2� 1 ��8�72
<br /> in the Property and righ�s under�his Se�urity �ns�rument; and�d} �akes such ac�ion as Lend�r may
<br /> r�asoriably require to assure�ha�Lender's i�.ter�s� in the Prop�r�y and r�ghts under�his S�cur�ty �nstrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligatian to pay�he sums secur�d by th�s Security Ins�rumen�, sha�l c�n�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require tha�Bnrrav�rer pay such re�ns�atemen�sums and expenses in one ar mare of�he fo�lovving
<br /> forms, as seiec�ed by I.�nder: �a} ca�h; �b} maney order; �c}cer�if�ed check, bank�heck, �reasurer's check or
<br /> �ash��r's check, provided an� such che�k�s drawn upon an�ns��tut�on whose depos�ts are insured�� a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentali��ar en���y; or�d� E�ec�ronic Funds'Transfer. Up�n re�nsta�ement b�Borro�ver,
<br /> �his Se�ur�t�r�nstrumen�and ob�igation� s�cured her�by sha11 r�ma�n fu11� effec��ve as if no accel�ration had
<br /> occurred. Hawe�rer, �h�s right�o r�insta�e sha�i n�t apply in the case flf acce�erat�nn under Sec�i�n I$.
<br /> 2�. Sa�e vf Nate; Cnange of L�an Ser�icer; N�tice of �rie�an�e. The Note or a par�ial �n�erest in the
<br /> No�e�xagether�vith th�s Se�ur��y Instrumen�� can be sold ane or mor�t�mes wi�h�ut pri�r na�ice�o
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e migh�resu�t�n a change in the�ntity (knov�n as the "Laan �`ervic�r"}�hat col�e�ts Periadzc
<br /> Pa�ments due under�he IVo�e and th�s Security �nstrumen�and perfarms�ther mor�gage�oan serv�c�ng
<br /> ob�iga�ions under th� Note, this Security �nstrument, and App�icable Law. There aiso might be ane or more
<br /> changes of�he Loan Servicer unre�ated��a sale of the No�e. �f there�s a change�f the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrov�er v�ill be gi�en written notice of�he�ha�ge which�vi�� sta�e�he name and address af�he new Loan
<br /> Ser�ricer, �he address�o which pa�men�s shou�d be made and any o�her informa�ion RESPA requires in
<br /> �onne��ion vv�th a notice of�ransfer of ser�icing. �f�he No�e is sold and thereaf�er the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Laan Servicer o�her�han th�purchaser af�he N�te, �he n�or�gage loan servi�ing o��igations�o Borrower wi�l
<br /> remain with the Laan Serv�cer or be�ransferred ta a successar L�an Ser�ic�r and are nat assumed by�he
<br /> Note purchaser unless �therwise pro�ided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borro�er nor Lender may commence,join, or t�e ja�ned to any judicial ac�x�n�as either an
<br /> indi�idual litigant or the member of a class}�hat arises from the a�her�ar�y's actions pursua�a�to this
<br /> Secur��� Zns�rument or that a�leges �ha�the o�her par�y has breached any pro�ision of, or an� duty owed by
<br /> reasan of, this Security �nstrum�nt, unt�l such Barrovver or L�nd�r�.as n�tif�ed�he o�her par�y �vw��h such
<br /> natic�gi�en in comp�xance wi�h�he requ�rements o���c�ion ��} of such a�Ieged br�a�h and aff�rded the
<br /> �th�r par��heret� a r�asanable per�od after th�g���ng of such na�ice to ta.�e��rrec�ive acti�n. If Appl�ca�l�
<br /> Law prov�des a t�me period which mus���apse before�er�a�n act��n can be taken, that�ime peri�d wii�be
<br /> d�em�d�a be reasanab�e for purposes of�h�s paragraph. 'The not�c��f acc�Ierat�on and oppor�un�ty to�ure
<br /> given to Borrower pursuant�o Sec��an Z2 and th�notice�f acce�era�ion g�ven�o Borrower pursuan��o
<br /> S�c��an I8 sha�l be deem�d to �atisfy��ae n�tice and oppor�uni�y ta�ake correc�iv� act�on pro�visians af�his
<br /> 5e���on��.
<br /> �'I. �azardous Substances. As used in�his Sec��on��: �a} "I�a,zardor�s Substar�c�s"are�hase sub�tances
<br /> d�fined as�oxi� or hazardous subs�ances, pallu�ants, or was�es by En�viranmen�al La�v and the fa��owing
<br /> substances: gaso�ine, k�rosene, ather flammabl�or��xic petroleum praduc�s, �oxic pesticides and herbic�des,
<br /> volat��e sal��nt�, ma�eriais contain�ng asbes�os ar formaldehyde, and radioact�ve materia�s; �b}
<br /> ".�nvirorz�nentat Luw" means federal Iaws and laws of�h��urisd�ction where the Property is laca�ed tha�
<br /> re�a�e�o heal�h, safety or en�xranmenta�protect�on; �c} "Environmental G'leartr�p" inc�udes any respanse
<br /> ac��on, remedial action, ar rema�al ac�ion, as def�ned in�n��ronmental Law; and td} an "�r�vzroMr�ten�al
<br /> �`andi�rnn"means a candi�ion�ha�can cause, contribute to, or o�h�rwise trigger an En�ir�nmen�al �leanup.
<br /> Borrovver sha��not cause ar permi�the presence, use, disp�sal, storage, ar rel�ase of any Hazardaus
<br /> Subs�ances, ar�hreaten�o re�ease any Hazardo�s Subs�anees, on or in the Property. Borrower shal� not do,
<br /> nor allow anyane else ta do, any�hing affect�ng the Proper�� �a} that is in�x�la�ion of any Environmental
<br /> Law, (b}whi�h�reates an Environmen�a� �ond�t�on, or �c� �hich, due�o the presence, use, or r�lease of a
<br /> Ha2ardous Su�s�ance, crea�es a conditian tha� adverse�y affects the va�ue of�he Prap�r�y. The prec�ding two
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNST�UM�[VT �orm 302$7101
<br /> VMP� VMPfi(NEj{i 3n2y
<br /> Wnliers Kluwer Fir�ancial Ser�ices Page 13 af 17
<br />