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<br /> Pa� 1af2 .
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<br /> , : For and fri aonaider'ation of w � s • • o��� r� � �'"��� , .}
<br /> �
<br /> and ott�er �ood and �aluable c�or�i tirns� the receipt f is i�ereby
<br /> . :� � , ' aeianowledged, _ r3aria A�;Lata Fh].ers [I)e� � L.1,a'r�j t p� _________ , " : �. �. , '
<br /> � : . .
<br /> � . . �
<br /> , ; ' of • Nebra�ka, herefn call the Grantor, ` .
<br /> : : }� .;; ; whe aae or more does hereby grant, convey axi releage �nto the Central PLatte �
<br /> ; �`:�: � ;: : Natural R�our'ce D3.strict, Grard Is2and, t�ebraska� herefn called tt�e 4airtee, i'Cs •
<br /> �;. :
<br /> • '� `�;`;`�. �1 ; s�x�cessors anci �sfg� a perpetu� �t fr�, over. �d upory �e follo�frtg ��
<br /> �:�;{.. ��,, . ,
<br /> — Y,:; '-i` } ' �::. . _
<br /> .='t:%r .,i., ,. -;•
<br /> �'`'',; � .r . desc��ed lat�d situated 3e! t.he C,�[�y t1�''. Ha11 � State of Hebr'a�c�r: ;,�� �- �
<br /> ; r; . to ti,rit: . :. , ,
<br /> , � � 4 . ' .
<br /> , . � ,, .
<br />.� _ .. i -. ;.... � � I, .
<br /> ''
<br /> � � j ' 2.6 Acres. - F� S'F� Sec 13-1ZI�.`�W far pera�eit easemr�nt as shawii on . . ', ,-- - ...
<br /> ' attached gL�t:..:":'''� �
<br /> , i
<br /> , � � - � . : ; �
<br /> .. , .. � . �
<br /> . � ; ,,
<br /> � ;: ; ' fer. fi�.e Pu►'pose of er;.'�xr•:r.�onrjectfon wi�h th� oonstr�ion of a r�e� d�aruiel l�erm�� , � �� . -
<br /> .} ' � and �ia impnove the e��i:�ig d'�auiel on t�i�ares e�lc , : -' �
<br /> ,;� :{ ; loqted an the abovt d�ribed land� e�onstructf�n to include w�denx.ng, . �i ..,�"s�:'
<br /> . , , ons ..
<br /> . ,, ;,,,;::�.
<br /> ' ' deet�en3n8, stt-aig�tening, �xt-�c�et'�n8 and snagging of trees, bru�h �d �r ; ,i �,�':�;r�
<br /> � :� � debris, for or f� eom�f�n wi�i�.��e operation, maint�nance and inspection of .: ` :�,
<br /> � such ct�aru�el berm a�d;c,�rs�nel ax� for the flowage oF any wat� in, aver, upon �r �� f�=�-�-
<br /> �, through such d�wmel b�m and c�nnel. �! --
<br /> :,
<br /> � ; : .- ,� °
<br /> ; �� ; The rights and��►t,ivileges berein granted sha�l. be ��;�t�t to the follo�rfng terats ' :-
<br /> and c�oaditi.at�. , ..
<br /> • ,i ; ,.
<br /> � ! 1. ltte cansideration recited herein shalY cotr�l:�.tute payment in fL� fa�~�� :�
<br /> ,; -
<br /> � • :
<br /> � i � ' , all daaage sustafned or to be �ained by the Granii�r by reason of tt�r��`�xercise : -
<br /> � ; �i ' . of any of the Mghts or activities descri�ed or granted by the a�ove. � . ; ' . :�
<br /> � :
<br /> ; , �. lhis easement includes tt�e right oF ingress and egr� at any time avex �' �
<br /> .� �` . aad t�qn the eagement a°ea of titie Grant.or ag speciFically deacribed above.
<br /> , � �
<br /> ' 3. 1t�ere is neserved to the Grantor E h3s heirs and ag.9��s, the rigt�t and
<br /> � � priv3�ege to use the aborre described land af the Grantor at any� time in any ' � :y`.�
<br /> , maiv�er arid for any purpas� not inconsistent with the f1a11 use and en�oyment by , � `�
<br /> the Grantee, its suvoessors and assigns, of the rfght anci pt�5.vilege herefn , �'+•�`'
<br /> . ' granted. :
<br /> �
<br /> � 4. 7he Grantee shall oonstruct� operate ar�d maintain the above described ; .._.
<br /> � ' wa�ks of irt�p�avenent withfn its disc�etian. . '
<br /> . �
<br /> � 5. lhis eesezr�ent shall not pas�s nor shal.l the same be oor�strued to pass, to
<br /> , ,C the Grantee ar�Y fee airnple interest or tftle to the above described lar�ds.
<br /> � �� = 6. 1Y�e Grantee will �nstruet a ternporary electric fence along both banks �
<br /> 'i ; of the ie�raved c�hemel (r�re needed) and install a solar powered fencer. Zhis
<br /> system will be utilfzed for two t2? gr'owfn6 seas�ns thereafY,e�^ 6eoamfng the � ,
<br /> � � ; ' Dr'oPe►'tY of the Qrantq^. 1 'l ,
<br /> :Its7�.�/ 4. YDeH t�✓'etSii�q u.7� a �oca.Y`%w,.,..
<br /> � 7, �l,,P Gra y�rc w�// �, ; ,.-------
<br /> i f�P (�r�s�.�'sr rr�aasT�• , ;
<br /> f .
<br /> � . . . . ' � _
<br />� : 7U HA11� AND TU k�OLD the afore5aid easement in, ov� and �pon the at�ov� described
<br />- L larxi of the Gr'anto�', wi.th all the rfghts, privflegeq arxi apyurtenarices thereto
<br /> belatging or in any�ise appertaining, unto the Grantee, its successors and h
<br /> assfgn� forevef.
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