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2� 1 ��8248 <br /> A�1 insurance palicies requ�red by Ifender and renewals�f such po��cies shall be subject�o Lender's right to <br /> disappro�re such p��icies, shall in�lude a s�andard mor�gage�lause, and sha��nam�Lend�r as martgagee <br /> andlor as an additianai �ass pay�e. L�nder sha��hav�the righ��o ha�d the po�ic�es and r�newal certificates. If <br /> Len�er requir�s, Barrovver sha11 promp�i�give ta Lender a�I re�eipts of paid premiums and renewai not�c�s. <br /> If Barr�wer ob�a�ns any form af�nsurance coverage, not o�herwi�e required by L.ender, for damag�to, or <br /> destru��ion of, the Property, such pol�c�sha�I includ�a s�andard mor�gage claus�and sha�l name Lender as <br /> mortgage�andlor as an add�fi�ona� �oss payee. <br /> �n�he e�ent of�oss, Borrower sha��gxve prompt not�c�to�he insuranc�carrier and L�nder. L�nder may <br /> m.ake pro�f of lass if not made promp��y by Borrow�r. Unless Lender and Borrower o�herw�s�agr�e in <br /> writing, an�r insurance proceeds, whe�her or nat the underlying insurance v�as requir�d b� Ler�der, shall b� <br /> appli�d�a restora��an ar r�pair flf the Praper�y, �f the restaration or repair�s economicall� feasible and <br /> Lender's �ecurity is no��essened. I�uring such repair and restorat�on peri�d, Lend�r sha�l haWe the right to <br /> hold such insurance prac�eds until Lender has had a�a oppar�uni�y to ins�ec�such Proper�y ta ensure�he <br /> w�rk has been�ompleted�o Lend�r's sa�isfaction, provided tha�such inspe���on sha�l be undertaken <br /> promp��y. I.ender may disburse pr�ceeds for�he repa�rs and res�ora��on in a singl�pa�men�or in a series af <br /> progress paymen�s as �he work is comp�eted. IJn1�ss an agreemen��s made in wrxting or Applicable Law <br /> requires intere�t�o be paid on such insurance proce�ds, Lender shai� n�t be required to pay B�rrawer any <br /> interes�or earnings on such pra�eeds. Fees fo�r publ�c adjust�rs, or ather th�rd parties, re�ained by Borrower <br /> sha�l n�t be paid out of�he insurance proc�eds and sha1l�e the sole obligat�on of Barrower. �f the restorati�n <br /> or repair is not economically feas�ble or Lender's securi��would be�essened, �he insurance pra�eeds shail be <br /> applied to�he sums secured by this S��ur�ty �nstrument, whether�r no��hen due, wi�h�he excess, �f any, <br /> pa�d to Borrower. Such insuranc�proceeds shall be applied in th�arder provided for in Section�. <br /> �f Borrower abandans the Property, Lender may fi�e, negn�iate and set�le any a�a�lab�e insuranc��1aim and <br /> related matter�, If Borrower does not respond w��hin 3�days to a no�ice from Lend�r that the insurance <br /> carrier has offered ta sett�e a c�a�m, th�n Lender rnay negotia�e and set�le�he c�aim. The 3�-day period will <br /> begin wh�n the natic�xs gi�en. �n ei�her event, or if L�nd�r ac�uires the Prap�rty under S�c�ion 2�,or <br /> otherwise, Borrower her�by assxgns�a I�nder(a}Barr�wer's r�gh�s�a any �nsurance proceeds xn an am�un� <br /> no��o exceed�he amounts unpa�d under the No�e or thi� Security �nstrumen�, and �b} any o�her of <br /> Barrow�r's righ�s �other�han the right�.o an�r�fund of unearned premiums pax�by Borrower} under a11 <br /> insurance pol�cies co�rer�ng the Property, insofar as such rxghts are appli�able�o �he c��erage of the <br /> PrQp�:r�;r: ,��.n�1�r may�s��h�ins��r�n���r������������r�� x��air�r res�ore the Proper��ar to pay amaun�s <br /> unpaid under�he Not��r this S�curi�y Znstrument, whether ar n�t�h�n du�. <br /> C. Dccupan�y. Borrawer shal� o�cupy, �s�ab��sh, and use the Property as Borro��r's principa� residen�e <br /> w�thin�D�.ays after the ex�cut�an of this S�cur�ty �ns�ruxnent and sha1� can��nue to occupy the Proper�y as <br /> Borrower's principa� res�dence for a�1eas�on�year after th.e da�e of�c�upanc�, unless Lender a�herw�se <br /> agrees�n writing, whi�h consent sha��not be unreasflnab�y withhe�d, or un�ess extenuat�ng circumstanc�s <br /> ex�st which are beyflnd Borrower's can�rol. <br /> 7. Preser�ativn, Maintenance and Protection vf the Property: Inspecti�ns. B�rrower sha11 not des�roy, <br /> damage�r impair the Praper��, a��ow the Proper�y�a de�eriara�e or comm��waste on the Proper�y. Whe�h�r <br /> �r no�Borrower is residing in�he�'roper�y, Borrow�r sha.I�ma�ntain the Propert� in order to pre�ent the <br /> Pro�ert�frorn deter�flrating or de�reas�n� �n value due�o �ts�ond��ion. Unless �t is determined pursuan��o <br /> Sect�on 5 �hat repair ar re�tara�ian is nn�econ�mica��y feasibie, Borrav�►ler shall promptly repair the Praper�� <br /> if damaged to a�a�d further deteri�ration�r damage. If insuran�e or condemnation proceeds are pa�d �n <br /> connection v�ith damage�o, or the t.aking af, the Pr�pert�, Borrower shal� be responsxb�e f�r repairing or <br /> restor�ng the Proper�y�nly if Lender has re�eased proc�eds for such purposes. Lender may��sburse proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe Family-Fannre MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIFaRM INSTRUMENT Form 3aZ8 11�7 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�}�13�2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan�ial Ser�ices Page 7 af'i 7 <br />