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EXHIBIT "A" <br />201608240 <br />PARCEL 1: <br />A tract of land .being the Sotitheast::Quarter of the: Sautll*sV.Quarter (SE1I4.S14/114) <br />and part•ofthe Southwest Quarter. :alba Southeast Quarter (SW114SE114) of Section Eight <br />(8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten {10) West of the .Sigh Principal Meridian, .Hall <br />County, Nebraska, tTrare particularly.described as follows: <br />Beginning at.the S;o.frtheast Corner of the •Southwest -Quarter of Seddon Band assuming the <br />South line of NW Southwest Quar r of said •$eotiort 8, as bearing .199° 29'58° W and all <br />bearing contained herein are relative• thereto, Thence N°89° 29' 58 Wont the South (beef <br />Southwest Quarter of said Section.8 a distance of 81 .67 feet to.• a point. on, the: East line of a. <br />tract of land .0f . extended d .southerly) as described On Warranty: Daett fgfed at tnstwmerit.No_ <br />20099960€3, recorded December . 14, 2009 fn. the Office of:the Register of Deeds of :ban <br />, Nebreslta;.thence leaving the South t►rte of the Sot: h rest:QUatter N 00° S9' 41 Eon <br />the E.ast tract. of land(if as :described orr •Warranty1Deed <br />at:lnstrurrtent No.:2009Q960€',: a distance of 6Th .48 fe tti'e.Notthe st:Qamer•of tract.of <br />land as, described. on Warranty Deed fled at 'iristr ament.•No: X200'30980%.said:point..being on <br />th.e::siiutherly..line. of a 30 foot wide railro :track easement; thew ce•S 89° 01' 17W E on the <br />'southeriy tine of said.30 font wide railroad ttac lc easements distance: of 998,86 feet; thence <br />86° : $9' 34 "E•. and. continul tg; on the••southerty line;ri €:sairt.30•fO t: a railroad tea .easetnent <br />a distance of 78.01 'feet tO a point of curvature; thence i.on a 562;80 TOOL radius : curve to the <br />right forming : a: central an0te.'of 47' 28' I.4° and contioning on: said: 30 feet wide.railread tract <br /> arc distan of'4af.29feettoa point of non- tangenoy, point:bei g $62718` <br />10» E. a chrrd distance of; 453:.06 feet 'horn the previouslydescribed point, said pointalso.beincg <br />on the Westerly line Of a: .tract at land as .described an 'Special Warranty Deed filed at <br />Instrument No .;20 ":.008.262 recorded;on November.5 2010; ihience:.leavvirg,the southerly <br />of Said 30 foot wide railroad 30 lo Otwide railroad tr easement,:n on4angertt'S.0.0 ° 37''07° W the i line: <br />of .said tract of land as described; on Special Warranty 'D.eed :filed at Instrument No. <br />201008262, a:distance ef,458.$4 feet to a point o.rtthe South tine. ofitt e Southeast Quarter of. <br />said Section 8.R thence .leaving the westerly line..of said tract Oland land as described on Special <br />Warranty Deed flied atinsi letit No 201008262, N 89 30' 09'W ort the South line of the <br />Southeast Quarter of 'Southeast Quarter -of said .Section 8,.a :distanc.e of 652:94. feet to the place of beginning. <br />Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor: <br />