..v+`v.���m'e�`'r'�'efi�'��5:ur �.;a'�t���k*r`s�'�7�'"r�'f.�'�,..'' a=� t`>, '� '�p` � 'a'1���— „"�rr"�'�:- �a.: 2., n.�,r':r.�:. �.'-.+ m!� f =-
<br /> — :�i"��`���, '�-c7.
<br /> ���_
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<br /> - ! �s '``- `a�'� .
<br /> • TRL{ST DE�ED �����05�`�
<br /> 1
<br /> � THlS DEE�OF TRUSi;maate and entered into this 31st day of JANUARY , �g 90
<br /> by a�id betwreen � ALVIH A S .R .R ,Crustor.and FI??�T ANtERICAN TTTr.F Y�S
<br /> � �'�.Tnistee.
<br /> and SE�URITY FAGIFr� FIP3tiNCIAI. SERSIT_CBene�ciar}•; •
<br /> � �
<br /> INC. ,
<br /> WiTNESSETH:�'hat the Trustor dces by tfiese pres�nts grant,bargain and setl.con�•ey and confirm with Pawer of�ale unto the
<br /> Trastee thc folta:ving desmbed Rea] Estate inciuding aIl buildings,improrrements.an�i fixtures of every kind now or hereafter erected or
<br /> __� P1ac�d on the real estate.situst�d in Hal l Caanty,in ihe State of Nebraska:
<br /> Condominiu� Unit NQ. SU1, The Yancey, a Condominiutn in accordance wi.th the
<br /> Declaxation recara�d on I0�17/84 under pocumer�t No. 84-OOSSD? of the County
<br /> of Aall, Nebraska '" �
<br /> ' and possessicn of'said premises is now delivered untv s::id Tr�r,P,e: �
<br /> � "i�0 HAV��ND T"t�f-tOLD the same,with z�< rghts,privileges,and a�purtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee.�"st rti;�cutors,
<br /> administrators,heirs,att�.�s�gns farea�er.And the l'rustor herzby expressly �vaives,relea�ses,artd relinquishes unto the"frus:� ail righ�
<br /> _ title,claim,int�rest,bertefit.and esta;.�,�.=.':�tever,in and to the above-described premises and each and every gac[*�ereof,which is given
<br /> by or results fr��.t aU iaws of the Statc�:�"'iebraska�er�aining to the exempaon of homestead.And the Trustur ca��,-�ants with the Trustee
<br /> that he wiD forever warraa�and defend tne title te�t:.e same against the tawful cfaims of all persons r�i-.amsoever. ,
<br /> IN TRGST NOW�VER.for ehe f�II:��:,MC���cr�bed pu�:���s:Ta seeure ful) and�rrmpt perf�ormance of�Jl'r3sz terms and condi- � ' �
<br /> tions of that �;� �
<br /> ❑ Revolving l,oan Agteentent of even ���herewith (including particularly. but not exclusively,�rompt payment�1`��ii sums "
<br /> which are or may become payable from time=d time thereunder)and any ex[ensions,renewals,modifications ar refinancir�.�:�ereof, `
<br /> which RevolvinE Loan Agreement obtigates Beneficiary, subject to the conditir�.��: stated therein. to advance to Trustor up to
<br /> � ,plus finance and c�ther charges. (or) �
<br /> � Note of even date heretivith, in the pri��ai�a! sum of U.S.� 8392.50 payable in m�nthly instailments af prirtcipal .'-_
<br /> and interest,with the batance oT the indebt���lcss,ii' nnt snoner paid,due and payable on__. .Tan �a-r ?� . �qg�. "� -�=
<br /> � •R �
<br /> ' It is a��;,�; by and betwecn parties hcreta tl��: ::ncu t°�ir.�.:zf Notice�+P befi►ult.��'-r� Trustor sf�all:(l) pay al) Preserit and future
<br /> ta.x�.�and ass:ss;nents,general and special,against�:d F-;:,-;erty before the ssa-�e becomes delin�uent ar actionable:(2y keep at imprave- `
<br /> rrt�nts erected on ehe!a^�i.^,sured as may bc reyuire�from time t+► time b} ��ae�riary against loss by �re and other hazards_�:;:s�atties �
<br /> and contingenries, in sue:�amo�nts and for surh periods us�re reasunable G.J ma}• he rec�uired by bene�ciary,and to keep all policies �
<br /> of such insurance :n fc�rce or eflect upon the prup6riy hcrein describcd con5tamty� asyigned�nd delivered to bene�iciary: (3) pay and �r �
<br /> compty with all the terms and conditions of any lien, claim ar indebtedness that may b;, senior to or take precedence over this Trust
<br /> Deed as soon as any such payment on or of' such F���a, claim �,r indebtedness shall become clue:ar��2 upon failure of Trustor to keep '��
<br /> any said agreements, hcneficiary may pay tiuch ta��. ;:- for such insura�tre or ` rt
<br /> I� , pay ��ff tiuch liens er c.aims or inctebtedness as the case
<br /> m�y be,and the rr�oney so expendecl. with interest a� 9'�,per annum,shall be secured by thi�Trust Ueed,and thc�rustor agrees t�repay
<br /> the same upar demand,and upat�failure to d�', sa thc balance of the attached note tihall become immediately due anc! payable at the
<br /> optinn nf the E�eneGciary:(4)sperifically confer unan thc Trustee the p�nvrr i+f 5ale as pruvided in Nebraska la�c: {5) retain passession
<br /> uf the premises an�l callc�ct�hw rents and revenues rr.<;�efrom.
<br /> Upan paymem of all the SumS sec:�reci by tltis"�rust Uccd. the Bcneficiary Shall re��u��st the Trustee tu recus��-ey thc pmperty and
<br /> . shall surrencier this TruSt I�Yed and all notes evidc�.�:;ne inQebtcdncss serured b�� this 7'rust Deed t,� c�ie l7ustc�r.Trustee�hall rcr�mvey
<br /> ►fs�proper�y wiihnu� �varranty� t�� the persun ��r p�rsuiis le�aly entitled tl�eret��; but il detault be maiie iti the pay�irient of said nute c�r
<br /> any part thereoP ur any� �,f'the interest tl�ere�m�shrn L:,:r or in the f:iithful perfi�rmance of any E.r cilher uf said agreements;►s�ti�resaid.
<br /> then the w•hule uf said note shall becume duc and he paid as I�crr�uaRer pr�videJ. .md tliis deed �hall ren�ain in fbrcc: the Trustee ar
<br /> his ettor►�ey may �+roceed tc�sell the prupert}� in its entiret� ur in parcelti at-the uptiori of' the 7rustce hereinhe(��re described at publie
<br /> � aucticm, to the hishest biddcr, fur cash. Mowe��er,the po�ser ot sale hercin cnnferred unan the 'Trustec shlllZ ItOI I�C CACICISCIS 1i1111I (I)
<br /> � 11te 'Ir���tee 51ia1{ fir,t �te fi,r iec��rJ. +n Ihe ufficr c�t' the ic�:i5trr ut clrr�is�,f r,inc �ounty uhcrc�n thc tru�t ��a+��crty �,r,t�me �art ��r •�_—_-
<br /> � parcel thereof is sawateQ.c�nattte e�f default. identif}•ir�g the frustee b� 5latiug thc name�uf the Ir�itit�,r ;md nameti thereui an�1 �iving ,
<br /> j Ihe txK�k s;�d�af;e a•lmre the same is reeurdeel.s deser�pUnn e,f the tru�t nruper4y'.:utd cunt�unin�c�tit.urnunt th�rt a hr�ach��t'an rhli�;ati�,n
<br /> for u•incl� th� trust property wati c�m�•cyed as sccur�ty h;�t uccurrr�. �ind settin� fi,rth the naturc c,f' such breach,u�d u� (ii5 �frctiun to
<br /> '_ SCII Ui l'i!l15L'tt)I� 5(t�ll�Itf,•F�n�n��;• i�s•+:t:a6;� I!�«elbE:.:;.sus::�frct��;a€'tcr ilte i,i�,sr iii� rtot ics;than �nc mnnttl. thC Ir�ititcc�f►all rive �
<br /> —�d n��t�ce af'sale JS[1IUYItI�tI �1) NCEIi.+�l�� I,�u. Alt�r n�►ticc e�f def�auh and laptic uf nut Icss tlia��u,ie muE�th. il�� lru�rP� 4h_�n�•;t,,_ ut,r+_•,�
<br /> — � �n«�LC �+► m� iirRe ano pt�tcC ��f tialC (��uticularly �le;crihin� the �in�rerty te� he s��ld h� �,ubl�c.euun ��I �ircl► iu�Uce. at !r.i�t ti�e times, �
<br /> t�ttce�� ueci� t�,r fie,,c„rr,ecut��e ��eckti,the I,t�t puhl�cati�nt t��I,e,�t Ieatit 11�d;t« i,i�t nut maar tt}.in ;�►�i,i>� rnr.r tr tl�e ti,ilr. nt tinriie �.
<br /> neta;pa�t htiving a�;en,r,il rireut�h�m �n e.ich cuunty ui uh�efi thc [+n'pert� ti� �L.y�tj�J.t�S�Upi pect ttterc�e�f.�s �itu,�tr��l E ���:, :.�i�l� �
<br /> c,�te. etr� �Iru`tce si��!t erecult� ;iiul dcii�cr e decc4 nf t��iroc �lf1CL` �� �ESTCII3[rT ht�jtWCh.�Sr�� �'�rrrt,t .�siai .utiy
<br /> _ S t the �'u��p:rt� g�'��tri rfse
<br /> . �t<�tci�;.nt�:t�c��t.at �,t I,t.t �n tiurl�ticCt#it►�rf�if���n t��th�c�crci�c E�1 ttir(,;,:�c� +�I S.i[e al�tl..�le�+f iLc piuE��:ii�dc�ctihc�{ Ei;i�rc+rf.mtl�iditie �
<br /> ..w,
<br /> � CC6ild�it°�IIECii4111;5 .L'{� ±t1�f�ttEL'. tt�fCl�71:1�(�C�itCft ,titft (�UF1tItJTllllt ��� [�`.i' ftntt�C i�t (�CfdEt�l_,�ue �e�:�l�i�L�!2lEt�f:t j1U!?]t�,l,1:�1{.si1t� �f���tt)b' r
<br /> ('1 3t��[i:•�t�t �.�I�.d1t�I tP1E'i_��l�t�lfit t�! ti.!f�.�Iltt�tiU�(p ft'�tt�t!��rtlf��i11�Ll1i1:'�}f trn,[I,t�ic=C�Ii1Cr;_.�•t .::���.�•it���:e.u�ic�.n�ct���;1�iI14i41 C\1�Ic�ni c` L
<br /> Il�crc+�3 zsi t:tL��r �_� hb�tt.i Itdc (�trr�'ft.r,et, Jlt[)CII�?IIF1�tf;111L'Ei♦ f��! ti.�Iu_• .�ti�1 ��itt�nu[ ;i„t��r ii;: IE�..t�;. :Irr�! .h,sff ,.
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