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2� 1 ��8185 <br /> Pa�ment of Principa�a�.d�Cnterest; ��her Charges.BQrrotiver sha11 prompt�y pay when due the principal�f and <br /> interes�on the deb�otiv�d unt�er the�ontrac�and la�e c�arges or any��h�r fees and charges due under the Con�ract. <br /> Applicable Layv. As used in �his Security Ins��, th� term "Appl�cable Law4f �ha�l mean a11 con�roiling <br /> applicab�e federal, s�a�e and local sta�.i�.�es, r��U�a.t�On.Ss ardinances and adminis�rat�v� rule� and ord�rs �that have <br /> the effect af l�w}as vvell as��11 app�ica��e�nal,non-appealable jud�c�al op�nio�s. <br /> �harges; Li�ns. Borrow�r sha�� pay alI taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fin�s and imp�sx�ions a��ributab�e to �he <br /> Proper�r,which may a��a�.n pr�ori�y over this 5ecurity�ns�en�, and leasehold paymen�s or gr�und rents, if any. <br /> At the reques�of Lender,Ba:rra�ver sha�1 pramptly furnish to Lender rece�pts ev�denc�ng the payments. <br /> Borrower sha�I promptly discharge any�ien whzch has priority�ver this 5ecurity Instr�urn�n�un�ess Borr�v►rer: �a} <br /> agrees �n writing �o �.ie pa�ma.en� of�he vbliga�ion secured by th� ��en �n a manner acceptable �o Lender; (b} <br /> contes�s in good fai�h th� li��n b�, or defends against enforceme�� of the �ien in, legal proceedings wh�ch in the <br /> Lender's �pu�ion aperate �Q pr�vent �he enforcement �f the lien; ar �c� secures frorn the halder of the lien an <br /> agreem�nt satisfactory to L�nder subordinat�ng the lien�a this Secu�-i�y�ns�rument. If L�nder determines tha�any <br /> par� af�he Property is st�b�ect t� a lzen v�rhich may attain pr�orit�y �ver �his Security Instrument, L�nder may give <br /> Borrower a not�ce identif�ring�he ��en. BarroWer sha�I sa�isf��he 1�en or�ake one �r more of�he act�ons set forth <br /> abave wi�hin 1�da�s of the�;�ving af n�ti�e. <br /> Hazard ar Property In�ur��nc�. Borr�vver sha��keep �he �r�provements n�w exist�ng or hereafter erec�ed fln�he <br /> Proper�y insured agains�loss by fre,ha�a.rds included w��hin the term"ex�ended coverage" and any o�her ha�ards, <br /> inc�ud�.g floods or floodin�;, f�r wh�ch Lender requires insuran�e. This insurance shal� be main�azned �n �he <br /> amounts and for�he periods�tha�Ler�der requires. The i�nsurance ca�rier providing the in�urance shall be chosen by <br /> Borrower sula�ect ta Lend�r's approva� which shall not be unreasonably withhe�d. If�arro,wer fai�s �o rnain�ain <br /> coverage described abo�e, Ler�der may, at Lender's option, ob�a� caverag� �� pratec� Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Property in acc�rdance wi�h��c�i�n�it�ed Protect�on af L�nder°s l�ghts�n�h�Prflper�y. <br /> AlI insurance p�Iic��s and r�.ne�vals sha�� be accepta��e t� Lender and sha�� include a s�andard m�r�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha��have�he right tt�hold the pa�ic�es and renewals. If Lend�r requ�res,Borrotiver shal�prornp�ly give to <br /> Lender a��receipts of paid p:ren�iums and renetival notice�. �z�the even�of loss, B�rro�er sha��give promp�notice <br /> to�he�nsuran�e carrier and I�ender.Lender may make pr�of of Io�s if not made promp�ly by Barro�wer. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrotiv�;r a�herwise agree in v�rriting, insuran�e proceeds shall be appl�ed to res�ara���n ar <br /> repair of the Proper�y dama��ed, �f, in Lender's sale discreti�n, the res�ora��on or repair is economical�y feasi�l� <br /> and Lender's security is nat �essened. �f, in Lender's sole di�cret�on, the restorat��n ar repair is not ec�namically <br /> feasi�le�r Lender's se�uri�y s�vau�d be�essened,the insuran�e pr�ceeds sha1l b�appl�ed t�the sums se�ured by�his <br /> 5 e curity Ins�rument, whe�her ar no� �hen due, with any e�c ess pa�d ta B flrrflvver. �f B orrovver abandons the <br /> Pr�per�r,�r does not ansvver v�ri�hin�he nuxa�ber of days prescribed by Applicable La�r as set forth in a n�t�ce from <br /> Lender to Borrower tha�the insurance carrier has offered�o sett�e a c�a�m, �he�Lender may collect the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use ��:�e proceeds �� repair or restore �he Pr�p�rty ar to pay sums secuared by this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument,vvhe�her ar no�ther�due. The peri�d of txzne for BorrovSr�r�o ansuler as set for�h in the nn��ce�v��1 begin <br /> �vhen�he nati�e is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Bvrrav�er�o�herwise agree in wri��ng, any application of proceeds��pr�nc�pal shall not extend <br /> ar postpone the due date�f�:he paymen�s due und�r�he �on�ract or c�ange the amount of the payments. �f under <br /> �he sec�ior��it�ed Acce�erati�rn; Remed�es, the Prflperty is a�quzred by Lender, Borrower's righ�to any�nsuranc� <br /> palic�es and praceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Property prior ta the acquisition sha�� pass to Lend�r �o the <br /> ex�ent af the sums secured by�this Securi�y�nstrumen�imr�ec�ia�ely prior ta the ac�uis��ion. <br /> Preser�at�on, �Vlain�ena�c�� a�.d Pr�tec��on of the Pr�p�r�y; �3orrower'� Loan App��catYon; L�aSeh��ds. <br /> Borrower shall n�t destray, �Lamage or impa�r�he Proper�y, allflw th�Pr�p�r�y ta de�eriorate, or commi��vast� on <br /> the Pr�perty. Borrower sha��be�.n defau��if any forfei�re ac�ion�r proceed�ng,tivhe�her civil or�rimina�,is begun <br /> tha� �n Lender's goad faith j��dgmen� cou�d resu�t in farfeiture of��ie Froperty ar oth�rw�se materially zmpa�r th� <br /> �ien crea�ed by �his Securit�r �r�s�rument �r Lender's �ecuri�y intere�t. Borrawer m�.y cure su�� a default and <br /> re�nsta�e, as pr�vrded in sec�;ion titled�orrflw�r'� R�ght t� Reins�a�e, by causing the ac�ian or proceeding to be <br /> disrnissed�vith a ru�ing�hat,�n Lender's gaod faith determ�na�ion,precludes fo�feiture of the Borrower's�nteres�in <br /> �he Proper�y or �ther ma�erial xmpairment of�he I�en crea�ed by th�s Secur�ty Instrumen� or Lender's security <br /> int�res�. B�rr�Wer shall also��e in�.efautt if B�rrower,durzng�he loan appl�cati�n process,gave mat�riat�y fa�se or <br /> inac�u.rate information or s���temen�s to Lender €or faz�ed ta pravide Lender vvi�h any material inf�rmat�on} in <br /> �ann�ctian wi�h the loan evic�en�ed�ay the �ontract. �f this �ecur��y Instrumen�is an a leasehold, Borrower shal� <br /> cam.p�y W�th a11 the provisions of the Iease. If Borrower acqu�res fee t�t�e t��he Proper�y,�ie�easehfl�d and�he fee <br /> title shal�not merge u.nless LE;nder agre�s to�he merger in wr��ing. <br /> Protec�aton af Lender's �ti�,hts in th� Pr�perty. �f Barrn�er fails �o perfarm �he ��venan�s and agreements <br /> con�a�ned in this 5ecu.rity Instru�ment, nr�here is a Iegal pr�c�eding�ha�may s�gnif cantl�affect Lender's r�gh�s in <br /> the Proper�y �such as a pr�cc�eding in bankrup�cy, prabate, for condexnnatian �r farf�i�ure or �o enforce lativs ar <br /> regu�ations}, then Lender m��� da and pay for wha�ever �s nece�sary �o prfl��ct �he value �f the Property and <br /> Lender's rights in�he Propert:y. Lender's ac�ions may include paying any sums secured by a�ien vvhich has pri�rity <br /> flver this Security�ns�rument, appear�ng in�ourt,payxng r�as�nable attorneys'f�es and e�.tering nn t,�ie Prflperty to <br /> make repairs.Althaugh Lend��r may�ake actian under this sect�on,Lender dves�at have to�o sa. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by L�en�er under �h�s sectznn sha�� ]�ecome additi�nal deb� af Barrourer secured �y �his <br /> Security Instrumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agree �a flth�r �erms af paymen�, �hese amounts sha�I bear <br /> �2004-2�15 Compliance Systems,Tnc.5I8A-364E-2415,I2.3.1.I l 1S <br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security Instnament DL2D3d Pa�e 2 af 5 www, <br />