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2� 1 ��8��8 <br /> �����N�1ENT �F RENT� <br /> Loan ��: 'l C�1��0��� ��C�1��[r�u�d� Pa�e � <br /> TH15 AS5[GNMEI�T 15 �lVEiV T� SECURE ('�� PAY�lIE1�T �F THE 1NDEBTEDIVESS AND [�} PERF�RMAIVCE OF ANY <br /> AN❑ALL �BLI�ATIDtVS �F BDRRUI�ER AIVD GF�AI�T�R UfVDER THE NC�TE, THIS ASS1GNf�ENT, AfVD THE RELATED <br /> D�CUNiENTS. TH[S ASS[GNMENT 15 �I11'EN AND ACCEPTED C]#V THE F�LL�W[NG TERMS: <br /> GRANTaR'S VIIAIVERS. �rantor►nia���s all rights or de�enses arising by reasan of any "one actian'� ❑r "anti�de�i�ienGy" <br /> law, o� any other lavv which may pre�ent L.ender fram bringing �ny actian against Grantvr, including a c�aim far <br /> def'rciency to the extent Lender is �thervvise enti�Cled to a claim fvr deficiency, befare ar af�er Lender`s �ommencemen� <br /> pr�amp�etion�f any foreclosure ac�ion, ei�her judicially o�by exercise af a power afi sa[�. <br /> BflRRD1�1lER'S �J11AlVERS A[VD RESPC]1V5[BILITIES. Lende� n�ed nQ� t�fl garrovver ahou� any action vr ina��ian Lender <br /> takes in cannec�ion wi�h this Assignment. Bor�ower assumes �he responsibility for being and keeping infvrmed ab�ut <br /> �he Property. Barr�w�r waives any defenses �hat may arise becaus� of any acti�n or inaction af Lender, including <br /> without [imi�a�ion any failur� of �.ender �o realize u�on �he Proper�y, or any d�lay by Lender in reali�in� upan th� <br /> Proper�y. Barrawer agrees ta remain liahle under�h� Note wi�h Lender no mat�er what acfiian Lender takes ar fails ta <br /> take under�h3s A,ssignment. <br /> RAYMENT AND PERF(]RMANCE, Except as atherv�ris� pra�ided in this Assignmen��r any Rela�ed Dncuments� Gran��r <br /> shall pay ta Lend�r all amflun�s secured by �his Assignrn�nt as �hey became due, and shali str�ctly p�rform aI� o� <br /> Grantar's vbligations under this Assignmen�. �nless and untif Lender exercises its right to �o11e��the Rents as prv�ided <br /> below an� �o lon� as �her� is na default under this Assignment, Grantor may remain in pvssessivn and c�ntrnl a� and <br /> opera�e and manage �he Pr�per�y and cv�lec�the Rents, pr��ided �hat�he granting af the right to �olle�t fihe Ren�s sha�� <br /> nat consti�ute Lender's cvnsent t❑�he �se af cash coila�eral in a bankrup�cy praceeding. <br /> CRANTDR'S REPRESENTAT[aNS AND 1JVARRANT[E5. Gran�ar warrants�hat: <br /> �wnership. G rantvr is entitled ta recei�e the Ren�s free and c�ear �� all righ�s, [oans, liens, encumbrances, and <br /> claims except as disclvse��� and accepted by Lender in wri�ing. <br /> Righ�to Assign. Gran�ar has �he �ul� right. power and authari#y to en�er inta �this Assignmen� and �o assign and <br /> cvn�ey the Rents�o Lender. <br /> No Prior Assignmen�. Grantc�r has no� pr��iousfy assigned ar can�eyed the Rents t� any a�her person by any <br /> instrum�nt now in farce. <br /> No Fur�her Transfer. Grantor v�rilf not sell, assign, encum�er, or❑therwise dispase of any of Granto�'s righ�s in the <br /> Rents except as pr��ided in this Assignment. <br /> LENQER'S RI�HT T� RECEIII'E AtVD C�LLECT RENTS. Lend�r sha�l ha�e the righ� at any �inne, and e��n thaugh no <br /> default shall �ave nccurr�d under�his Assigr�m�r�t, �a c�llect and r�ceive �he Ren�s. For�his purpose, Lender is hereby <br /> given and granted the f�lfvwing righ�s, povv�rs and au�hority: <br /> Nvti�e to Tenan�s. Lendet- may send no�ices tn any and a[I tenan�s of the Proper�y ad��sing �hem af �this <br /> Assignm�n�and dire�ting af[ F�en�s ta he paid direc�fy ta Lend�r or L�nder's agen�. <br /> Enter#he Property, Lender rr�ay enter up�n and take passessian ��the Praperty, d�mand, co�lec�t and receive from <br /> the tenan�s or fram any ather persons liable there�or, al[ of the Rents; ins�i�ute an� carry an all fegal proGeedings <br /> necessary f�r the pro�tectian af th� Praperty, inc[uding such proceedings as may be n�cessary '�o reco��r <br /> possession of�he Pr�per�y; �o[le�t�h� Rents and remv�e any�kenan��r tenan�s or other persans fram the Prvperty. <br /> i�laintain the Prvp��y. Lender rnay �nter upan th� Praper�y t❑ maintain fihe Property a�d keep �he same in repair; <br /> to pay�he cvs�s thereaf an�d a� aI� services af af1 emp�oyees, including �heir equipmen�, and o� afl con�inuing �osts <br /> and expenses of maintaining the Praperty in praper repair and cvnd�tivn, and als��o pay all taxes, assessments and <br /> water u�ili�ies, and�he premiurns ❑n fire and other insurance effected by Lender on the Prop�rty. <br /> Campliai�ce �vith La�n►s. L�nder may do any and ali �hings to execute and camply with th� faws �� the Sta�e vf <br /> Nebras�Ca and als❑ all other f�v�rs, rules, orders, ❑rdinances and r�quir�rne.n�s of all other go�ernmental agencies <br /> a��e��ing the Prop�rt�. <br /> Lease�he Rrvperty. Lend��may ren�or iease the whale ar any p�rt of�the Pr�per�y �or such term ❑r terms and �n <br /> such conditions as Lend�r m�y d�em a�propria�e. <br /> Emplvy Agen�s, Lender may engage such ag�nt or agen�s as L�nder may deem apprapria�e, �ither in Lender's <br /> name ar in Grantar's n�me, to rent and mana�e�he Pr�perty, includ�ng�he cailec�ian and appliGa�ian af Ren�s, <br /> �ther Ac�s. Lende� may da aII such ��her �hings and acts with respect �o �he Pra�erty as Lender may deem <br /> apprapria�e and may act �xclusi�ely �nd s�lely in the pla�e �nd stead of Gran�or and ta haW� a[[ of the pvwers of <br /> Gran�vr�or the purpases s�a�ed �ba��, <br /> �Vo Requirement#a Act. Lender shaf[ nat be required �o do any ��the fvregaing acts or things, and the fac� tha� <br /> Lender shall haWe per�vrmed an� or more o�f �he foregoing acts or things shali not require Lender to da any other <br /> specific act ar thing. <br /> APPLiCAT1�N C3F RENTS. A11 casts an�# expens�s inct�rred by Lender in conn�ctian with �he Property shall be �o�- <br /> Gran'tar's a�coun� and ��nder may pay such cas�s and exp�nses from the R�n�s. Lender, in its sole discretian; shall <br /> de�ermin� �he applicatian of any and afE Rents recei�ed hy i�; hawever, any such Ren�s reeei��d by �:ender which are <br /> nat applied �v such costs and expenses shal� be applied ta �he fndebtedness. All expenditures made �y L�nd�r under <br />