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<br /> , BARTi Z SUBDI�IQN
<br /> In thc City of Grand Island, NebrasYa
<br /> ,
<br /> The �mmdersigned, DUTARES D. BART2, a widaw; and S�RENSEI� B�L)� 8b
<br /> PAIN'�' SI�IOP, a partnership, hereinaher called the Subdividers, as o�ers of� t�raci of � •
<br /> I1,�d compris�ng all of Lot Sixteen�Ibt�, �g��ombss I�ghwa�-I���tes, A�ic��,ddir;�c �� tI*.e � .:. ..'°�; '
<br /> - � � City of (art�m� �3���, �Telrr�,,�,;;d� tract contairuug a 5��, � m��:c� less; desue to , : � ��, .�.
<br /> :. t... . .. . . . , . . .. , . . . . ...
<br /> have subd�►�►ra�ed,� �, sar�d�=�� , �c ���r�iia,g rr�ct a�Ian� w�ilCb i� fsz���r,d w�n �� ,
<br /> corQorata �ea�its of the City of�and �:;�d, Nebraska, a�d hersby sui�mit to t�►e City
<br /> ' Caunci! of sucb City for aceepta�ce as pr�vided by law an aeeurata map and plat of:uch � �
<br /> . proposed subdivisian, to be known as BAItTZ SUBDIV'ISION, deslgnatfng expJicitty the _
<br /> Iancl to be la�d out and particularly desodbing the lots and easements and street belnnging �
<br /> to such subdivision, with the Iots desiBnatec� 6y numbers� easements by dimenslons, and -
<br /> the street by name, and propose tca cau�e the pl�t of such subdivislan when GnalJy '�.�
<br /> � a�proved by the Re�ional g�a�ur,u.��;C,Gmqr�ission and th� City C��a��t�be acknawledged �
<br /> � ; b�svch owntrs, certi�d as tr� a,�eur�ey af survey by a regist�ered land surveyor, and to
<br /> contain a dedication �f tDte e�sements to ghe use and bene&t of pu1�3�s �tilities, a:nd the "
<br /> street to the usc af the publIc fdr�ver. ��r consideration of the acce t�ze of the lat of ��.'
<br /> P p .
<br /> said BARTZ SUBDIirISION, the Subdividtrs hereby consent and agree with the City of .
<br /> Gr�nd Island, Nebraska, that they will install or provide at their expense t�e following
<br /> impravements:
<br /> �-__— - _
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