��.y�/�3rtZ �i
<br /> Fage Two t2) � ���7�e
<br /> � a. The service of sixty days w4it�en notice of . �
<br /> iatention to t�rminate by a�ny party upon th� o�her party. �
<br /> . �. �'t�e Licensee's applicatian for a germit to �
<br /> alter said 3.mprovement or any par� thereof, un7.��- �4{d
<br /> permit is for work due to an oGCi;:rrence as descriried
<br /> � in Paragraph 3 above and said war�C has �he pri�r
<br /> written approval of the City.
<br /> c. The Licensee's construction or in,�tallation of any
<br /> structure or improvement o€ aa,� n.a�ure u�cn.. the real estate
<br />.� oc,r�ed or corr+krolled by tl�e Cit�,r �st�eFfi �ha'� described in
<br /> . Paraqraph 1 above. ,
<br /> ' ��on the termiaation ef th�s �feense Agreement, the Licenses .
<br /> � shall:la� requirE�,. �rd hEreby ag����, to remove said improveme�at�
<br /> • f rom i:lie City's real esta�� a[t it� �i,�n expense aaad without cos�t
<br /> ' � � . tv ��� City. Said removai �o :�s��u.y no later tY�ar� sixty ��s
<br /> . � �ft�� receipt of the notic� �a� z�zter.tion to terminate m� any o� �.
<br /> the cstk�er occurrences set fo��h. ia'Paraqraph 5 abo�*e. Should �:� �
<br /> � Li��ru��e fail to do sc, the City fi��- remove or cau�e the remo��w '�:;
<br /> ' �. of s��i� imp�ovement from the C3.ty's real estate and the Licen��� . . �
<br /> agrees to r�imburse the City for all its costs. ; ;�4�=
<br /> .•t:_y.�
<br /> 6. SUCCESSORS IeND ASSIGNS. �°his agreement s�all be bin�.��.� -
<br /> upon �he parties her��o, their suc�r�ssors and assigns. �- -
<br /> 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. 'T�is License- Agreement cons��tutes
<br /> tl�� �i��tire agreement betc���-u the g�rties notwithstanciinq� any -
<br /> � ��Pi�r oral or written ag���ents tv the contrary. This Licen�� . ..°
<br /> t,.��rt�+�c-,�ent shall be amenr��rs only in ariting executed by al�
<br /> : �azties hereto.
<br /> 3. CHOICE OF LR�S. This Li.�e�nse Agreemant �hall be
<br /> "ccn��.�ued in accorda.�ce w�.th the l�dws of the Sta�� of Nebraska�
<br /> a�.d Che City af Grand Isla�.d, Ne�raska.
<br /> � „d,iL.i.
<br /> 9. CONTEXT OF LANCUN�.. Wh�rever the contexti of the ` -
<br /> l.ar�c��x�ge fn this Licen�� F�reement is appropriate, the singula� ��'��
<br /> � sha7�T. apply to the pluz�al ar�d the plural sha11 apply to the
<br /> . singular.
<br /> Dated: f r��,,�fT, 1990.
<br /> .�.�;�4
<br /> . ���`V,tAfv(y���.� CITY OF (3RAND ISLAi"V13, NEBRASKA
<br /> � �A��p y LICENSORpal Corporation,
<br /> Ai�iEST � ,
<br /> %� � "� '�` By l%�_
<br /> � _ _.�.. _..�,�..._�.� �•
<br /> �_� � ,y�, ,,�1 k Mayor
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