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<br /> MODIFICA�.`ION OF NEB�:1!'.S�UFF.� OF TI��TST '
<br /> _ � . . . .
<br /> TffiS MODIFYCATION OF NEBRASSA DEE� CT��:'B:��T i$ made and entered intu
<br /> this 26th day of Jsnuary, 189U, by-_ a�� aimata.� 4f.�iV�R,ICK MEDIA, INC. �, . .
<br /> - ("Traator"), whose mai�ing address iis� .��3 W. 17r4t ..S�.�eet, }3ox 0, Syracuse, �
<br /> � Nebraska 68446; N�7R.W�ST BANI� IC�i,Vr�i, �►TATI�3DT_A:L� A�SOCIATION (the
<br /> successor by merger t�. Norwest Baak Des Mir�n+er�, 1+T�tinrlal Assnciation) (the
<br /> "Trustee"j► c�slscrse mafd3ng address � : G66 Wi�Iu�a� �tr�et, Des Moines, Iowa
<br /> 50304;. ,�,nd. �`�L��"+�EST. Bi3NK I�WA� , nfL4xT`L+�NAL AS��CIATI�?N Ethe suecessor by • �
<br /> merg�r".t�a :'e�L;r��,� T3�: Dea �'��In,�st.:-��r�'-:�onal Associatfcsa):. (the "Ben�fic�tr3l"), �
<br /> ', whose �maiiiiz�g.i�d�r�;c�����,��66 ��T�Tri,z�� S�.r�t, Des Aioiises. ..L-srr�� ��,��'�.� � � � , : -
<br /> < ' � .. • . . � . � . . • . t `r .
<br /> �� �; � RECITAI. S , �. ,.' . . . �. . � , �.. `_ �. ,
<br /> ... :�:_;,... . .
<br /> � t' The '�'rustorn fi�e T'rU���� '�:nc�i. r,�r Br���Lic�ary �r�r,�r�� ��� a Net��3�a ���i�� af .
<br /> � �.�` '.
<br /> `�rust, dated Us af .3'^�w��-y ��., 19�3� �b�is "lIc�au� vf ��..s't")� �is3tive �to the �
<br />- Trustflr's irz�r��est fin t�� real �r�pert,� �eseribec� o� ��a��It � ���`G��ec3 iaereto �.: � �
<br /> f a�a� �.l�e other psoperty descri6ed in Y.fz� Deed of Tr���i: T�e.�:.�� a£ `��ust . . �
<br /> was �ed Fabruary 22, 1989, and was recorded as IZ+Sxx;�rmp�� :�l�:� 89-1Q�857. _�.
<br /> The Deed of Trust secures payment of, among other ��fngs, up to � � �
<br /> � $1,250,000,4Q of the Trustor's obllgatians tm the Beneficiary under a Loan ° •
<br /> ` Agreement, dat�d January 31, 1989 {tho "�Loan A�treement"), among the .;�
<br /> j Trustor, the I3eneficiary anci others and the promissdry not0, dated � 'l._=
<br /> • .lanuar,y 31, 19�9, of the Trustor and others as ca-makers. The Laan Agreeme�t ' �--
<br /> ;��.
<br /> h�s beeu amended pursuant to an Amendment No. 1 to 1.oan Agreement, dated {-
<br /> . January 26� 1990 ("Amendmeat No. 1"), and a promissory nate, dnted -
<br /> January 26, 1990, of the Trustor and others as co-makers (tho "Replacement
<br /> ' Note"), has been executed and dellvered in substitutfon for, and i•eplacement �
<br /> � af, but not in payment of, the �romissory notp, dated .Tanuary 31, 1989, and
<br /> � the promissory note, clatacl T.�acemhex 21, 1�J8�, of the Z'ru�tor and others as __
<br /> • co-makors. The parties desire to modlfy th� I�eed of Trust to reflect this
<br /> agreemont that the De�d of Truqt secure payment of the Trustor's obl.lgations ta
<br /> the Beneficiary under 1.ho Loan Ag.rpem�nt, as amended by Amendment No. 1
<br /> � flnd under the Replacemant Note.
<br /> +
<br /> � � NO[t�, THERF.FQRE, Sc� cons9de�ati�n of tlio above premi��g and other good and
<br /> i valu�rale consideratlon, the 4um flnd sufflcfo�ncy �� which is hereby °'`-
<br /> � acknowledged, the pflrties her�fira zgrae zs foUows: : —_
<br /> � �. The fiecond �aarn�;��aph c�f the lleed of Tru�f_ is modified to read as .
<br /> follows: �
<br /> FOR VALUABLE GONSII�EIi.ATION. 'Iru�4`.or irr�vocahly transfers,
<br /> convays and assigns to Trustee, 1N TRUS'1.', WI'1'Il POW�N, UF SALC,
<br /> for the banefit and Qocurlty of �ienefiriflry, i�ndQr and subJect to the
<br /> t�rms� and ronditions of. this neecl of 7'rust, the a�eal �ropc�rty, locato�l
<br /> in the County nf �Ialle Stat� nf Nebrnska, inClucitng, without
<br /> llmltetinn, all of the 'l'rus�ar's right, titT.c� fli�d lntarest U11(�Ag� any
<br /> _�. ,.
<br /> - -
<br /> �
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