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2� 1 ��8�72 <br /> ��. B�rrow�r Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Nvt a 1Naiv�r. Extension Qf�he time for pay�nent or <br /> madif�ca��on af amartization of the sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrument granted b�r Lender to Borrower <br /> or an��uccessar in�nterest of Barrow�r sha�� no�operate to r��eas�the I�abi�i�y of B�rrov�er or an� <br /> Succe�sor� in Interest of Borrower. L.ender shall no� �e required tn commen�e pr�ceedxngs aga�nst any <br /> Su�c�ssor in In�eres�of Borrower or to refuse to extend�ime fo�r paymen�or o�herw�se mod�fy amort�zation <br /> af�he sums secured by this Securi�y instrument by reasan of any demand made��the or�g��a� Borrawer or <br /> any Succ�ssars in Interest of Borrawer. Any forbearance b�r Lender�n e��rc�s�ng any right�r remedy <br /> inc�ud�ng, withaut�imi�atian, L�nder's acceptance af payments fr�m th�rd persans, ent��ies or Su��essors in <br /> Znteres�of Borrower ar�n amounts Iess�han the amount then due, shal� n�t b�a waiver of flr preciude�he <br /> exer�ise of any r�gh�or rem�dy. <br /> 't 3. Joint and Se��ra� L�abi�ity; Co-signers: Successors and Assigns Bound. B�rrov�er co�enants and <br /> agrees�hat B�rrower's ob�igations and��abi�ity sha��be jain�and�e�eral. However, any Borrower v�ho <br /> co�-signs�his Security�ns�rumen�bu�does not e�ecu�e the Note�a "co-signer"�: (a} �s�a-s�gning this <br /> Securi�y Instrument anl�r to mortgag�, grant and convey the ca-signer's xn�eres�in the Praper�y under�he <br /> terms of this Security �ns�rumen�; �b} is not persanall�abl�gated �a pay�he sums ��cure�by�h�s Securi�.y <br /> Ins�rument; and �c} agrees�ha�I..ender a�ld any other Borrower�an agree to extend, mod�fy, forbear ar mal�e <br /> any accommodations with regard t�the terms of�his Secur�ty Instrument ar�he No�e wi�hou�the co-signer's <br /> c�nsent. <br /> Subj�c��o th�prov�sions�f Sec�ion 18, a��y Successor in�n�eres�af Barrow�r who assum�s Borrawer's <br /> obligations under this Security �nstrument in v�ri�ing, and �s appraved by Lender, sha�l ob�ain a11 of <br /> Borro�ver's righ�s and b�nefits under thxs Secur�t� �x�s�rument. Borrov�er sha�l not be released from <br /> Borr�wer's ob�xga�ions and x�abi�it�under this Se�urity �nstrumen�unless Lender agrees�o such re�eas��n <br /> wri�ing. The covenan�s and agreemen�s of this Security Ins�rument shall bind �ex�ept as pravided in Sec�ian <br /> 2�} and benefit the su�cessors and ass�gns of Lender. <br /> �4. �.���a �h��ge�. L�.e�.der rna�r �harb�Borro�uer fe�s far s�r��c�s perfor�ed �r�cQ��ct�4n�a��h Ba�ra�ve�'s <br /> defaul�, for�he purpose of pro�ecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under�hzs Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, II1C1L1[,�lll�, but no�limited�o, attorneys' fees, property inspec��on and�a�ua�ion fees. In regard�a <br /> any o�her fees, �he absen�e�f express au�hari�� in this Security �nstrumen�to charge a specific fee to <br /> Borrower sha�l nat be cons�rued as a prohibition on the char�ing of such fee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> that are expressly prahibited by�his S�curity Xnsfrumen�or by Applicable Law. <br /> Xf the Loan is subject to a�aw wh�ch s�ts ma�imum Iaan charges, and�hat law �s finaliy in�erpreted so �ha� <br /> the interest or oth�r loan charges �allected�r t�b�co��ected in connec�ion wi�h the L.aan exceed the <br /> pernut�ed lim��s, then: �a} any such loan charge shall be reduced by �he amoun�necessary to reduce the <br /> charge�o�he pern�itted limit; and�b} any sums air�ady co1l�c�ed from Borrawer which exce�ded permit�ed <br /> Ixmuts wiX�be r�funded �o Borrower. L�nder may choas�ta make th}s refund b� reducing the pr�ncipal ovved <br /> under the No�e ar�� making a direct payment t� Borrower. If a refund r�duces principaX, �he redu�t�on wi�� <br /> �e tr�ated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge�v�he�her or not a prepaym�nt charge�s <br /> prov�ded for under the Note}. Borrawer's ac�eptance of any such refund made by direc�pa�rment ta <br /> Borrov�rer wi11 consti�ut�a waiver of any right of actian Borr�wer might ha�e aris�ng out of such�w�rcharge. <br /> 'i 5. Not�ces. A��no����s gi�en�y Borr�wer or L�nder in cannectian with �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument must�e�n <br /> wr��ing. Any no�ice to Borrower in connect�on with �his Se�urity �nstrument sha��b�deemed ta�.ave��en <br /> g�ven to Borro�er when ma�Ied by f�rst cla�s mail or whe��actua��y del���red to Borrower's n�tice address if <br /> s�nt by nther means. No�ice to any on�Borrawer shai� �onst��u�e n�tice to all Borrowers un�ess App�icab�e <br /> Law e�pressly requires otherv�rise. The notice addr�ss shal�be the Property Address unless Borrower has <br /> N�SRASKA-5ingle�am#ly-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM fNSTRUMENT Form 342$1101 <br /> VMP QQ VMPftN�y{-�3023 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financ�af Ser�ices Page 1 i of 17 <br />