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2� 1 ��8�72 <br /> B�RR�V�ER C�VENANTS that Barrower zs �awfu��y seised of�he estate h�reby�anv��r�d and has the right to <br /> grant and��n�ey the Property and that the Proper�y is unencumber�d, e�cep� for encumbran��s of record. <br /> Bflrrower warrants and wili defend gen�ral�y the�i��e�o �he Prop�r�� against a�� claims and demands, subj��t to <br /> any��cumbranc�s af r�card. <br /> THIS�ECUR�TY �N'STRUMENT combines unifoz�m cflvenants far nati�nal use and non-uniform ca�enants�v�th <br /> �imited variations�y jurisdiction to cons�itute a unifarm security instrumen�covering reai pr�perty. <br /> Unifvrm CoWenants. Bnrrow�r and Lender co�enar�t and agre�as fo��ows: <br /> 'I, Payment of Principa�, �nterest, Escro►n► �tems. Prepayment Charges, and Late Cnarges. B�rrov�er <br /> shall pay wh�n due the pr�nc�pa� of, and znterest on, the deb��vzdenced b�r the�Note ar�d ariy pr�pay�n.ent <br /> charges and �ate charges due under th�No�e. Borr�w�r shai� a�so pa� funds for Escraw I�ems pur�uan�to <br /> Se��ion 3. Payrnen�s due under th� Note and�h�s Secur�t�r �nstrumen�sha�� be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�ver, if any check�r o�h�r ins�run��nt rece��ed b�r Lend�r as payment under the N�te ar�h�s Security <br /> Instrument �s r�turned to Lend�r unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any or a�� subsequent paymen�s due under <br /> �he Nflt�and thi� Security �nst�ument be made�n or�e nr�nore of��ae fo��ow�ng forms, as �eiected by Lend�r: <br /> �a} �ash; �b} money order; �c}�er�zf��d check, bank�he��, tr�asurer's check or cashier's Gheck, prnvzded any <br /> such check is drawn upon an�nst�tut�an whnse dep���ts ar��nsured by a federal agen�y, instrumenta�ity, ar <br /> en�i�y; or�d} Electranic Funds Tra�asfer. <br /> Pa�m�n�s are d�emed recei�ed by Lender when r�ce�ved at the inca�ion designat�d in the No�e ar at such <br /> other�oCa�ion as ma�be d�signa�ed by Lender in aGc�rdanc�with�.he n��ice proWis�ons in Section 15. <br /> Lender may re�urn an�r payment�r partia� pa�men�if the payment�r part�a�payments are insuff�cient �o <br /> bring the Loan current. Lender ma�accept an�payment�r partia�paym�nt insuff�cien�to�ring the Loan <br /> curren�, wi�h�u��vaiver of any rights her�under�r prejudice to i�s rights�o refuse such payment or par�ial <br /> pa�ments in the future, but Lender is no�ob�igated�o apply such payments at the tim�such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each Peri�dic Pay.ment is appl��d as of its scheduled due dat�, then Lend�r n�ed n�t pay xn��rest <br /> on unapplied funds. L�nder ma�h�id such unapp�ied funds unt�� B�rrow�r makes payments �o hrzng the <br /> Loan current. If Borrow�r does no�do so w��hin a reasonab�e period�f�ime, L�nder sha�� e�ther app�y such <br /> funds�r return�hem t� Barrflwer. �f not appi�ed�arli�r, such fur�d�vvil�be app�ied to th�outstanding <br /> pr�nc�pal balance unde�the N�te immediately pri�r�o f�reclosur�. N� offse�or claim which Borra�er m�ght <br /> have naw or in th� future aga�ns�L�nd�r shall r����ve Bnrrower fram rnaking paymen�s due under the No�e <br /> and this Security Ins�rument or�h�covenan�s and agreements secur�d by this Secur�t� <br /> Instrument, <br /> �. Appli�at�an of Payments or Proceeds. Except as�th�rvvise d�s�r�bed �n th�s Secti�n�, a11 paymen�s <br /> accepted and app�ied�y Lend�r sha�l be applied in the fo�ln�v�ng order af pr�arit�: �a} in�erest due und�r�he <br /> Note; �b}principal due und�r the Nate; �c} am�unts due under Sectian 3. Such paym�nts shal�he app�i�d to <br /> ea�h Periodic Paymen�in the ord�r�n vvh�ch it beca�me due. Any remaining amoun�s shal�be appl�ed first to <br /> �ate charges, secflnd to an��ther amaunts due under thi� Security �nstrument, and then to reduce�he <br /> pr�nc�pal ba�an�e af the Nate. <br /> �f Lender rec�ives a payment fr�m Bor�o�ve�for a d�linqu�n�Per�adic Paymen�which includes a suf�cient <br /> amoun��o pa� an� late charge due, th�paymen�may be app��ed to�he delinquent payment and the late <br /> �harge. If more than one Period�c Paym�n��s autstand�ng, Lend�r may app�y any paymen� received frarn <br /> Borrower to the repayment of�h�Per�odzc Payment� if, and to the extent that, each paym�n�can be paid in <br /> full. To�he�xtent�ha�any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of one or more <br /> Periodic Pa�men�s, such�xcess may be app�ied to any�ate charges due. Voluntary prepaymen�s shall be <br /> app�ied f�rs�t�any pr�payment charges and then as d�scribed in th� N�te. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sir�gie�amily-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac 11NIFQRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�28'1!41 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi{N�f�1302} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />