2� 1 ��8185
<br /> Transfer�f the Pr�pert��r a Benef�c�a�Interes��n Borr�wer. �f aIl ar any par�of�he Property or any interes�
<br /> in it is ��Id or transferred �or �f a benef cial in�eres� in Barrovver �� sfl�d ar transferred and Barr�wer zs no� a
<br /> natura� person} �v��hou�L�n+�er's prior wri�ten cc�nsen�, Lender m�y, a� i�s ap�ion, require �mme��ate paymen� in
<br /> fuX� �f aI1 sum� secured by �his 5ecuri�y �ns�ru�rient. Ho�wever, �h�s �pt�on sha�� n�t be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by fedf�ral Ia�v as af the date of�his Security Ins�rument.
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses th�s option, Lender shall g�ve B arro�ver notice of acc��era��on. The no�ice shall provide a
<br /> period of nat Iess �han the �r�in�mum number flf days establ�shed�b�App�icab�e Lavv from the da�� �he notice is
<br /> delivered or mai�ed vvithin ��rhi�h Borrnw�r must pay aIl sums se�ur�d by this Secur��gr Ynstrument. If B�rrotiver
<br /> fai�s to pay�hese sums prio�� to �he �xpirat�on of�his period, Lender may invoke any remed�es pennif�ed by�h�s
<br /> 5e�urity�ns�rumen�without�Cur�her notice nr demand on Bon�Wer.
<br /> Borro�ver's �tight ta Reinf3tat�. �f�Qrrotiver mee�s �er�ai� candit��ns, B arrower sh�.11 hav� the righ� �o have
<br /> enforcement�f�his Securifiy In��ru.ment disc�ntinued at ar�y time pr��r to the earlier of �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> per�od as App�icabie La�v m;�.y specify far reinsta�emen��before sa�e of�he Prvperty pursuant to any povver of sale
<br /> cflntained in th�s S�curity ]:nstrumen�; or �b� en�ry of a judgmen� enfarc�ng this 5�curity �ns�rument. Those
<br /> condi�inns are �ha� Bnrrowe3r: �a� pays Lend�r alI sums whi�h �her�urou.�d be due tu�der �his Securi�y Instirumen�
<br /> and the�antract as if no acc��l�ration had accurred; (b}cures any d�fau�t of any fl�her covena.r�ts or agreements; �c}
<br /> pays a�I expenses incurred�n en�'nrczng this Securi�y Instr�ment, inc�uding,but na�Iimit�d�a,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees �o �the extent permitted��y lavsr; and �d� takes such a���on as L�nder may r�asanabl�r require to assure that�he
<br /> lien flf this Security�nstrum��n�,Lender's rights i�the Pr�perty and Borrotiver's obliga��on�o pay the suxns secured
<br /> by th�s Secur�ty I�strument .�ha1l con�ir�ue unchanged. Upan reinstatemen�by Borr�wer, this �ecurit}r Instrument
<br /> and th� ob�igat��ns secured:hereby sha1� remain ful�y effe��ive as if no acce�erati�n had occurr�d. H�wever, �his
<br /> r�ght to reins��.�e shal�no�ap.ply in�he case of a��elerat�on un�ler t�e sect�on titled Transfer vf�he Praperty or a
<br /> Benef�cial Interest in Bor�r«wer.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es.�o��rovv�r sha��no�cause or permi��he pr�sence,use, dispnsal, s�orag�, or re�ease of any
<br /> HazardQus Subs�ances on�r in�he PraperCy.B�rrower shall not da,nar a��ovtr anyone e�se t�d�,anything affec�i.ng
<br /> the Prflper�y�hat �s �n vz�la�.ion of any Environmental La�v. The pre�eding tw� sen�en�es sha�� not app�y ta �he
<br /> presence,use,or s��rage�n tne Propert�of srnal�quanti�ies�f Hazard�us Subs�a�.ces tha�are general�y re�ognized
<br /> to be appropriate�o normal residential uses and t�main�enan�e of�h�Property.
<br /> B�rrawer shall prompt�y giv��Lender wr���en no��ce af any investigativn,c�airn,demand,lav�rsui�or��her act�an by
<br /> an�r governmental �r reg�.iatory agen�y or private party ix�v��ving th� PrQperty and ar�y Hazardous Subs�a.nce or
<br /> Enviro�men�.� Law of whi:ch Borrawer has actua� knov��edge. �� B�rrov�er learns, ar is no�ified �by any
<br /> governmen�al or regu�atory a.u�hori�y,that any rem�val or other ren�ediatifln o�'any Hazard�us Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Properfiy is necessary, Borrow�r shal� pr�mpt�y take all n�c�ssary remedia� actions in accarda�ce wi�h
<br /> �nvironmental Law.
<br /> A�used in�his paragraph, "�3azardous Substances" are those subs�ances d�f ne�as taxi� ar hazardaus subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmenta� La�vv and �he follavving subs�ances: gas�line, kerosene, ath�r flammab�e or t�xic pe�roleum
<br /> praduc�s, �ox�c pes�i�ides ar�� herbicides, vo�a�i�e s�lvents, rnateri�.Is cnn�aining asbestos tir formaldehyde, and
<br /> radiaaetive materia�s. As used ir�this paragraph, "Environmenta�La�" means federal Iaws and laws of the state of
<br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate to health�,safe�y or env�r�nmen�al pr�tec�ion.
<br /> A��e�era�iang Remed�es. L��nder shai� ga�ve n�ti�e to Borroyver pri�ar �o �.�ceierati�n fo��owi.ng Borrower's
<br /> breach�f any c�venant vr:agr�ement�n this Secur�ty Ins�rument�r�he C�ntract under wh�ch a�celeratian
<br /> is perm�tted�bu� not pri�r t� acce�eration under the �e�tion title�TranSfer of th� Prop�rty or a B�nefc�ai
<br /> In�eres�in B�rr�vver, un����s Applicable Lavv prflvides ��herw�se�o The n��i�e shal� spec�fy: �a� the default;
<br /> (b} �he acti�n required tc� cure th� dQfault� �c} a date, x1�� I�55 tha� �he m�nxmurn number of days
<br /> �stablished by Appl��abl�Iaaw from the date the n�tice i�given t�Borrower,by�vh�ch the def�u�t must be
<br /> cured; and.�d) that failure to cure the defau�t on or before �h� date spec��ed in �he n�t�ce may r�sult in
<br /> acc�lerat��n of the sums ��ecured by thxs Security Inst�urne�� and sale flf �h� Property. T� th� exten�
<br /> permi�ted by law, the na��c:e shall further inform B�rr�v�er of�he right to reinstate af�er accelera�ion and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a Court a�ction�a a�sert th�r��n-ex�sten�e af a d.efault n�r�ny vther defense af Bor�-ower to
<br /> acce�era�ion and sale.If th+� d�fau��is nvt cured on nr�efor� �he date sp�cified in the not�ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> optian may ret�uire imr����iate payr��nt in fu�i of a�� su�ms s��u�ed by �h�s Se�urity Instrument without
<br /> further dem�nd and may inv�ke the povver o�sale ar�d �ny Q���r remed��� perm�t�ed by Appl��able La�v.
<br /> To the ext�n� pernutted b�� law, Lender shali be �nt�t�ed to ��l�ec� alI expenses �ncurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> rerned�es prov�ded�n�hi� ��e��ion, �n�ludYng,bu�t not l��i�ed t�,reasonab�e �.�t�rneys' fees and cost�vf tit�e
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If the pvwer af 5axe is�nvo��ed,TruStee shall re�ord a noti�� flf defau��i� �a�h �au�ty irn which any part vf
<br /> the Property is�ocated a�d shai�ma���api�e�of su�h nv�i�e in the�manner presCrabed by A►ppl��abI�Lav�to
<br /> Borrower and �o the o�her person5 �rescribed by Appli�able I.,aw. Aft�r the txme requ�r�d by Appli�ab�e
<br /> Law, Truste� sha�l gi�e pu.bli� not�ce �f 5a�e tv the pe�s�ns arad in the nr�anner prescribed hy Applicab�e
<br /> Law.Trustee,yvithflut d�mand on Bvrrower, �ha�l s�ll�h�Prap�rty a�public au��i�n �� the h�.ghe��bidd�r
<br /> at the t�me and p�ace and und�r the terms designated in the no�i�e of sa�.e�n�ne or�nore par�ei�and�n any
<br /> vrder Trus�ee determui.n�s, Trustee may pos�pone sal� of all vr� any p�rcel. of �he Property by public
<br /> announ�ement at the�irx�e��nd pla�e of any prev�ous�y schedul�d sale.Le�der or its des�gnee may purcha�e
<br /> the Property at any sale� �
<br /> Upon re�e�pt af payme�.t a:f the price b�d, Trustee shall d�liver �o the p�rchaser° Trustee's deed cvn�eying
<br /> �he Prapert�.The recit��s in �he Trus�ee's dee� shall b��rima�acie evid�nc� of the�ru�h�f th�statement5
<br /> 0 2044-2015 Campliance Systems,Inc.G 18A-3ci4E-2D 15.� S
<br /> �onsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL��3b , Page 4 of 5 www.campIiancesystems.corr�
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