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2� 1 ��8197 <br /> DEED C3F TRLJST <br /> ��ontinued� Page 2 <br /> Trustor's ownership ot the Property,there has be�n na use,generation, manu�acture,storage,treatment,disposal, <br /> r��ease ar threatened release af any Hazardous Substance hy any persan on, under, about �r from the �roperty; <br /> �2} Trustor has no kn�wledge ot, vr reason to beiie�e that there has been, sxcept as pre�iously disc�osed to and <br /> acknvwledged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach or �ialation of any En�ironmental Laws, (b} any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, stvrage, treatment, disposai, r�lease ar threatened reiease of any Hazardaus Substanoe <br /> on, under, about or from the Property �y any prior o►►vners or accupants of the P�opes�ty, or tc} any actua� or <br /> threatened litigation or�la�ms of any kind by any person reiating ta such matters; and {3} Except as previously <br /> disc�osed to and acknow��dged by Lender in writing, {a} neither Trus#or nar any tenant,cantractor,agent or�#her <br /> au�horized use�-of the Property shall use,generate, manufactu�e,stare,treat, dispnse af or re�ease any Hazardaus <br /> Substance on, under, abou�or frnm the Property;and (b} any such act��ity shall be conducted in oomp�iance with <br /> all appficable federal, state, and Iocal iaws, regulations and ordinanoes, including without limitation a�l <br /> Envirvnmen�l Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upan #he Property to make such <br /> inSpectians and tests, at Trust�r's expense, as Lender may deem apprapr�ate to determ�ne vorr�pliance of the <br /> Property wi#h this section o�the Deed of Trust. Any inspections ar tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpases only and shall not be cvnstrued to create any responsibi�ity vr liahi�ity on the part of Lender to Trustvr or <br /> #o any oth���er�an. 1'he reQresentations and warra�tRes oor�tained herei�a�e based an Trust�r's due di�igence in <br /> investigating thg Praperty�or Hazardous Subs#anc�es. Trustor hereby (1� releases and wai�es any fu�ure claims <br /> against Lender�or indemnity or contribution in the event Trustar#.�eaomes liable far cleanup or ather casts und�r <br /> any sucM laws; �n� ��} a�re�s tfl indemni�y,defend, and hold harm#ess Lender against any and alt c�aims, lasses, <br /> iiabilities, dama�es, penaities, and expenses which Lender may directly�r�ndirect�y sustain or suffer result�ng#�om <br /> a b�each of this section of th� Deed of Trust or as a cvnsequence af any use, generation, manufacture, s#ora�e, <br /> dispr3sal,release vr threateneci release occurring prior to Trustor's ownersh�p vr interest�n the property,whether or <br /> not the sam� was or �houtd have been known to Trustor. T#�e pro�isions af this se��on o�th� �Dee�d vf T�us�, <br /> including the nbligatian to indemnify and defend,shall survi�e the payment o�the Indebtedn�ss and the satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyanoe ot the�ien af this Deed of Trust and shall not be affected by L�nder's acquisi#ion of any interest <br /> in the Prape�ty,wh�;ther by�'are��c�sure a�r athen►�ise. <br /> 1Vuisance, Waste. T�-ustflr shai� �vt cause, condu�t or permit any nuis�n�e nar commit, permit, ar su�fer any <br /> stripping ❑'f�r waste on or to the Property ar any p�rtian at the Praperty. INi#hout limiting the generality af the <br /> forsgoing, Trustor will nvt remo�e, ar grant t�any other party the right to remo�e, any timber, minerals�including <br /> oi�and gas},coal,��ay,scoria,svil,gra�el vr rvck products without�ender's prior writ�en consent. <br /> Remo�a�af Impro►rements. Trustor shali no�demoiish or rem��e any imp�a�ements fram#he Rea�Prop�rty wi#hout <br /> Lender's pri�r written cansent. As a condition to the removal v�a�ny lmpr�vements,Lender may�equire T�stor t� <br /> make arrangem�n#s satFsfactory ta Lender tv replac� such Improvements with Imprvv�ments of at least equa! <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender`s Right ta Enter. Lender and Lende�'s agents and representativss may enter upon the F�eal Property at all <br /> reasor�ab�e t�mes t� att�nd to Lender's inter�sts and ta inspect #he Real P�aperty �or purposes a� Trustor's <br /> compliance with the terms and�onditions o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Compi�ance with �o�ernmental Requ�rements, Trustar shall prampt�y camp�y w�th a�l laws, a�dinanc�s, and <br /> regula#ian�, now or hereafter in effect, of a!I go�ernmenta� authorities appli�able t� the use or�ccupancy of the <br /> Property. Trus�or may can�est in good fatth any such�aw,vrdinance,vr regulatian and withhoid comp�ian�e during <br /> any Rraceeding, i�c�uding appr�p�iatr� appeals, sfl Iflng as Trusto�- �as nofified Lender in writing privr ta �aing sa <br /> and sa Iong as, En Lender's svle apinion, Lender's interests in the Property�re nat jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustar ta post adequate security+vr a surety band,reasonably satisfactary ta Lender,#a prafect Lender's in#erest. <br /> �uty to Pratect. Trustvr agrees neither to abandon or lea�e una#tended the Property. T�ustar shal! do a!I other <br /> ac�s, in addi�ion to those acts set f�rth abo��in this sectian,which firom the char�cter and use vf the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary tv protect and preserve the Prvperty. <br /> DUE�N SALE-C�]NSENT gY LENDER. Lender may,at Lender's option,decla�� �mm�d�ately due and payab4e al#sums <br /> secured by this Deed o�Trust upon the sale or transfer, without Lender's prior written cansent,af a�l or any part af the <br /> Real Praper�y, vr any interes#in the Real Property. A "sale or transfer" means�he con�eyance vf Reai Proper�y or any <br /> righ�, title or interest in the Rea� P�Qpe�ty; whethe� �egal, beneficial o� equita�le; whether valuntary or invofuntary; <br /> whether hy outright sale, deed, instaElment sale �ontract, land contract, contract for deed, leasehold interest w�th a <br /> term greater than three �3} years, lease-optivn cantract, vr by sale, assignment, or transfer of any benefcial interest in <br /> or to any �and t�ust holding tii�e ta the Real Property, vr by any a#her method afi conveyance of an interest En the Real <br /> Property. However, th�s optian shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prahibited by #edera� �aw or by <br /> hlebraska iaw. <br /> TA]t�S AND L�ENS. The fo�lvwing pro�is�ons relating to the taxes and liens on the Property are par# of this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustvr shall pay when due�and in all e�ents pr+or ta delinquency�ali taxes,special taxes,assessments, <br /> charges�includ�ng water and sewe�}, fnes and impositian$fe�ied a�ains't or on account of the Property, and sha�1 <br /> pay when dus all claims fpr work done vn or f�r services rendered or material furnished ta the Prape�ty. Trustar <br /> shaf� maintain the Property free vf all�iens ha�ing priority o�er or equal to the interest o�L.ender under this Deed of <br /> Tr�st, except far the lien vf taxes and assessments nat due, except for th� Existing Indebtedn�ss referred to <br /> befow,and except as otherw+se pro�ided in this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustvr may withhvid payment of any tax, assessment,o�c�aim sn cannection with a govd fai#h <br /> dispute o�er the obligation t�pay, so Ivng as Lender's interest in the Property is n�t jeapardized. If a�ien arises or <br /> is fiiQd as a result of nonpayment, Trustor shall within fifteen {'15} days after the lien arises or, if a lien is fi�ed, <br /> wfthin fifteen �'[5} days ai#er Trustor has n�tice of the fling, secure the discharg� vf the lien, or if requested by <br /> Lender,dep�sit with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond ar other security satisfactary to Lender in an <br /> am�unt sufficient to discharge the lien p�us any�osts and attorneys'fees, or other charges that cau�d accrue as a <br /> r�esu�t of a forec�flsure ar-sale under the lien. In any contest, Trustvr sha�t defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any advers�judgment before enfvrc�ment again$t the F'ropsrty. Trustor shall name Lender as ar�addit�ona!ob4igee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings. <br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustor sha�l upan demand furnish to Lender satisfactory e�idence af paymen#af the#axes <br /> or assessments and sha11 authorize the appropriate govemmental afficial to deli�er to Lender at any time a wri#ten <br /> s#atement of the taxes and assessmen�s against the Praper•ty. <br /> Noti�e of Gvnstructlon. Trustar sha#� notify Lender at t�ast��teen �1�}days b�fore any wark is camm�nGed, any <br /> services are�urnished, or any materials are supp�ied to the Property, if any me�hanic's lien, materialmen's lien,�r <br /> pther lien �vuld be asserted on account�f the wvrk, services, ar materia�s. Trustvr wili upon request vf Lender <br /> furr�ish ta Lende� ad�ance assurances satisfactory to Lentler that Trustor can and wili pay the cost +�f such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PRDPEFtTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fnllowing pro�isions relating ta insuring the Property a�-s a part of this Deed af <br /> Tru st. <br /> Maintenance of lnsurance. Trustor shall prvcure and maintain palicies af f�re insurance with s#andard extended <br /> co�grage en�orsements on a ��ir �alue basis �or the full insurable �alue co�ering a!i Impro�ements on #he Reaf <br />