2� 1 ��822�
<br /> 'I`ransfer of t�ae Proper�y�ar a�enef�c�ai Inte�e���n 23urrower. �f a�l or�any part of�he Pr�perty or any interest
<br /> in �t �s sold or �ransferred �or zf a benef�ial znterest in B�rr�tiver is solti or transferred and Borrower �s n�t a
<br /> natural pers�n} tivithou� Lend�r's prior v�rzt�en cansen�, Lender m��r, at it� option, require immed�a�e payrr�ent ��
<br /> fu�� of all sums se�ured by �his Securzty Instrumen�. However, this flp�t��n sha�� not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pro��b�ted by federal lauj as of�he date�f this Se�urz�y I�strument.
<br /> �f Lender �xe�-cises �h�s �pt�on, Lender shal� give B�rr�wer notice of a�celeration. The notice shal� provzde a
<br /> per�od of not �ess �ha�. th.e minimum number o�days established by Applicable Law fr�m the da�e the �ot�ce is
<br /> deXzvered or mai�ed �rithzn �uhic� B�rravv�r must pay a�� sums secured b,y �his Security Instrumen�. If B�rrower
<br /> fa�ls t� pay �hese sums prior to the expira��o�. of this per�od, Lender may invoke any remedi�s permitted by �his
<br /> Securzty�ns�rument�rithou�further n�t�ce or derx�and on Barrou�er.
<br /> �3orrovver's R.ighti �o �teinstate. �f Borr��ve� meets certain canditions, Borrawer sha�� have �he r�ght �o have
<br /> enforcement o�'�hi� Security�nstrument disc�n��nued at any��me prior to �he earl�er of �a} S days �or such o�her
<br /> periad as.A.pplicab�e Law may specify for reinst�.t�ment}�before sa�e of�he:Proper�y pursuan�to any power of sale
<br /> contained in this Secur��y �ns�rumen�; or �b} en�ry of a judgment enfc�rcing th�s Secur�ty Znstrum�nt. Those
<br /> candi�i�ns are �ha� Barr�wer: (a} pays Lender alI sums whzch then wa�.Id�be due under fihzs Secu�-i�y Znstrumen�
<br /> and the Car�tra�t as if no accelerat�on had�ccurr�d; �b}cu.res any�efau��of any other covenants or agreements; �c}
<br /> pays all expen�es incurred�n enfarcing this Securxt�Instrument, in��uding,but nflt 1imi�ed to,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees t� the exten�permxtted by�aw; and �d� t�.kes �uch acti�on a�Lexzder ma�reasanably require tfl assure�ha��he
<br /> lzen of this Secur�ty�nstrumex��, Lender's r�gh�s in the Proper�y and�o�-rav�er's obligat�an�a pay the sums secured
<br /> by �his Securit� Ins�rument shall continue unchanged. Up�n reins�a�ement. b�B�rro�ver, �h�s Securi�y�nstrumen�
<br /> and the abliga�:ions secured hereby sha�� rema�n fu�ly effective as �f no acce�erat�on had flccurred. Ho�rever, this
<br /> right to reinsta�e shall not apply in the case of acce�eration under th�sectinn t�t�ed Transfer af�he Pro�p�r�y or a
<br /> �3eneficial IntiE�rest xn Eorro�ver.
<br /> Haza�-d�us�ubstances.Sarrow�r shall no�c�use or perm�t the presence, use, d�sposa�, storage, or rel�ase of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or�n the Pr�per��. �orro�er shal�not do,n�r allo�v anyone else to d�,anything affecting
<br /> the Proper-�y ��at �s in �io�ation �f any E�.vir�nmental Law. The preced�rng tvv� sentences shall na� ap�ly to the
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage a�the Praperty of srnall q�antitzes of Hazardous S�ubs�ances that are general�y r.ec�gnzzed
<br /> to be appropriate to normal reszdentia�uses an�to ma�n�enance of the�°ropP�y.
<br /> �orrov�er shal�promp#�y give Lender writ�en na�ic�of any znves�iga�ian,c��,�m,demand, Iawsui�or other a����n by
<br /> any governm�ntal �r regula�ory agency or pr��rate party invol�ing #he Proper�y and any Hazardau� Substance �r
<br /> En�ironmenta� La�v af vvhich Borrotiver ha� actual knowledge. �f Bo:r�o�ver learns, ar is na�ified by any
<br /> g�vernmen�a�or regu�atory authori�y, tha�any�-emova�or ather r�media��a�z of any Hazardaus Substar�ce affe�ting
<br /> �he Proper�y x� necessary, Borrower sha�� p�omptly take aI� necessary remed�a� actians in ac�orda�ce with
<br /> Environmental La�v.
<br /> A.�used zn this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ar�c�s" are �hose subs�a�ces d��ned as tox�c or hazardous substances
<br /> by Environmen�a� Law and �he fo�l�u�ing substari�es: �asol�ne, �er�sen�,, �ther flammable or �t�x�c pet�-aleum
<br /> praduc�s, t�xic pesticide� and herbicides, v�latile so�ven�s, materxals can�a�ning as�estos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radzoact�ve ma�erxa�s. As u�ed zn this paragraph, "�nvirflnmen�al Lauj" mea.ns f�deral Tavvs and�aws of�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate�a heal�h,saf��y�r environm�nta�protec�ion.
<br /> Ac�elerafion; Remedies. Lender shall g��e n�ti�� to Bvrr�wer° priar f:o acceieration follaw�ng Bvrr�v�er's
<br /> breach of an�c�venant or agre�men�in�hi�Security Instrumen�o�the�ontract under wh�ch ac��iera�ion
<br /> is perrr���tied (but not prior �a a�ce�era���n under the section t�tled Transfer of the Property or a��nef�c�a�
<br /> Interes��n Bo�rower, un�e55 App�xcablQ La�v pr��ides ather�v�s�}, The��o��ce sha�� spec�fy: (a} th.e d�fau��;
<br /> �b� �he a��ian required �o cure the d�f�.u��; ��� a date, no� ���� �han the m�inimum number of days
<br /> established by Applicabl�Law from�he d�.t��he notice�s gi�en to B�rrovv�r, by wh�ch the default nr�ust be
<br /> cured9 and �d� �hat fa�Iur� �o �ure �he defauit on or befare t�e da�e Spec��ed in �he n���ce rnay re�uxt in
<br /> a�celera�ion �f the sums secured by thi� Secur��y Ins�rumen� �n� �a�e nf the Praperty. Ta �h� exten�
<br /> p�rmxt�ed b��aw, �he n�tice shall further inforrr�Borrawer af�h� rig�i� �o reins�a�e after a�ce�eratian and
<br /> �he righE to brnng a caurt actian tv asser�th�x�.on-ex�s�ence�f a c�efault or�ny ather defense of�orro�ver fo
<br /> acce�eration a�id s�le. If�he defaui�i5 �o�cured on or befare th�d.a�e �pecified �n �he not�ce,Lex�der a�its
<br /> apt�an may rQqu�re immediate paymen� in f�Il of aIl sum� se��.red by this Securi�y Instrum�nt withou�
<br /> fur�h�r d.emand �nd rr�ay �nvo�e the po�ver° of s�le and any �#h�r r�xrnedzes permi��ed by Appl�cab�� Law.
<br /> To the ex�Qnt permit�ed by �av�, Len�ler �hal� be en�itled �o c���ec� aii expenses incurred in p ursui�g the
<br /> remedie�pravnded in this �ecti�n,�nciud��.g,but �o�lim��ed �o� reasonable attorneys' f�e5 and.co�ts af t�t�e
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the povW�r ❑�sale�s�nvoked, Trustee �hall rec�rd a na�ice�f�e�ault�n each cau�ty in wh�ch a�y�ar�of
<br /> the Pro�er�y��� Iocated a�d sha��mail copi��af such notice�n �h�r��nn�r prescrib�d by App��cabie La�v�o
<br /> Lorrower and. ta �he other per�ons pres�ri�eci by Applicab�e �av�, A#�er the time required �y App��c�ble
<br /> Law, TruS�ee sha�� giv� pub�i� nfltic� �f sa�� to �he perso�s and �n th� manner pres�ribed by App��cable
<br /> Lavv. Trus�ee,without demand vn �arr�wer, �hali se�l�he Proper�y a�pub��c auct�on ta the highes��biclder
<br /> at the�xme an�place and under the t�rrras��signated�n the nati�e�f s�.le in one or mare parcels amd in an�
<br /> arder Tru�tee determ�n�s. Trus�ee ma� p�s�pone saZe of a�� �r any parce� of �he Praperty by public
<br /> annou�ncementi a�the tirr�e and p�ace of a�y pre��aus�y scheduled s��e.Ilender�r its designee ma�purchase
<br /> the Pr�perty a�t any 5a��s
<br /> Upon rece�pt af payment�f�he price bid, Tr�s�ee shall deliver to �he:�urcha5er Trustee's de�d �on�ey�ng
<br /> fhe Pr�per�y. 7�he recitals an the Truste�Ps dee�. shall be prima f���e eWiden�e of the truth of the sta��ments
<br /> Cc?Z��4-?015 Ca�pliar�ce Systems,Inc.�]SA-FC�A4-2�I S.12,3.I.i l l5
<br /> Consuzzzer Real Estate-S�curity Ir�strurnent DL?�36 Pa�e 4 of 3 ���w.�ompliancesyste�is.co�n
<br />