2� 1 ��81 2 2�r����
<br /> C��SS �4LLATERAL�Z�.TI�N, It is �he expr�ssed i.nt�nt flf �ran�or ta crflss col�a�eral�z� aI1 of i�s
<br /> �ndeb�edness and ob�igations t� Lender, ho�soev�r arising and �hensoev�r �n�urred, �xcep� an� ob�igation
<br /> exis�ing ar aris�ng against the p��ncipal dwelling af any Gran�or.
<br /> WARRANTIES. Grantar, fo�- itself, its heirs, personal represenxati�es, successars, and assigns, repre5�rits,
<br /> warrants, cavenan�s and agree�with Lender, its su�cessors and assigns,as foil�ws:
<br /> Performanc� of �biigations. Gran�or promises to perform all �erms, candi�ians, and co�enants flf this
<br /> Securi�y�ns�rurn�nt and F�elated Documents�n a�cordance with�he�errns c�n�ained therein.
<br /> Defense and Ti�le�o Pruperty. A�tihe time�f executi�n and delivery of this �ns�run�ent, Grantor is iawfully
<br /> seised of th� es�a�e here�y c�n�ey�d and has �h� �xclus�ve righ� to m�rtgage, gran�, conve� and assign �he
<br /> Properry. �ran��r�oven��s that the Prop�rry is unencurr�bered and free of all liens,excep�fflr en�umbrances
<br /> of record acceptable to Lender. Fur�her, �rantor co�enan�s tha� �ran�or vSrill warran� and defend generally
<br /> �he title �o �h� Pr�per�� against any and a�l claims and demands �vhatso���r, subjec� t� the easemen�s,
<br /> restri��i�ns, or o�her enc.umbranc�s �f record acc�p�able �o Lender, as n�ay be �isted in the schedule af
<br /> exceptions �o coWerage Tn any abstra�� of �i��� or ti�Ie insurance palicy insuring Lender's in��rest in �he
<br /> ProperCy.
<br /> Condition of proPerty. Grantor promises at aI� tim�s to preser�e and �o main�a�n the Pr�per�y and e�ery
<br /> par� thereof in good rep�ir, working order, and cQndi��on and wiil firom ��me to ��me, make alI needful and
<br /> proper r�pairs so tha��he vaIue of�he Properry shal�not�n any way be impair�d.
<br /> Renr��va� of any Part o=the Property. Grant�r pron�is�s not to remove any part of�he Pr�perty from its
<br /> present Ioca�i�n, exc�pt f�r rep�ac�m�nt,m�ain�enan�e and re�ocation in th�ordinary course of business.
<br /> AItera�ions �o �he Property. �rantor prornis�s �o abstain from �he �ommission af any was�e fln or in
<br /> c�nnec�ion wi�h the Prop�r�y. Further, G�antor shal�rnak�no material al�erat�ans,addi�ions or improvemen�s
<br /> of an� type wha�soever �� the Propertyy regardles� �f vvhether such altera�ions, additi�ns or �nprovernen�s
<br /> would increas� the �a�ue of the Properry, nor perrn�t anyane �o do so exc�p� for �enant improvem�n�s and
<br /> �ompletion of i�e�ns pur�uan��a appro�ed plans and specifica�ions, �vi�hou� Lender's pr�or writ��n �onsent,
<br /> which cansen� may be �urithheld by Lender in its sole discretion. Gran�or �i�l comply �nri�h al� laws and
<br /> regulat�ons of a�� pub�ic auth�rities ha�ing jurisdiction �ver the Proper-�y including, �vithout �imi�ation, �hos�
<br /> reiating �a �he use, ac�upancy and main�enance ��ereof and sha�i upon request promp�Iy submi� to Lender
<br /> evidence of such comp�iance.
<br /> Due on Sale�-I�ender's�onsen#. Crantor sha�l nat sell, fur�her encumber ar a�herw�se disp�se of, except as
<br /> herein prov�ded, any or �11 of its interest in any par� of or aIl of the Property tivi�h�u� first �btaining the
<br /> wri��en consen� flf Lend�r. �f an}� encumbrance, �ien, �ransf�r or sale or a�reernen� far �h�se is cr�ated,
<br /> L�nder may de��are irn.m�diately due and payable,�he entire balan�e�f�he�ndeb�edness.
<br /> �nsurance. Gran�or prorr�ises to ke�p the FrQp�rty �nsured aga�nst su�h risks and in such f�rrn as may within
<br /> �he sole discre�ion of L��der be a�ceptable, causing L�nd�r �o be named as �ass payee �r if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, as mor�gabee. T'h� in�urance company sha�l be ch�sen b}� Grant�r subje�� �o Lender`s appro�al,
<br /> which shal� not be unr�asanably wi�hheld, A1I insurance palicies must provide �hat Lend�r �i�� �e� a
<br /> miniumum of 1U days noti�e pi•ior to cancella�ion. A�Len�er's discret�on, Gran��r may be requir�ti�o produce
<br /> rece�p�s of paid prem��um�and renewal po�icies. �f Grant�r fails to ob�ain the required coverage, Lender may
<br /> do so at Grantor's expens�. Grantar hereby direc�s each and eWery�nsurer of�he Prop�rry�fl n�ak�paymen�af
<br /> loss t� Lend�r with the proceeds to be applied, �n�y at Lender's option, to the repa�r and replacemen�of the
<br /> damage ar loss or ta be a�plied�o the Indebtedness wi�h the surpIus, if any, t�be paid by L�nder to Grantar.
<br /> Paymen� of Taxes and flther Applicab�e �harges. Grantor promises Co pay and to d�scharge Iiens,
<br /> encu�branc�s,taxes, ass�ssments, �ease payn�ents and any other charges re��ting�o the Prop�rty when l�vied
<br /> or asses��d agains�Grant�r or the Proper�y.
<br /> Er�vironmen�al �,aws and Ha2ard�us ar Toxic IV�ateria�s. �ran�or and every tenant have b��n, are
<br /> presently and shall ca��nu� �o be in s�rict c�mplianc� wi�h any app�i�able Iocal, s�a�e and federa�
<br /> en�ironmen�al la�s and r�eguiations. Fur�her, neither Gran�or nflr any�enan�shal�manufa��ure, st�re, handi�,
<br /> dis�har�e or disp�se of hazardous ar toxic ma�erial� as may be defined by any state or federal Iau� an the
<br /> P��perty, exc�p� �o �he �x�ent the ex�s�ence of su�h z-na�eria�s has been pre��n��y disclased �n wri��ng �o
<br /> Lender, Grantor�i�l immediately na�ify L�nder in v�riting af any asser�ion or c�aim rnade by any party as to
<br /> �he �ossible �iola�ion or` applicable sta�e and fed�ra� environmental �aws inciuding the �ocation of any
<br /> haza�daus or�oxi�ina��r_als on or about the Proper�y. �ran�vr indemn�fies and ho lds Lender harmless from,
<br /> �vi�hout li�ni�ation, any li�bility or expense of wha�saever nature incurred dzrec�ly ar indirect�y out of or in
<br /> connec�ion with: �a�any �nWir�nmen�al laws affecting a�� or any par�of the Prop�rty ar�rantor; �b}the past,
<br /> present or fu��re existen�:e of any hazardous tna��ria�s in, gn, under, a�aut, or �mar�a��ng from or passing
<br /> �hrough �he Prop�r�y or any par� thereof or any prop�r�y ad�acent �hereto; ��� any pas�, present or future
<br /> ha�ardous activi�y at or �n �onn�ct�on v�xth �h� Proper�y or any part thereof; and �d� �h� noncompliance b
<br /> y
<br /> Grantor or Gran�or's fai�u�xe to comply fui�y and�ime�y with env�ranmentai Iaws.
<br /> Financ�a�Informa��ot�. ��ran�or agrees to supply Lend�r�uch financia� and o�her infor�na�ion�on�ern�n �ts
<br /> �
<br /> affairs and �he s�a�us of a�y of i�s asse�s- as Lender, fro�n �ime �o time, may reasonably re ues�. Grantor
<br /> fur�her agr�es t� per�nit Lender �a veri accoun�s as rnrell �
<br /> fy as to �nspect, copy and �o exam�ne the books,
<br /> records and f��es nf�rant�ar.
<br /> �20�4-20 i 5 Carnpliat���Syster�is,Iric.b48B-CC�-?�l 5.i2.3.1 1039
<br /> Cvm:�iercial R�al Estate Security Instrume:lt-Di.�C�Q7 �,�b��fl�s
<br /> www.c om pl i ancesystems.c�m
<br />