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2� 1 ��8119 <br /> L�AIV#: �D�439�83'I <br /> B�rrawer mi�ht have no�v or in �he fu#ure against L�nder shal� relieve Borr��nrer from mak�ng payments <br /> due under the Nnt�ar�d �his�ecurity �nstrument o� pe�farm�n��h� covenanfis and agreem�nts secur�d <br /> by�his S�curity �nstrument. <br /> �, ►4ppf�cat�on of Paym�nts or Prviceeds. Except as ❑�herwise d�scr�b�d in �his Section �, al� <br /> payments ac�ept�d and appli�� by Lender shall I�e appii�d in th�fvli�v�r�ng order of prior�ty: <br /> Fi�st, �o �he Mortgag� fnsu�an�e �remiums ta be pa�d by Lender to the Secretary or the m�nth�y <br /> charg� �y the Sec��tary instead of the m�n�hly mortgage insuran�e pr�miums; <br /> S�cand,�a any�ax�s,specia!assessm�nts, feasehol� payments or groun� rents, and fire,fiood and <br /> o�her haza�d insurance prem�ums, as requ�red� <br /> Third, ta inter�s�du� under�h� Note; <br /> Fourth, ta amortiza�ion �f th� principal vf the Nfl�e; and, <br /> Fifth, to �ate charges due under the N�te. <br /> Any appli�ation of paymen�s, insurance pr�ceeds,ar M�scelianeaus Pr�ceeds to pr�ncipa�du�under <br /> the Not� shall not�x�end or pos�pone th� due d�t�, �r change�he amvunt, of the Perivd�c Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escravv Items. Barra��r shall pay to Lender on th�day Periadi� Payments are du� <br /> under�he Nate, un#il the Nate is paid �n full, a sum �the"Funds"} to provide f�r payment of amounts due <br /> for: �a�taxes and assessments and ath�r items which can at�a�n pr�ori�a�er this 5ecuri�y inst�ument as <br /> a ii�n or�ncumloranc� an the Property; tb} ieasenafd paym�nts or graund rents on the Property, if any; <br /> ��} premiums for any and all insu�ance required �y Lender under Secti�n 5; and ��} Nl�rtgage Insuranc� <br /> p�emiums to be paid by Lender�o th� Secretary a��h� man�hly charge by the Secretary instead of the <br /> monthly IUlortgage Insuran�e �remiums. These items are �alled "Es�raw ltems."A�origina�ian or a�ar�y <br /> time dur�ng�he te�m of�he Loan, Lender may requ�re that�ommur�it�Associa�ion Dues, Fe�s,and As��s�- <br /> m�nts, if any, be escr�w�� by B�rrower, and such dues,fe�s�nd assessment��hall be an Escra�v��em. <br /> Borr��n►�r shall prompt�y furnish �o L�nder all r�v�ic�s�f amounts to b�paid under th�s Sectian. Borrowe� <br /> shall pay Lender the Funds far Escrow ltems unl�s�Lender wa�v��B�rrower's o�ligation t�pay th�Funds <br /> far an�r�r all Esc�o�nr I�ems. L�nder�ay v��iv�Barr��er'�abl�gati�n�o pay to Lender Funds f�r ar�y or all <br /> Escro�nr it�ms at any t�me.Any such waiver may�nly be in�rr�t�ng. [n the even�of such waiv�r, Barra�er <br /> shal�pay directly,when and where payable, the ama�n�s due far any Es�ro�It�ms for which payment�vf <br /> Funds�as been waiv�d by Lender and,if Lender r�quires,shali furn�sh ta Lender r�ceipts evid�ncing such <br /> pa�lment v�ithin such time p�ri�d a� Len�er may require. �orrower's �bl�ga�ian to make such payments <br /> and to�r��ide r�ceip�s sha�!f�r a!!purpos��b�d��rr��d to be a coWenanf and�gr��ment contained in�hi� <br /> �ecurity�nstrument,as the phrase"covenan�and agreemen�"�s used�n Se�ti�n 9.�f B�r�ower�s ob��gat�� <br /> �o pay Escrow I�ems dire�tly, pursu�n#to a wai�er,and Borravuer fai�s�fl pa�the amaun�due for an Escrow <br /> Item, Lender may ex�rcise its rights under Se��ian 9 an� pay such amaunt and Barrower shali �hen be <br /> abl�gated under 5ection 9 to repay�o Lender any such amnunt. L�nder may re�oke the�+ra�ver as��any or <br /> a1l Esc�ow�tems at any time by a natice giv�n rn ac��rdance�nrith Se�ti�n�4 and, upon such rev�cation, <br /> Borrower sha�i pay ta Lender a!�Funds, �nd in such amaunts,�ha�ar�th�n r�quir�d under th�s S���ion 3. <br /> L�nde�may, at any time, c�lf�ct and hold Funds in an am�unt�a}sufficient�o pe�m�t Lender ta app�y <br /> #he Funds at the tim�spec�fi�d under RESPA, and �b} n��ta exceed the maximum amvunt a��nder can <br /> requ�re un�er RESPA. Lender shal!estimate th�am�unt of Funds due vn the basis of cu�rent data and rea-� <br /> sonable es�ima#es of expenditures of futur�Escrvw I��ms�r otherw�se�n acc�rdance v�ith Appl�ca�le L�w. <br /> The Funds shall he h�ld in an institu�ion wh�se depas�ts are insured�y a federa�agency,instrumentai- <br /> i , or ent�ty��ncluding Lender, if L�nder is an ins�����ian whose d�posits are so ins�red}or in any Federal <br /> � <br /> Hvme Loan Bank. L�nder shall apply the Funds�o pay the Es�rov�r ltems no fater than the t�me specified <br /> under RESPA. Lende�shail not�harge Borrvwer f�r hold�ng and app�y�ng th�Funds, annually analyz�ng <br /> �he�sc�o�v acc�un�, ar�erifying the Escrow I�ems, unie�� Lender pays Borrower�nt�r�st an the Fund� <br /> and A licable Law permits Lender to make sucM a charg�. Unl�ss an agreem�nt is made �n v�ri�in� or <br /> pp <br /> r� licable Law r�qu�r�s int�r�st�a b� paid on �he Funds, L�n�er shall not be requ�red to pay Barro�►�� <br /> Pp <br /> an interest or earning��n�he Funds, Borrow�r an� L�nd�r can agre� �n�riting, however, tha�int��es� <br /> y <br /> shafi b� a�d on �he Fur�ds. Lender sha�l give�o Borrow�r, �►v�th�ut charg�, an annual acc�un�ing �f�he <br /> P <br /> Funds�s r�quir�d by RESPA. <br /> !f�h�re is a surplus of Funds he�d in e�crv�nr, �s defined under RESPA, Lender sha�l accoun�to Bar- <br /> r�wer for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. if there�s a shor�ag�of Funds hel� in�scrow, as <br /> defined under RESPA, L�nder shali n�t�fy Sorrower as re�u�red by RESPA, and B�rrower shal! pay�o <br /> Lend�rth�amQun�ne��ssary to make up the shortage in a�Gordanc�wi�h RESPA, but in no mvre than <br /> �� mon�h� payments. If there is a d�ficiency vf Funds h��d �n�scraw, as�efined und�r RE�PA, Lender . <br /> Y <br /> shail notify Borrower as required by RES�A, and Borravver sh�l�pa�1 ta Lender�he amo�n�ne�essary�o <br /> make up the defiGiency in a�cordance w�fih RESPA, but in na more than 12 monthly payments. <br /> U on a m�nt in full af a�! sums s�cured by th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender sha�l promptly refund <br /> � � v <br /> t� Bar�ow�r any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Ba�raw�r �hall pay ail taxes, asse�srr�en�s, �harges, fin�s, and imposition� <br /> attributabf�to the Property which can a�tain priority over th�s S�curit� Instrument, leaseha�d payments or <br /> 9 <br /> round rents on the Property, �f any, and Cammunity Assv��a�i�n Dues, Fe�s,and Assessmen�s, �f any.To <br /> the extent�hat these items are Escrav�v Iter�s, B�rrvw�r shai!pay them�n th�manner prav�ded in Secti�n 3. <br /> Barrvwer shall �romptly discharge an� �i�n whi�h h�s priari�y over�his Se�ur��y lnstrumen� un�ess <br /> �orr�wer: a a rees in�vriting ta the paym�nt of th�obl�ga#ion secured by the lien in a mann�r acceptable <br /> t � 9 <br /> NESRASKA—Singie Family--Fann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNfFC3RM iNSTRUMENT FQrm 3028'1lDi ,� <br /> Mod�fed for FHA 9l��14�HUD Handbook 4�a0.�} ln�tials: <br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. Page 4 of 11 NEEFHA�5DE 09�5 <br /> NEEDEED�CLS} <br /> 1111�1201 fi�z:55 PM QST <br /> . ti <br />