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- - . . . . . � - . 2� 1 ��82�4 <br /> DEE[] �F T'RU�T <br /> Lc�an No: 1 U'!3��'�82 {C�7�ti�lu�d} 'Page 2 <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In additian ta t�e Note, this Deed of Trust se�ures al� future ad��ances made by l.��nder to <br /> Borrovver or Trust�r wh�ther or n�t the ad�ances are made pursuant to a cornmitment. Specifically, without limi�ation, <br /> this Deed vf Trust se�ures, in addit+on to the arnounts spe����ed in the Nate, all fu�urs amv�.�nts �.ender in i�s c�iscre�ian <br /> may�oan to Bo�rower ar Trustar, togethe�with all inter�s�therean. <br /> T��,�stor presen�ly assigns t� Lender �als� knvwn as Beneficiary in this D�ed of Trust� a�� a� Trust��r's right, title, and <br /> �nterest in and to all present and �uture leases vf tha Property and all Rents from the Property. 1n addi�ivn, Trustvr <br /> grants to Lender a �niforrn Commercial Code security int��est in the Personai Prvperty and R�:nts. <br /> TF��S DEE❑ �F TRUST, INCLUD�NG THE ASSIGNMENT QF R�NTS AtVD THE SECURIT� INTI�REST IIN THE REh1TS AND <br /> PEF�S�NAL PR�PERTY. �S GIVEN T� SECURE {A� PAYMEIVT �F TF�E IN�EBTEDNESS AND �B3 PERFORM��►N�E �F <br /> AI►I� AND ALL OBLiGAT1�NS U�VDER THE iVflTE. THE 1�ELATED D�ClJIVlENTS, AND TH��S DEED QF TRUS�C, TI-�15 <br /> DEE{3�F TRUST I�GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FDLL�11�FfNG TERNlS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATl�NS AND 1�ARRANTIES. Trustor warran�s that: �ay this Deed of Trus# is ex�:�cuted a� <br /> Bar�owerrs request and not at the reques�af Lender; �b� Trustor has the full ptiwer, �ight, and aul:hority ta F�u��er into <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust and ta hypothecate the Property; �c) the pro�isians o� this aeed af Triast do no� canflict w�th, or <br /> r�sult in a default under any agreer�ent or other instrurnent �inding upon Trustor and da n�t resu�t in a �iola�ic�n of any <br /> [avv, regulatian, court decree ar order applicable to Trustor; tdy T�ustor has estab[ished adequate means af ubtaining <br /> from Borrower ❑n a continuing basis ir�formation abau� Bvrrawer's ��nancial cflnd€tion; an� �e� L�:ndsr has made nQ <br /> representat�on to Trustvr about Barrower �including wi�hau#lirnitation the creditwarthEness af gorrower}. <br /> TRUST�R'S V1IAIVERS. Trustar wai�es all rights or defer�ses arising by�eason vf any "vne actian" ar "anti--dE���iciency" <br /> favv, or any other law wh�ch may pr��ent Lender fram bringing any aetion agains� Tru:7tor, int.luding a ��aim �or <br /> de�Ficiency �o the extent Lender is otherwise enti�led t� a ciaim �or deftciency, before ar a�t�:r Lender's camm��E�cement <br /> or completian af any fare�[osure ac�ivn, either judicialiy or by exer�ise af a p�w�r a�sa�e. <br /> PA.�MENT AND PERFQRIIflAIItCE. Except as otherwise pra�id�d in this Deed of Trust, Borrower and Trustar shall pay ta <br /> Le��der all Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed a� Trus� as �t becomes due, and Bvrrow�� and Trustar shall strictly <br /> perfarm all their respective obliga�ions under the Nate, this Deed a�Tr�st, and the Re�ated D[ycuments. <br /> P��SSESSI�N AND MA�NTENANCE OF THE PRDPERTY. Borrower and Trus�or agree tha� Barro�rrer's and 1-rustor's <br /> po�sess�an and use of the Property sha��he go�erned by the�o�lowing �rv�isions: <br /> P�ssession and Use. Unti! �th� oc�urrence �fi an Euent o� De��u�t, Trustar may �1� rernain �n posse��;�ion and <br /> cantral vf the Prvperty; �Zf use, aperate a�manage�he Proper�y; and �3} callect the Rents�rom the Pro�3erty, <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall m�intain the Property in �enantable conditi�n ar�d pr�ompt�y ?erform afl repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and maint�nance necessary ta p�eser�e its value. <br /> Compliance 1Nith En�ironmer�tal Lav�rs. Trustor represents and warrants ta Lende�that: ��y Cauring �he �reriod of <br /> Trus�or`s ownsrship❑f the Property, there has been no use, generatian, manufacture, s#:orage, trea�men�, disposal, <br /> re�ease or threatened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance by any pe�son on, under, about vr fram the Proper�y; <br /> {2y Trustar has no knovJ(edge o�, or reasnn ta belie�� that�here has b�en, except as ��re�iausly disclos�=� to and <br /> acl�naw�edged by Lender in writing, �a� any bre��h vr �iola�ion o� any En�ironmental La�vs, �by ��ny use, <br /> generation, manu�actur�, s�vrage, treatment, dispasal, release or threatened rele�se of any H�zardvus 5ubs�ance <br /> an, under, about or #rar� the Property by any prior owners or ❑ccupants af the Prop�r�y, or �c) any �Ectual ar <br /> threat�ned �itigation ar claims of any kind by any perso� re[ating to such ma�ters; and �3y E.�ccept as pre�iously <br /> disclosed to and a�knowledg�d by Lender in writing, �a} ne�ther Trustor nor any t�nan�, contra�ytor, agen�;or other <br /> autharizsd user of the Proper�y shall use, generate, manufactu�e, sto�e, treat, dispose o# or rel�:ase any Hdzardous <br /> 5ubstance an, under, about or�rom�he Prope�ty; and �b� any su�h acti�ity shall be �a��ducted in compli��r�ce w��h <br /> afl appficable federal, s�ate, and lv�a( laws, regulations and ordinan�es, including wi�hout �imit��tian ail <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or autharizes Lender and its agents to �nter upon th� Property �o ma��e such <br /> inspectians and tes�s, �t Trustar's expense, as Lende� may deern appropriate to de�ermine compi�an�;e of th� <br /> Prap�rty with this sectivn af the Deed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lend�r s��a�� be for 1_ende�'s <br /> purpases only and shai! not be construed to create ar�y respons�biiity or liab�[ity on th� part❑��ender to 7�rus�or ar <br /> �a any ather person. The representatians and warranties cantain�d herein are based ar� Trustor's due dil��ence �n <br /> in�estiga�ing the Praperty �or Hazardaus Substances. Trustor hereby t 1� reieases and waive,� any futur�e claims <br /> agains� Lender for indemnity or con�ribution �n the e�ent Trustor becomes liab�e �or cl�anup or other ca;��ts under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees tv indemnify, defend, and hald h�rmless Lender against any an+� all claim�, losses, <br /> ��ab��it�es. damages, penalties, and �xpenses which Lender may d�rectly ar indirectl�sus#:ain ❑r suf�er resul�ing from <br /> a breach of this section ❑f the ❑eed o�Trust or as a consequence of any use, genera�ion, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, reFease or threatened release accurring priar�a Trustor's vwnersh�p or�nt�rest in the Pr�perty, wr�ether or <br /> not the same was ❑r shvu[d ha�e been knorrvn tv Trustor. The pro�isions of this seGt�on o� the Deed cf# Trus�, <br /> incCuding the abligation t❑ indemnify and defend, shal� sur�i�e the payment of the Inde�t�:dness ��nd the sa�tis�action <br /> and rec�n�eyance o�the lien vf thi� Deed af Trust ar�d shall not be a��ected by Lender'�� acquisition af an!� interest <br /> in th� Prop�rty, wheth�r by foreclvsure ar o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trustor shaf� no� cause, canduc� or permit any nuisance nar com�m��, perrnit, or sufte� any <br /> s�ripping of or waste on or to �he Property or any p�vr�i�n af the Property. V1l�thaut lirniting t��e generali�y of the <br /> foregving, Trustor wiil no�r�move, or grant�o any other party the right to remo�e, ar�y timber, minerals �i�cluding <br /> vil and gas}, �aal, clay,scoria,sfl��, gra�e�or rack praducts wi�hout Lender's prior wri�ten c�nse�7t. r <br />