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2� 1 ��822� <br /> �aymen��f 1'r�ncipal a�d Interes�; �ther Charg�s.Barrower sha�l pron�pt�y pay when due the pr�nc�pal af and <br /> interes�an the r3eb��wed under the Contract and Ia�e charges or any��o�her f�ees and charges due under the��ntraGt. <br /> App��cable L�w, As used in th�s Secur��y Z�as�ruxnen�, the �erm l4Appli�;able Lativ" sha11 mean all con�r�l��ng <br /> app�icable fedEra�, s�ate and local s�a�utes, regu�ati�ns, ord�nan�es and �.d�:n�nis�ra�ive ru�es and orders �that have <br /> �h�effec�af Xa��}as vvell a,s alI app�icab�e f na�,non-appealable judic�a�opi:r�i�ns. <br /> �harges; Li�ns. Borrower sha11 pay a�I tax�s, assessmen�s, charges, fir.ies and zmpasi�ions at�ributable �o �he <br /> Praperty�uhic�may at�ain priflri�y over th�s Security Ynstrument, and 1eas��haXd payments or ground re��s, if any. <br /> At the request af Lender,B�rraw�r sha��promptly furn�sh to Lender receipl:s evidenczng�the payments. <br /> B�rrower sha�1 promp�ly discharge any lie�whi�h has pr�ority�ver this S�curi�y�nstrumen�unless�3orr�wer: �a} <br /> agrees in vvr�ting �o the payment of the obl�gation secured by the lie� i� a manner accep�able to Lender; �b} <br /> � �on�ests in goad fai�h �he �ien b�, or defe�ds against enfor�emen� of�he lien in, �egal proceed�nbs whic� �n the <br /> Lender's �pinion operate �o prevent the enfarcemen� of the Iien; or �c} �aecures from �he holder of the �ien an <br /> agreement sati�factory to Lender subord�nat�ng�he ��en ta th�s Secu�ity�n��rument. �f Lender determ�nes�ha�any <br /> part of the Pro�perty is �ub j ec�to a 1i�n�uhich�x�.ay attain prz�r�ty o�rer fih��, S ecuri�y�ns�rument, L�nder��nay gzve <br /> �orrourer a x�o�:ice identifying the lien. Barro�rer sha�� satisfy�he �ien or ane or mflre of the act�ox�s s�t forth <br /> above vv��h�n T�days of�he gzving of nat�ce. <br /> IIazard ar Proper�y Ir�surance. Borrower sha�l keep the improvement�n,ow existing ar hereafter erected on�he <br /> Proper�y insured aga�nst loss by fzre,hazards included within�he term"ex�ended covera�e" and any a�her hazards, <br /> �ncluding flaocls or flooding, for wh�ch Len�e�- requzres insurance. T�s znsurance sha�l be ma�ntained in �he <br /> amounts and for�he per�ods tha�Lender requires. The insuran�e carrzer prov id�ng�he insurance sha��be Gh�sen by <br /> Barrower sub�ect �o Lender's approva� wh�ch shal� not he unreasor�ab�� ti�i�hhe�d. If Borrower fails to n�aaintain <br /> coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's opt�an, flbta��. cov�rage ta pro�ec� Lender's rzghts in the <br /> Property i�acc�rdance vvith sec��on tit�ed Prv��ction of Lender's�ght���a.�he Propertiy. <br /> AIl insurance �alicies and renew�ls sha�� be acceptable t� Lender �nd sha��� znclude a standard m�rtgag� ��ause. <br /> Lender sha��have the right�a hold th.e poli�ie�and rene�als. �f�,ender re�u�res, Borrovver shall promptly give tfl <br /> Lender all rece�pts af pa�d premiums and r�newal n�t�ces. �n the event�f�ass, Borrov�er shall gi�e pro�npt natzce <br /> to�he�n�uranc�carrler and Lender. Lender may make proof of�oss i�not made proxnp�ly by Borr�w�r. <br /> Unless Lender and Barravver o�herwise agree i� wri�ing, �nsuranc� pr�ceeds shal� be appl�ed to res�a�ration or <br /> repaxr of the P�-apexty dar�zaged, �f, in Lender's �ale discre�ion, �he res�ora��an or r�pair �s econamical�y feas�ble <br /> and Lend�r's s�cur�ty is not less�ned. If, �n Le�.der's sQ�e discretian, the res�ora�i�n or repair is no� ecanomically <br /> feasible or Lender's security�vau�d�e�esse�.ed,the insurance proceeds sha�:l be app��ed to th�sums secured by this <br /> Security �nstru�nent, vvhether ar nfl� �hen du�, u�zth any excess pa�d �o Borrou�er. If B�rrower abandons the <br /> ProperCy,or dfl�s no�ar�swer tiv�th�n�he number�f d�.ys prescribed by Appl:icable Law as set farth in a n�tic�from <br /> Lender ta �orrov�er tha�the insurance Garr�er has offered to se�tle a clairn, �hen Lender may callect the i�s�rance <br /> proceeds. Lend�er may use the praceeds tQ re�air or res�ore the Proper�y or to pay sums secured by�his S�curi�y <br /> �nstrumen�,v�hEther or no�then due.The perx�d�f t�me for BorroW�r t�ansv�er as set for�h�n the no�i�e ur�I�b�g�n <br /> vvhen the�.atice�s given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrav�rer otherwise agr�e �n�vriting, any applica�ion a�'proceeds �o przncipal sha�l no��xtend <br /> or pos�pone the due date of the payments due under�he Cfln�ract or�hang�: the amoun�flf the paymen��. �f under <br /> the section t�tl�d A�ceierati�n; Remedie�, the Property is acquired by I�er.�der, B�rrower's right to any znsurance <br /> policzes and proceeds res�altzng from damabe �o the Proper�y pr�or �o the ��.�quis�tian sha1� pass to Lender �o the <br /> extent of the sums se�ured by�his Security�nstrumen�zmmedza�ely�r�ar to�he acquis��i�n. <br /> Preservation, IVla�ntienance and Pro�ecti�n af th.e Praperty; I3�rrower's Loan �.pplicat�an; I�eas�ho�ds. <br /> Borrower sha��not destroy, damage�r�mpair t�.e Praperty, a�lavv the Property to deteriorate, or cor�mz�waste on <br /> th�Proper�y. Borrourer sha��be in defau�t if any f�rfe�ture actzon or pro�eediz�g,urhether civil flr crimina�,�s begun <br /> that �n Le�.der's good faith judgmen� cflu�d resu�� in forfeiture of th� Proper�y or�therwise ma�er�ally�mpa�r the <br /> Iien crea�ed by th�s Security �ns�rument ar Lender�s secur�ty interest. Borravver may cure su�h a defaul� and <br /> reinstate, a�provided in section���led F,orrovv�r's I�ight to ReinSta�e,by�caus�ng the action or pr�ceed�ng tfl be <br /> drsmissed�vith�ru�ing�hat,�n Lender's good fa�th d�fiermination,p�ecludes forfe�ture of the B�rro�r�r's�nterest in <br /> the Property or other rna��rial impairment of the �xen created by this Securzty �nstrumen� or Le�.der's securi�y <br /> in�eres�.Borr�v�er sha�X also be�n defau�t zf Borrc�wer,during�he lt�an appxxc�a�ion process,gave mater�ally faXse or <br /> inaccurate �nformation or statemen�s �� Lende� �or fai�ed �a provzde L�nder �v�th any ma�er�al �nfarm�.�xon} �n <br /> connec�ion vvi�h �he Ioan ev�denced by th� �on�ract. �f this Secur�ty Ins�rur.r�ent �s an a Ieasehold, Barravver shal� <br /> camply vvith a��the provisions af the�ease. �f�orrov�er acquires fee t�t�e���the Property,the leaseho�d and the fee <br /> tz��e shall no�xnerge unless Lender agrees to the merger xn vvrztzng. <br /> Pratect�an �f Lende�'s �gh�5 �n the Pr�perty. �f Borrower fails to perform �he covenants and agreements <br /> cantained in th�� Secur��y Znstrument, or�here�s a lebal proceeding�hat r�aay s�gn�f�cant�y affect Lender's rights in <br /> the Pr�per�y �such as a praceeding in }�ankruptc�r, pr�ba�e, for cond�mnati�n or forfei�ure or to e�forc� �a�vs ar <br /> regulatians}, then Lender may d� and pay far wha�ever �s ne�es5a�y t� ��ro�ect the va�ue af�he Proper�y and <br /> L�nder's rights i:�the Property. Lender's a�tions may iri�lude p�y�ng any sur�is secured by a lien vvhi�h has priority <br /> over th�s Security�nstrument, appearing�n c�ur�,payzng reas�nab�e a��orney�'fees and enter�ng on the Praper�y�o <br /> make repa�rs.A��h�ugh Lender rnay take action under th�s sectifln,Lender does no�have to do so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under thi� sec�io� sha1l becom� addz��onal de�t of Bflrrower se�ured by this <br /> Secur�ty rns�rument. Unle�s Borrfltiver and Lender agree �o o�her t�rms o�f payment, these amoun�s sha11 bear <br /> C��2004-�d15 Corrxp�ianCe 5ysterr�s.Inc.6 I8A-�'6A4-2013.1 Z.3.1.1]l S <br /> Cnnsumer Real Estate-Security Inst�-ument DL2036 Pa�e 2�f� w�w�w.complianc�systems.�om <br />