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<br /> , � • , ,
<br /> . 90-1OQ539 ,
<br /> ��� THIS MODIFICATI�N OF NLHRASBA DEF.� OF T1tIIST is�made and eutared fnt�o
<br /> ;�;;;:;,�-.� this 26th day o€ J�nuary� 1990, by and among ALBF.� PftINTING CO., INC.
<br /> ':':::} ("1�ra�t,m�"), whose mailimg address is 123. W. 17th 5treet, Box 0, Syracuse, �
<br /> '::�;:�f Nebraska 68446; Nf3R.WEST BANK I�'f++TA, NATIONAL ASSO�IATION (the
<br /> �"`:���.�: success�zr by merger to Norwest Bank l�es Moines, 11Tatioasl, Assoc3ation) {the �
<br /> . , °fi�n�e"j, whose mailing address is �066 Walnut Stre�L,,. De� M,vines, Iowa
<br /> � . 50304; and NORWEST BANK IOWA, I�TATIONAL ASSOCIAT7Q'I .��he auecessor by ,
<br /> f �-,::`,. marger to Norwest Bank Des Maines, Natianal Assoclatian� ��he "Seaeficiar�r"),
<br /> ` whose malling address is 666 W$lnut Street, Des Moines, Iaw�� 50304.
<br /> . $ ECITALS : . - �
<br /> ` The Trustor, the Trustee and the Benefic�ary ���:r�d in� a Nebrasica Deed of .
<br /> �. � Tx�u��s; dated aa Qf January 31n 1989 ��he "U�i of Truat"), re�tfve to tho
<br /> � �.'� .. � Trus��r's interest in the reaY }����perty descri�:� �� Exhibit A a.�.�s�:hed hereto
<br /> � � and t�e other praperty desc�3:i�� in the Deecf ;!,��..'�rust. The .�O�d of Trust
<br /> was fsl�d Felbruary 22, 4989, and was recordei� as De��nment h'u. 89-1�0858. � .
<br /> � The 9�d v�f Trust �ecures payment of, among . ��}s�s things, up to � �
<br /> � � ° $1,250,OOO.i�ID �£ the Trusto�'s obligatfons to thc�� Liic=sa.���ry under a Loan , ,�.
<br /> �j Agreement, cEs�ted January 31, 1989 (the "Lc°v� '���ment"), among the + #�
<br /> � Truator, the Beueficiary and others and the promissory note, dated '--
<br /> � January 31, 1989, of the Trustnr ancl others as co-makers. The Loan Agreement --
<br /> � I�as been amended pursuant to an Amendment No. 1 to fi.,r�.n Agreement, d�ted �!�
<br /> � January 26, 19l9U ("Amendment Na. 1"), and a pr,�mf5sory note, dated �
<br /> January 26, 1990, of the Trust;a-r and others as co-makQrs (the �'AspLc.�nt =.
<br /> Note"}, has been exacuted arrd c�elivored ln subQ�:9it��.t�on for, and replacetnent
<br /> � ' of, b:cxft not in payme�s'C �f� the pramf�sory note, ' �.£:�Cr�-d: .l�a�uary 31, 1989, rad =
<br /> ' �"i the pi�missory note, d.ryL-�d D�cember 21, 19$9, a� +trz� 'T'�ustor and oth�rt�; �.s
<br /> � co-makers. Th.�. partfES desirQ to modigy the D�e�; �;f:` '�'�i:t�si'�'as provlded here�n. �-
<br /> � .
<br /> NOW, THEREF'ORE, ln consideration of the nbove premisa� and ather gaod and
<br /> valuable consider�tion, the sum nnd �sufficioncy of which is h�rieby
<br /> acknowledged, th�e gorties heretc� agree ns follows:
<br /> i.s.:..
<br /> ; 1. The secon�l paragrapSt of the UEP.f� of Trust ts modlf£�d �o read as
<br /> �
<br /> follows:
<br /> FUIt VAU�I�IBL� CnNSID�ItATION, Trust�r�� ia�rev�cably tr�nsfers, • .
<br /> conveys and assigns to Trustea, IN TRUS7', '6vIT� POWER OP SAL�,
<br /> for the benefit and security of I3eneficiary, under �i�i subjact to the
<br /> terms and conditio2�s of thls Deed of Trust, the real, �a�r�operty, located
<br /> �n the County af Hall, 5tata of Nebraska, fr,c�adSng, without
<br />' l�mitation, Pll o£ the 7'rust:or's rfght� tltle� t��ad i�terest un�jc�r any
<br /> , leasehold intorest in such real �roperty, �n+� �9't�:3c�ibed �s follows
<br /> (thA "�rtY"):
<br /> F__ _�:-.::
<br /> � �
<br /> ' �
<br /> L • � � –
<br /> ;
<br /> ,�
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<br /> L_ �
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