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2� 1 ��8248 <br /> cont�nue�o pay to I.,�nder the amoun��f the separat�ly des�gnated payments tha�were due when the <br /> insurance coverage ceased to b� in effect. L�nder w�l� ac�ept, use and r�tain these pa}�ments as a <br /> non-refundabie Iass reser��in�xeu�f Mor�gage�nsurance. Such lass reser�e sha�I be non-refundable, <br /> n�twithstanding the fact tha��he L�an is ul�ima��l�pa�d in fu��, and Lender sha��not b�required to pay <br /> Borrow�r any interes�or earnings�n such lass reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reser�e paynzents <br /> �f Mor�gage�nsuranc�coverag��in�h�amount and fflr�he per�ad�ha� L�nder requires}proW�d�d by an <br /> xnsurer selec�ed by I�nd�r again�ecomes avai�a�b�e, is obtained, and Lender requ�r�s s�parate�y des�gnat�d <br /> payments tov�ard the premiums for N�or�gage�nsurance. �f Lender re�uired Mar�gage Insuranc�as a <br /> candition of making the Loan and Barrower was required ta make separatel�des�gnated paymen�s to�vard�he <br /> premiums for Mor�gage�nsurance, Borrower sha���ay the premiums requ�red�o maxntain Mor�gag� <br /> �nsurance�n effect, or�a pro�r�de a non�r�fundable Ioss reserve, un�il L.�nder's requirement for Mar�gage <br /> Ynsurance ends in accflrdance wi�h any wri��en agreement be�ween BarrQwer and Lender pro�iding f�r suc�i <br /> �.erm�na�ion or until term�.na�ian is requ�red by Applicab�e Law. N�th�ng in this Section 10 affects <br /> Borrov�er's obligation�o pa�r�n�eres�at�he rate pr��ided in�he Na�e. <br /> Mflrtgage�nsurance reimburses Lender�or any en�ity that purchases the Note} for cer�a�r�Iosses i�may in�ur <br /> if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower�s na�a party�o the Mortgage�nsuran�e. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurers e�a�ua�e their toCa�risk on al� such insurance in fQrce from t�me�o tim�, and may enter <br /> into agreements with o�her par�ies that share or m.od�fy th�ir risk, �r reduce 1Qsses. These agreements are�n <br /> �erms and cQnd��ions tha�ar�sa�isfactory ta the mor�gage insurer and�he other par�y �or par�ies}�o these <br /> agreements. These agreemen�s may requir�the mortgag� insurer t�make paymen�s us�ng any sour�e of funds <br /> that the m�rtgage�nsurer may have avai�ab�e �v�rhich may include funds obta�ned from Martgage Insuranee <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a r�su�t of these agreemen�s, L�nder, any purchaser of�he Note, ano�her insurer, any reinsur�r, any other <br /> enti�y, or any aff�liate af any of the f�regoing, may receive�d�rec�ly or�ndir���Iy� amounts that deriv� fram <br /> ��r mught be characterized as} a par��on of Barr��ver's paym�nts for Mar�gage Insuran�ea xn exchange for <br /> sharing or modifying the mor�ga���nsurer's risk, or reduc�ng �oss�s. �f such agreemen�pra�ides that an <br /> affiliat�of Lender�akes a share of�he�nsurer's r�sk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to�he <br /> insur�r, the arrangement is oft�n termed "captive reinsurar�.ce." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agreemen�s w���not af�ect the amounts tha�Borrower has agreed�o pay for Mortgage <br /> ��Ti��irii ui���� ii u�'f j���i���i'4i i�ii��i���4'�uvice�i. ►.�il'i�`i��i u��'���i.€��.��E'�'x���€:�����'�`2��4*..����€.'�►�.�. <br /> Barrv►wer will vwe for�Vlortgage Insurance, and they wii�not entit�e Borrower ta any refund. <br /> �b� An.y such agre�emen�s w���na�affect th�righ�s Borrov�er has-�if any- v�v��h respect to the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Pratection A�t af 1995 or any other xaw. These r�ghts <br /> may include�he right�o rece��e certa�n disclosur�s, �o rQquest and ab�ain cancel�atian�f the <br /> Il�or�gage Insurar�ce, ta have the Mvrtgage Insurance��rminated automatical�y, andlar to rece�ve <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiurn�that were unearned at the��me af such <br /> cancel�ation or terminat��n. <br /> 'I'i. Assignment af M�scelianeaus Proc���s; FvrfQ�ture. A11 M�scellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha�l be�aid to I�nder. <br /> If the Proper�y is damaged, such Miscel�aneous Proc�eds sha��be applied to restaration or repair of the <br /> Property, if the restara�ion ar repair is econam�cally feasib�e and Lender's secur��y is not�essened. Dur�ng <br /> su�h repair and res�ara�ion period, Lender�hall have the right��hold such M�s�el�aneQus Proceeds un�i� <br /> Lender has�iad an oppor�uni�y�o inspect such Proper��r to�nsure the work has been camp�eted�o L�nder's <br /> N�BRASKA-5ing#e Family-Fannie M2�elFreddie Mac U1VIFqRM INSTRIJM�NT F�rm 3a28�IQ1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N�J t�3�2y <br /> Wolters K�uwec Financ+al 5er�i�es Page 9 o'f 17 <br />