2� 1 ��8�71
<br /> Any app�i�ati�n af payments, insuranc��roc�eds, or Misc�llane�us Proceeds to principal du�under�he No�e
<br /> shai� not extend or po�tp�ne the due date, �r change�he amount, �f the Per�odic Payments.
<br /> 3. Fund� for Escrow I�ems. Borrov�er sha�l pa�to Le�der on�he day P�riodi� Payments ar�due und�r�he
<br /> No��, unti� �he N�te is paid �n full, a surn�the "Funds"} to provide for paymen�of amounts due far: �a��ax�s
<br /> and assessments and other��ems which�an attain priority a�er�his �ecurit� �nstrument as a��en or
<br /> encurnbrance Qn the Praper�y; (�} �easehold payments�r ground ren�s on�he Pr�per�y, if ariy; �c}pr�miums
<br /> for any and all insurance requ�red by I,ender under Sec���n 5; and �d� Mor�gag��nsurance prem�urn�, if any,
<br /> �r any sums payable�by Borrower�o Lend�r�n�ieu of the paymen�of Mor�gage�nsuranc�premiums �n
<br /> accardance�vith the pra��s��ns of Section �D. These items are ca�led "Escrow ��ems." A�orig�na�ian or at
<br /> any�ime during �he��rm of t�ae Loan, Lender may r�quire�ha�Community Assaciat�on Dues, F�es, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, b�escrovved by B�rrower, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s sha11 be an Escrow
<br /> ��em. Borrow�r sha�l pro�x�.p��y furnish to Lender ai� no��c�s of amoun�s to be pa�d under this Sec�xan.
<br /> Borrower sha��pa� Lender the Funds for Escrow ��ems un��ss L�nder wa�v�es B�rrower's ab��gat�on�o pay
<br /> the Funds for any or all Escrovv Iterns. I,�nder may wai�e�arr��uer's ab�igati�n�o pay�o Lender Funds for
<br /> any or a�l Escrow �tems a�any�.ime. An�r such wai�er�nay only be in w�itxng. Xn�he event of such wai�ver,
<br /> Borrower shall pay d�rectly, when and v5rhere paya��e, �he amounts due f�r any Escro� Y�ems far v�hich
<br /> paymen�af Funds has been wai�ed b�r Lender and, if Lender requ�res, shail furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> e��denc�ng such paym�nt�vi�hin such�ime p�riad as Lender may require. B�rrower's abligat�an�a mak�
<br /> such payments and �o provide re�eipts shali far ali purpos�s be deemed�o be a co�enan�and agreemen�
<br /> conta�ned in this Secur�ty Instrument, as �he phra�e "covenan�an� agreement" is used �n Sec�ion 9. If
<br /> Borrovver is obligated�o pay Escrow ��ems directly, pursuant to a wai�er, and Borro�ver fails �o pay�he
<br /> amount due f�r an Escrow Item, Lender may exerc�s�its r�gh�s under Section 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borrower sha11 then b�obligated under Sec�ian 9 to repay�a Lender any such amaunt. Lender may re�oke
<br /> �h��ai�er as�o any or all Escrov�r �tems a�any�im�by a not�ce gi�r�n �n accordanee v�xth S�ct�on 15 and,
<br /> upon such reWocatian, Barrower sha11 pay to Lender a�� Funds, and�n such amaunts, that ar��hen required
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any t�me, c���ect and ho�d Funds �n an amoun��a} suffiGient�a perm�t Lender to apply the
<br /> Funds at the time sp�cified under R.ESPA, and �b} na��o exce�d�he ma�imum am�un� a lend�r can requir�
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha��est�ma�e the amount of Funds du�an�he basis of current data and reasonab�e
<br /> estimates of�xpendi�ures of futur�Escrow I�ems or otherw�se in accordance wi��App��ca�le Lavv.
<br /> The Funds sha�l b�he�d �n an�ns���u�ion wh�se depas��s ar��nsured b�a federal agen�y, instrumenta�xt�, ar
<br /> �n�ifiy ��nc�ud�ng I.�ender, �f Le:nder�s an�ns�i�u�ion wh�se depasits are so insured}or in an�F�dera� Hom�
<br /> L.aan Bank. L.ender shall app�y�he Funds to pay the Escrow i�ems no la��r�han the time spe�i�ed und�r
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha.11 no�charge Borr�v��r for holding and app�ying�he Funds, annua�ly ana�yzing the
<br /> escrov�r a�count, or ver�fy�ng�he Escrow �tems, unless Lender pays Borr�wer interes�an�he Funds and
<br /> Applicab�e Lav�permits L.�nder��malce such a char�e. Unless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> App�icable Lavv requ�res�n�erest to be paid�n�h�Funds, Lend�r sha�� not be requ�red�a pay Barrower any
<br /> in�erest or earnings on the Funds. Borrawer and Lender can agree in�r���ng, hov�rever, �hat interest�hali be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall g�ve ta Borrower, w��hout charge, an annua� accounting�f the Funds as
<br /> requ�red by RESPA.
<br /> �f there is a sur��us af Funds he�d in escr�w, as def�ned und�r RESPA, L.�nder shall accoun�t� Borrower for
<br /> the excess funds �n accordance with RESPA. �f t�ere�s a shor�age af Funds held in escro�, as def�ned under
<br /> RESPA, L,ender shall no�ify B�rrower as required b�R.ESPA, and Borrower shali pay to Lender�he amoun�
<br /> necessary �o ma�Ce up th�shortage in a�cordar�ce with RESPA, bu� in no naore than ��mon�hly payments. �f
<br /> ther� is a def ciency of Funds held in escr�w, as defined und�r RESPA, Lender shal� notify Barrow�r as
<br /> NESRASKA-Single F�mily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�JN€FQRM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3Q�8 i I�f
<br /> VMP Q VMPfitNEf�13a2f
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan�iaf Ser�ices P�ge 5 of�7
<br />