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<br /> � ' .
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<br /> . . - - -• - ------- - - - . . f
<br /> . �i.�Qa'�!1� Fage i cg.2� . �;, '
<br /> Q�2iNII. EAS� �
<br /> � � � ' .
<br /> Far and fn c�fde9ratfon of �5�.,�15.OUf ;
<br /> µ lOQ
<br /> � and other good ax� valuable oonsiderations, recef�t £ �s i�ereb� � • `
<br /> � ' . ;
<br /> _� acla�a+led6�r . L i l l f e KaY ...�.�........,. .. , : .
<br /> , of Grand I sl and , Nebr'aska, 1x�refc� ca�l the Crar�ty�,,� . �
<br /> aY�et9�er a�e ar more does Y 6�, oonvey aad r�leage v�o�_� C�raZ �Ia��� � �
<br /> , Natw al Resourc� District, Gra�d Isk�nd, Neb'a�ica, ta�r'ei.rr caa1� t�+e t�^artee, i�s:= :
<br /> � �ssars and .a�#.� a perpetual �t fn, over �x! t�on �tte folla+ing ;
<br /> � d�iE�ed Iand situated fR Yhe Canty of ,({�,11 ..�Y.�ts of Hebragi�cat� �
<br /> ' to wit:. � �
<br /> 3.2 Acres - N'€ SE: Sec. 28�1Zi{-3W f�r permanen± easemsn: as.shniti�n�.on attached plat. � �.
<br /> , � 1.7 AGres - S� �JEy Seca 2€�-12t{-9�I� far permanen� easemsn: as,s6fpwt�� �n attach�d plat. "f`. �
<br /> . , Witi1 �t�e final ioca�i�n of said chann�i f:o�be determined by the �
<br /> ' project engineer of the Grantee at the tTme the wr�r� ��s performed on the channel ; �
<br /> as hereinafter set for�h, �
<br /> � far t�e purpose of w- in:�onnectian �,ri�.,� tihe cQn�r,uc.�Cian�Q£' a new c�arnel bena � �
<br /> ; . � and ta improve the exi�#ng d�aiael or� � e ,, � ._
<br /> : . tillLBS,.Bti�..f� . ' -.�<
<br /> located on the abave descri�ed lands, su�:�ac�struction�to inelc�e w:tder�ir�g, � . .
<br /> ' deepenfng, s�rai8��8, �d rle�ng ar�d�snaSBfng of trees, br�h �d afi,�er � :�`�
<br /> � debrfs, for or�in aa�etfon with !�e aper.atfon, maintenance and i��peetion of :; s,��'
<br /> such etr�nel berm and ch�rus�I �nd for the f'L�Nage oF any waters in, over, uipon or � •-'.
<br /> throt�gh such t�zannel ber'm arxi chanr�el.. j'
<br /> � � � s-
<br /> , � ,
<br /> ; � T�e rig�ts and pri.vilpges herefn granted shall be subj�t to the following terc� ..
<br /> , , , and c�onditions. � : -
<br /> � .
<br /> ; : � 1. The oonsidera��wer. recited herein shall constitute paymait 3n fbll for . ''
<br /> � � � all damage s�tatn►� vr trs be sustained by the Gr�tor by reason af the exercise -
<br /> ; of any of the t�f��s ar activitfe� described or granted by the above. , �
<br /> . , , ;
<br /> • � , : ' 2r �hf� easernent frx:�.u�es tise right of�'a�ess and e,gres��i> a�y time over � .
<br /> � ' and Lpa� th�e easema�t area of the Grantor as specifica].ly descryl'�ed above.
<br /> r
<br /> � ' 3. 1Y►e�^e i� reserved to the (�antor, his heirs aca� ass3�s, tt�e right and �
<br /> ;' . .' privilege to use �e abcve desc�^ibed ].and of t,t� Grant�^ at any time in any -�.::
<br /> : . : marner axi Por a�y p�s�: not fnconsistent w�f�h the f1�u t� � en�oyment by . � �_
<br /> t�he Grantee, its sucees3or3 and assi�ns, of the rig�t and privilcge herein �.� `
<br />_ B"anted• ,
<br /> � ; � 4. 1t�e t�rrantee sha11 cxxistrc��, opera� �nd maintain the dx��e des�rfbed
<br /> ; w�orks oF fnp�oveme�t withixY iLs discretiion. .
<br /> � ' S. This e�a9t �hall not {�s nor shall the � be construed to pass, to
<br /> - ' ' th� Grantee a�y fee sicmple �nterest or title to the d�ve described lands. '
<br /> , , 6. 1he Graitee wiS�1 aonstruct a teq�orary eleatria fence along both bank,s �
<br /> � of ths improved ch�nnel (where neai�ed) arid install a svlar powe�-ed fencer. lhis � .
<br /> - systiero a►fll be utili2ecl for two (2Y growittg seasons thereafter becomir�g �he
<br /> �. � � W'+opertY of t� Grantor.
<br /> � ,--_ - -
<br /> �.
<br /> .� '.
<br /> �� T�3 iin'�iE "r+�', n'i �i�t'i fi,�e afaresaid �a�emetit in, ove� axi ��on the above described �
<br /> ., L land of the Crantor, wfth all the ri�ts, privileges and appart�.�nances thereto
<br /> belonging ttir in a'�ywise appet'taining, utt,o tt� Grantee, its stjocessors �nd
<br /> a�si� forevv�.
<br /> ��
<br /> � �.
<br /> �
<br /> z�-z
<br /> _ .�
<br /> -���
<br /> =F�1� .
<br /> � t.
<br /> t1 p�' 1 • .
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