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2� 1 ��8�72 <br /> �3. Rec�n�eyan�e. Upon payment af a�� sums secured by�his SeGuri�� �nstrument, Lender shail request <br /> Trustee t� reCon�ey the Praper�y and shall surrender�h�s Se�urity Instrum�nt and a�l notes evidencing deb� <br /> secur�d b� �his Se�ur�ty �nstrumen��a Truste�. Trust�e sha�� reconve�the Praperty wi�hou��rarranty to the <br /> person or p�rsons �ega��y enti�ied�o i�. Such pers�n or pers�ns shall pay an�r recardation costs. Lend�r may <br /> charg�such pers�n nr persons a fe�f�r reconvey�ng the Propert�r, but anly�f the fe��s paid ta a third par�y <br /> (such as�he Trustee} fflr ser�v�ces renc��red and�he charging of the fee is permit�ed under Applicabie Lav�. <br /> 24. Substitute Trust�e. Lender, a�its op�ian, may fram time�o��m�remove Trustee and appoint a successar <br /> trustee�a an�Trus�ee app�in�ed h�reunder by a�.�ns�rument record�d �n the county�n v�hi�h this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument�s r�corded. 'L�Lrithout con�re�an�e�f th�Property, th�successor�rus��e shal� succeed t� al� the <br /> tit�e, power and duties canferr�d upon Trust��herein and b�App�icahle Law. <br /> �5. Request for Notices. B�rrower requests that copies of the not�ce of default and sa�e be sent to B�rr�wer's <br /> address wh�ch is the Proper��r Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM tNSTRUMENT �arrn 3�28�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfa(N�){�3p�) <br /> Wolters K�uwer Financial Ser�ices Page 15�f�7 <br />