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2� 1 ��8�72 <br /> requ�red�y RESPA, and Borrower shall pay�o Lender the amount necessary �o make up �.he defic��ncy in <br /> acc�rdance with RESPA, �ut in no more�han 1�man�hly payments. <br /> Up�n paymen� �n ful� of a�l sums se�ured by thzs S�curity �nstrum�nt, Lender sha�X prompt�y refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lend�r. <br /> 4. �har�es; Liens. Barrawer sha��pay a�� taxes, assessments, charges, f�nes, and�mpaszt�ons a�t�ibutab�e to <br /> �h�Prop�r�y whxch ca.n at�azn prz�r�ty over th�s S�cur�ty �nstrumen�, leaseho�d pa�m.�nts or ground rents on <br /> �he Property, if any, ar�d Communi�y Assflc�at�on Du�s, F��s, a�d Ass�ssments, �f any. T� th��xtent tha� <br />� �hese i�ems ar�Escrow �tems, B�rr�wer sha��pa�th��n�n�he manner pro�ided in�ecti�n 3. <br /> B�rr�v�er sha�l promp���discharge any lien which has prinrity over this Security Instrumen�un�ess <br /> B�rrow�r; �a} agrees �n�vriting to�he payment af t�ie obliga�i�n secured by the lien in a manner acc�p�ab�� <br /> t� Lend�r, but an�y so �ong as Barr�wer�s perfor�ing such agreemen�; �b}con�ests the l�en �n goa�.fa�th by, <br /> ar def�nds against enfor�ement of�he l�en�n, �egal prflceedings wh�ch�n Lender's op�n�on operat��o prevent <br /> �h�enfor�ement af the lien wh����hose proceedzngs are pending, but�n�y unt�l such pra�eed�ngs are <br /> concluded; ar(c} secures fram�he hoider of�he�ze�an agreement�a�isfact�r��o Lend�r subard�nat�ng the <br /> ��en to th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�rzt. If L�nder determines tha� a�y part of the Prap�r�y is sub�e�t ta a��en�vhich <br /> can a�tain priori�y a�er this Security Instrument, L�nder rnay gi�e B�rravW�r a nn�ice identifyxng the lien. <br /> VU'ithin IO days of the dare on�vhich tha�noti�e is g�v�r�, Barrower shal� satzsfy the Iien�r take one or mare <br /> of the ac�ions set forth above in this Sect�on 4. <br /> Lender ma� requir�Borrower ta pay a one-t�me charg�for a rea� estate tax veri�cat�on andlor r�porting <br /> service used by Lende�in connect�on with this Loan. <br /> �. Pr�p�rty Insurance. Borrower sha�l ke�p the impra�ements now exis�ing or hereafter erec�ed�n the <br /> Property insured against�oss by#ire, hazards included u�ithin the term "ext�nded coWerag�," and any other <br /> hazards inClud�ng, but n�t �imit�d to, ear�hquakes and t�flods, for which L�nder requires insurance. T'�15 <br /> xn�urance sha�1 be maintained in the am�un�s �includ�ng dedu�tzb�e l��els} ar�d f�r�he periods that Lend�r <br /> requires. �]Vhat Lender r�quires pur�uant�� the pre��din�sent�nces can change during the t�rm�f the Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier pr�vid�ng the zn�uran�e sha�l be�hasen by Bnrrower subject to Lender's righ��o <br /> disappra�e Borrov�er's cho��e, wh�ch right sha��nn�be e�er�ised unreasanabl�. L�nder rnay require <br /> Borrower to pay, in cannecti�n vvith�his Laan, either: �a} a ane�time charge for�lood zone determ.�nati�n, <br /> c�r�i�cation and tracking s�rvic�s; or�b} a one-time charge for fl��d zar�e determina�ion and cer���ca�ian <br /> s�rvices and subsequen�charges each tirne remappings or sirni�ar changes occur which reasanab�y might <br /> affe��su�h detern�nat��n or cer����ca�ion. Borrawer shali also be respons���e for�he payment of ar�.y fees <br /> imposed b�th�Fed�ral Emergency Management Ag�ncy�n contaecti�n w��h�he re���w of any f�a�d zane <br /> d�termination resu�t�ng fr�m an obje�tion by Barrower, <br /> �f Borrnw�r fai�s �o ma�ntain an��f�he c�verages descr�bed abo�e, Lender may ob�ain�nsurance ca�e�age, <br /> at L�nd�r's aption a�ad Borrower's expense. Lender is under no nb�i�a��on�a purchase any particular�ype or <br /> amaunt of c�verage. Th�refore, such cov�rage sha�� cover Lender, but m�ght nr m�gh�no�protect Borrawer, <br /> B�rrov�er's equx�y in�he Propert�r, or�he conten�s of the Property, against an�r�sk, hazard ar liab��ity and <br /> m�gh�provide greater ar I�sser coverage than was previousiy i�effec�, Barrower acknawledges that�he cos� <br /> of the�nsurance coverage s�abtained might significantly�x�eed the C�s��f insuranc��ha�Borravver cau�d <br /> ha�e obta�ned. Any amounts disbursed by L�nder under this�ectian 5 shai�b�com�additiona� debt of <br /> Barrower secured by �his Securit�r Instrum�nt. These amaunts shal�b�ar int�r�s�a� the N��e rate fram�he <br /> date of disbursemen�and sha�� be payab��, w�th such int�r�s�, up�n n�t�ce from L�nder t� Barra�ver <br /> reques�ing payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl�Far-nily-Fa�nie MaelFre�die Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3028 11a1 <br /> VMP[a] VMPfi{NE7(�3�2j <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finar�cial 5er�ices Page 6 of 17 <br />