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<br /> UNiFOIen[CovF.t�t�t�TS. Bonower and I.ender cnvrna�t and agree as follows:
<br /> r . !. Pay�i ot PriACiM1 sud Iateeq�Pre�ymest isd Late G7�r�a. Hotrowu shatl promptly pay when due �
<br /> tHe principal of tr►d interC;t on tht dabs evidtnced by the Note and any prepayment and late clnarges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Fsads ias�'a�ta sed Is�tsraae= Sub�eet ta apglirahk tav�or ta s writt�w�ivet by Lertdu,&snoArr st�al!p9y
<br /> to Le�der an the day monthty p�ymenu ue due uader the 1Vote,until the Nou is paid in fult,a sum(.•'Funds')equal to
<br /> one-twrclRh of (:}yearly taaes aad assessmeats +uhich rr:ay attain priority oves this Security Instrument; (b)YearlY
<br /> kaseh�ald psyments or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c)yearly huard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br /> : � mort�e insuranse premiums,if any.Thae items ue called"acrow items."Lenda may�e�timate che Funds due on the
<br /> baw of current d�t�and reasansbk atimues of future escrow items. �
<br /> — The Fuads shall be hetd in an institutian the depcnits or accuunts of whieh are insured or guaranteod by a fcderal or
<br /> stste a�eacy(ineluding Lender if I.enda is sucb an institution). I.ender shall apply tht Funds to pay the acrow items.
<br /> lelader msy not chasge for holding and applying the Funds,anaiyzing the accour�t or verifying ths escrow ite�ts,unless
<br /> I,eader pays Ba�rrrowa interat on the Funds and spplicable law permits I.eader to make suc6 a charga Borrower and
<br /> I�endtr may a�ree in writing that interat shall be paid on the Funds. Unlsss an agreement is made or applicable law
<br /> �+equires interesc w be paid.Lendu shall not be roquired to pay Bomawer any interest or earnings on the Fuads. Lender
<br /> absll give to Bosro�rer,withoui charge,an annual accounting of the Funds showing erediis and debits to thc Funds and thc
<br /> purpose Cor�vhich ach debit to ths Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for ths sums securcd by
<br /> tbis Security Lutnunetii.
<br /> , If the amouat of the Funds hdd by Lea�,toget6er with tlu futura monthly paymsnts v:Fnnds payable prior to ,
<br /> the due data of the escrow items,shall eacoed tLt amount required to pay the eserow items whess dne,tlre excess shall be,
<br /> at�orroMer's opaan,either pramptly repaid to Borrowes or credited to Borrowcs��irz�nthly payments of Funds.If the �
<br /> ; tmount of the Funds hdd hy Lea�is aot svi5cient to pay the acrow items whtn du�i�orrower shall paq ta Lender any
<br />- aiaount necessary to rasic�eip th�e€�ccirncy in ono or rri..nre paymer:ts as res�uired by�x:rda. . .
<br /> Upan payment��c1I af all sums secured by tbis Security Instru�sent,I.ertder shall promptly refund to Boaower
<br /> any Fnnds held by L.e���IIf under paragaph 19 the P�opar¢�is sold or acquired by Lender.Lender sriall apply,no lat�r
<br /> than imm�fiately pri�r ta t�_sat�of the Property or its a�.�:tion by I.ender.any Funds hetd by l.ender at tlze time a`'
<br /> � applicaliaFS�s a eredit ag�a�t��.ims securod by this Secur".r�f r�strument.
<br /> � �IicsGtos g!P'a�aeub. Unlas applicable law provides oiherwise,all paymrnts received by Lender und�
<br /> parasrap�ZS!and 2�J�5e app2ied:first,to late charges due under the IVotr.second,to pnpaymrnt charges due under tl:� �
<br /> Not�third,to uraoL�.�payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest due;and last,W principal dne. -�.
<br /> � 4. C�at=es;I3tas. Bonower shall pay all taaa.assessmeats.charges,fints and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Praperty �hich may attain pric�r�r,over this Security Instrument, ansi leaseh�I��ymrnts or graund rr,�ts, if any. � �
<br /> Borro�rer s6aU pay these obliga�isr�in the manner providod in paregzaph 2,or if n�t�ir3 in that manner,&�taaver shsll . �
<br /> psy them on time dircetly to t6e petson owed payment.Borrower shall pramptly furnisn to l,endss all notices of amounts ' ��
<br /> to be paid under this psngraph. If 8arrower mskes these payments ditxtly.Bortower shall promptly fumish to Lender --
<br /> receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> HQCrawer shal{promptlq dit�;:4arge sny lim whicb h�s priority over this Security Instrument unlas Bonower:(a) .
<br /> agras in v�T;.�ng to the pryment af�be ohligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender;(b)contests in good -
<br /> faith the li�i 3y.or dc�'ends ag�inst enforcemeat of tbe tirn in,kgal procaedin�s ahir,h in the Lender's opinion operate to --
<br /> prevrnt the eriforcement of the tien or forfeitr,.ce ef any part of the Property;or(c)secures from the ho2dsr of the lien an ; =
<br /> aEreemrnt s�a�asfactory to Lender subordinat:-+.;��sh�lien to this Socurity InstrumenL if Lender determines that�ny part of '
<br /> the Propa��subjcct to s lien �izi+�may z:tain priorit!over this Sxurity Instcws��nt,Lender may give Barrower a �
<br /> notice idec�ff'�i:g che 1ien.Borra�cc�t,��l satisfy the lien c~cake one or mQre of ths�.r,ions set forth abovc within 10 days
<br /> of the giving�f na�;:�.
<br /> ` S. Haz�td T�e. Borrower sha'.!`�:xp the improvements�vw eaisting or hereafter ercetal on the Property
<br /> iasured saainst Pcss fsw f:re,husrds inctuded within the term"extended cc rrrage"and any other huards far which Lender �
<br /> tequira irsutmr.s:e. ':his insuru�ce shall be maintained in tha amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The ��
<br /> insurance cx�risr�r�viding the insurance sh�U be chose�f�x Borrower subjcet to Lender's approval which s6a11 not be �
<br /> � unre�aonat�sJ withhel�. � �
<br /> , AII insuranct poficies and renewals shaIi be acceptabk to Lender nnd shall include a sc�.;:t3ard mortgage clausa. � �
<br /> , Lender shall have the right to hold the polisia,rnr�reneaa",s.IP Lender requires,Borrower sha.9:,promptly give to Lender "
<br /> a11 recei�t,s of paid premiums and rttiewal notiz�. in the e.ar t oi loss.Borrower sha14 r�ve prompt notice to the r lsurance `
<br /> canicr srnd!Lender.Lender may rer���aroof of!c�ss if not r.c�r:prompt fy by Borrawe,r.
<br /> Ur�ess Lender and Horro�a��rherwise s�ex in writir.g,insurance praceeds sna;l be applied to restont�:o�^or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged.if the restoratlon cr rc�air is economieaUy feasable and l.ender•s sec4ma�+is no�tessened.!f thc
<br /> ratoration or repair is�rot economirally feus':ue or Lender's securit; ��,utd be lessened,the insc:rance proaer'�s;�a'.1 bs
<br /> apptied to the sum+sec�.�red by thas Secnrity Instrumrnt,v�i�ther or aot thcn due, with any excess paid to�rr.r�wr_. bf
<br /> Boanwet absndons the Prc�ert��,.ac dvxs not answer witlr� 3�days a notice fro:�:t:,ender that the insurar.�•r.�_a..+�i�r l:xs
<br /> o�ered to settle a clsim.thn►I.er rer may collect the insurance procads.Lender rr.su use the proceeds to re��or resta�
<br /> the Property or to psy sums secuted by this Sesnrity lnstrnment.whethec or not then due.7'he?0-0ay period wiU beg`c�
<br /> �rhen the notice u�iver�.
<br /> Unlas Lender and Honower otherwise�gta ia writing�any application of proceeds to principal shall:.ot extend or
<br /> po�tpont tbe dus d�te of the mont'��y payments roferred ta�n,�cagraphs 1 and 2 or cbange the amount of tih��.yments.lf
<br /> �. under pu�sgraph 19 the Prope�tg c��cquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proc�s resulting
<br /> frvm dsma6e to Ihe Propeny priar ro the acquisition shaU pass to Lender to the eatent of the sums secured by this Security :__=-
<br /> instrummt immediz:tly prior to the acqui�ition. •
<br /> 6. Prexnttion and Mifinteeaace ot Proaerf�;Le�seJ�olds. Borrower shall not datroy.damage or substantialty
<br /> chan�e the Propeny,alloiv the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If this 5ecurity lnstrument is on u leasehold. �
<br /> Bonower shall compiy with the provisions of the lease,and if Borrowet ecquires fee title to the Property.tht leuehald and
<br /> �' fes titir sinij not merge unttss Lertdrr agreES co�ht merger in writing. �
<br /> _ 7. Protectias ot Le�/er•� Risllt� in RUe Pro�erty; Mortg�ge tusunnce. It Bortower fails to perform �he �
<br /> L cavrnants and ogreements cantained in this Security Instrument,ar�hrre�s a legal procerding that may signifteantly aRect �
<br /> 1Rnder's riahts in the Property (such as a prnceedmg in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or to enforce taws or
<br /> . reaulations).then LenQer may do and pay for wfiatcver�s necessary eo protert the value of the Propeny and t,ender's nghts
<br /> in the Property. Lender's ac�tans m�y inelude paying any sums secural by a lien which has pnonty over thES Secunty �'`'
<br /> _� lmtrumrnt.appeanng iv�c�urt,paying reasonable attnrneys'fees and entering on tht Pro�erty to make rcpaits. Although ��i
<br /> Lendu may takeactis���under th�s paragraph 7.Laidet does nai have eodo sv. r� -�
<br /> Any atnounts tftsburset)by Lc•nder unelpr thtq patagraph 7 sha)t becomt addit�onai dcbt c�f�3orrower secured by tMs �. •.
<br /> - � Secunty Inatrurtttm. linless Hor�nwer and Lendcr agree touthet term5 ofpayment.these emounts shall Ne�t mtetect fr�m
<br /> � ` the dzte uf d�sbnrsement at the No►.e rate anJ shall he pa�abte. w�fh �nterest, upern not�ce f�rc�m Lc�der tc� ik�rr��wer
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