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<br /> L�nder, is in�ended #o be exclusi�e a�any other remedy in this Deed ❑f Trust or by law pro�ided or perrni�ted, but
<br /> each shall be cumuiati�e and shall be in addition to euery vther remedy gi�en in this Deed «f Trust ar nvw ❑r
<br /> h�reafter existing at law or in equity vr by statute. Every pawer or remedy gi�en by the No�e or any vf�he Refated
<br /> Docurnents �o Trustee or Lender or tv which either of them may he o�herw�se entitled, may b� exercised,
<br /> concurrently or ind�pendently, fr�rr� time to time and as often as may be desmed expedient by Trustee ar �ender,
<br /> and either of them may pursue incansistent remedies. Noth�r�g in this Deed a� Trus� shal� be �on�,trued as
<br /> prahibiting Lender from seeking a deficiency�udgment against the Trustor to�he extent such ac�tion is per�ritted by
<br /> law. E�ectian by Lender �o pursue any remedy shall not exciude pursuit of any �ther remedy, and an election to
<br /> ma�e expendi�ures or to take actian to perfarm an abligation of Trustor under this Deed o#Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> failure�o perform, shal! not a�fect L�nder`s right to dec{are a default and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Request for No#ice. Trustor, an behalf o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a copy o�arEy Notice c�f Default
<br /> and a copy o�any Notice of Sa�e under this Deed of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses ��et forth �r� the #irst
<br /> paragraph❑f this ❑eed af Trust. �
<br /> A�ttorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes �ny suit or action to enforce any afi the terrns ❑f �his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be en�itled ta reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge r�asona�t� as at�{��-neys' �eE:� at tria[
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or not any c�urt actian is in�ol�ed, and to the extent nat Prc�hibited b�� law, a!�
<br /> reasonah�e expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's apinion are necessary at any time f�r tr�e protection of its
<br /> interest ar�he enforcement of its rights shall became a part of the Indebtedness payable on der��and and ��hall bear
<br /> interest at�he Note rate fram the da�e af�he expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses��vered by thi� paragrap�� inc�ude,
<br /> without lim�tation, hvwe�er subject t❑ any iimits und�r applicable law, Lender's a�tarneys' �ees and Lender's iega�
<br /> expenses, whether or not there is � lawsuit, �ncluding attarney�' fe�s and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> �inc�uding �fforts to madify�r�acate any automatic stay�r�n�unctivn�, appea�s, and an}+ antiGipated past-j;udgment
<br /> co�iectivn ser�i�es, the cost�f search�ng �ecords, abtaining �i�le reports {including foreclosure �•eparts�, s�lr�eyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisa[ fees, �itle in�urance, and fees for �he Trustee, ta the extent permitted by app�ic�ble iaw.
<br /> Trustor also will pay any caurt costs, in addition to al�o�her sums pro�ided by�aw.
<br /> R�ghts vf Trustee. Trus�ee shall ha�e aii t��the rEghts and duties of Lender as set forth in this section.
<br /> P��VERS AND OBLI�ATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The fallowing prn�isions relating �o the pow�rs and �bliga�i�ns of Trustee
<br /> are pa�t af th�s Deed af Trust:
<br /> Pvwers o#Trustee. In addi�ion #o a!i powers af Trustee ar�sing as a matter vf 1aw, Trus�ee shall have the power to
<br /> t�k�the �o[fvwing activns with respect ta the Proper�y upan the w�itten request ❑� L�n�Ier �nd Trustor; �;a� join tn
<br /> prsparing and filing a map or plat o# the Real Property, incfuding the d�dication of ��ree�s or ❑the� rights ta the
<br /> public; (b� �oin in grant�ng any easement or �reating any restriction an the Real Praper#y; and �c} j�in in any
<br /> subordination or other ag�eement affec�ing this Deed ❑f�rust or the inte�est o�Lender under�hi;� D�ed of'�rus�.
<br /> Trus�ee. Trustee sha�i meet all qua�ifications requi�ed f�r Trustee und�r applicable l�v+�. In addition �o the rights
<br /> and remedies set #arth abo�e, with respect to a�� ❑r any part ❑f the Proper�y, �he Trustee shall ha�e �h� right to
<br /> forec[ase by notice and sale, and Lender shal� ha�e �he right ta �oreclose by judicial farec[osure, in ei#her case in
<br /> accardance with and tv the full exten�provided by applicable law.
<br /> Success�r Trus#ee. L�nder, �t Lender's optivn, may�rom time to time appoin� a successor Tru��tee�v an��Trus�e�
<br /> appointed under th�s Deed ❑f Trust by an instrument execut�d and acknowledged by Lender �}nd r�cord�ed in the
<br /> ���€ce a� the recorder of HALL Coun�y, 5tate of N�braska. The instrument shal� contain, in �ddition t❑ ��I vther .
<br /> matters requir�d by state �aw, the names of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, �he book and page {or
<br /> computer system reference} wher� this �e�d ❑f Trust is recorded, and the narn� and address o� the suGcessor
<br /> trustee, and�he ins�rument shali be execu�ed and acknowledged by afl �he beneficiaries under tr�is De�d oi�Trust or
<br /> th�ir succ�ssvrs in interes�. The successor trustee, without can�eyan�e of�he Property, shall succeed t� all the
<br /> �i�le, pvwer, and duties c�n�er�ed upon the Trustee in this Deed ��Trust and by appiicable Iaw. This pracedure for
<br /> substitution af Trus�ee shall g��ern to the ex�lusian af a�� other pro�is�ans�flr substituticn.
<br /> N(�TICES. Any notice required to be given under this ❑�ed �f Trust, including without limitation ar�y notic� c�t de�ault
<br /> and any n��ice o�sale sha€� b� gi�en in writing, and shall �e ef�e�ti�e when actually d�li�ered, wh�n ac�ually re�ei�ed
<br /> by te�e�acsimi�e �unless atherwise �-equired by law�, when deposited witih a na�ionally recagnized o�e€•night cour•ier, vr, if
<br /> m�iled, when depvsi�ed in the United Sta�es mail, as first class, certified or r�gistered maif postage ��repaid, directed to
<br /> �he addr�ss�s shawn near th� beginning of this Deed of Trus�. All c�pies af notices af fareclosure from the holder ��
<br /> anw lien which has priarity v�er this �eed of Trust sha11 be sent to Lender's add�ess, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> �hi� Deed af Trust. Any party may change its address �or r�otices under this Deed of Trus� by gi•�ing form��l written
<br /> nv�ice t� �he o�her parties, spec�fying �hat the purpose ❑f the notice is t� change the party`s address, F��r notice
<br /> pui�pases, T�ustor agrees tv keep Lender infarmed a� al� �imes of Trustor's current addr�ss. Unless atherwise pra�ided .
<br /> vr required by law, if there is rnor�than one Trustor, an� r�otice gi�en by Lend�r to an�Trustor is d{�emed to iae na�i�e
<br /> giv�n�❑ all Trustars.
<br /> M��CELLANEDUS PR�V15[�NS. The fallowing rnisceiianeous pro�isians are a part❑f this Qeed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This De�d vf Trus�, tagether with any Related Documen#s, cons�itutes the entire understar�ding and
<br /> agreemen�❑f the parties as to the matters set forth in this ❑eed of Trust. No a�tera�ian of o� amendmer��to this
<br />