.._ .__ " .t.�sudru.w._s:».cn �`r-.�:. .::�Si�h.r. _ .iL2i... .+�._.�7° :4��' "uliut'..� ...��Y���
<br />__ . `__-'. _- - --_="."�i...�C_`:2��'e� m-�i�� �.,.i' '�_z,
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<br /> �- a�,�. � � .
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<br /> , Fa- a,d fra �a�sf�eratir.an v£ ' ' d l�r �`��s �g� `
<br /> � . �d other gpod a� va2�.ra�le cxx�sideraticx�s �e�fp� �+�aer�eof h�ereb .
<br /> � ackt�0l�iledged, h'armj,q�, R1 lt�i�rrnrt, � .
<br /> . :( �
<br /> ' °i
<br /> � ,
<br /> � � , of Gr�a Is�nc1. � Neb�'aska, her'ein call. tl�e Granta', : .
<br /> wt�e aje a� mor�e dc�es ,eb;,! �ant, convey and release into 1�e Central P�attie
<br /> � � Na�ural Resour'ce Gistrf�,. (�r'�l T37.�nd, [�tetx'asita, her'efn called � tYanfi.ee, its ; ��
<br /> � �� : successors a�et a�t��� perpetua�.��.�cmalt in, aver �d y�m tY� following i i�
<br /> �� . ,:., :. ; ;i
<br /> � � ;� a�r��d la,a �£��s!'�3�-t� camy �f xa�.1 , �te� oF xeh�-a�ica,
<br /> • ,j � to Wf�: .. � .� .. � :i
<br /> ; ;� ; . ; �j
<br /> : '' Z.S p.cxes - SE 4 5ee 14-LZ:v-9W f�r pe�ent ease�t as shc�un an � ��
<br /> �� � � attached�pl.aC �
<br /> • . . � ' ��
<br /> . ;t , . ,
<br /> .4 � ;; . ,
<br /> � , ;�
<br /> :l.� ' y��, ` for��'� Put'Pose of ar in mmectian with the canstruction of a ne�t ct�ar�nel tierm i '` �
<br /> • . .`}� and to 3m�+rove the exi.stirtg d�arujel on ��oares Creek � ' , -_
<br /> , � ' :;
<br /> ,:::,�::�<;: ::Ef. ' . looated a► the above descri6ed lands, oonstruction to incl� �idening, ; ;� .; �
<br /> �+ �;i. } , str.afgt�rifng, axi elearing and �naggfng of trees, brwn and ati.�x �
<br /> ' .:, ji � d�zr er 3xi oa�ect� with t�� operativn, madntenance and fnspectiacr.v€ ; '� x�.
<br /> ��;
<br /> � �i, .� i; �.. such d�el berrn ar�d �� arrd fczs• the fla�ge of any watiers 3n, over, upon or ; , �;•�-
<br /> '� thr'ot�t s�c`n c�tanriel berm � c1r'.anr�k. , � . ----
<br /> . y ,;'
<br /> !� � 1t�e rights aid privileges t�erein �aatted shal.l be sub,�e�.� to the following terms � ;(
<br /> and oanditions. , ��
<br /> f '+ : 1. Zhe aonsideration r.�ited herefn shall oo�stitute payr�.� fn fl�ll for . '; �! , , -
<br /> � atl danage sustained or to i�e. s�stained by the Grantor by reason of the exercise ;
<br /> I ;; oF any of tne rights ar aetiu��i�:� e.�.scribed or �anted by t�he above. ' �; . �
<br /> , ,
<br /> � !�. 2. Zhis easenent ineS�� the right of ingress and egress a� any time ayer ; ,
<br /> �, ; . . and �pon the �a�eraa�t area ;�" the Grantor as specifically descrik�ed above. �
<br /> � , , �
<br /> , � , �. 1Y�ere is t�.serves� �'A the Grantor, his t�eirs arxi agsign.s, the right arid ;: , �
<br /> � �� � privilege to �e the abav�dr�cribed land o�' the Grantor at any time in any ' �.
<br /> � �I manner ayd for anY Wr'I�se mo t i n c o n s is t e n t w i t h t h e f L l l u�e a n d en�oymen t b y �!�•�.
<br /> i � ' ttje Grantee, its s�xjcessors arxl assigns, of the ri g�t and privllege herein „ ` "`�.
<br /> �r;:
<br /> � ' �anted. .�`.
<br /> � .
<br /> i . '
<br /> ; � 4.. The Grantee shall, v�tistr�ct, operate and maintain the ab�ve descrfbed
<br /> ; wnrks of in�oven�ent with9r f.ts dfscretfon.
<br />� '� 5. Th�.s ��t ahall not pass nor shal.l tF�e sam�� �e corrs2rued to pass, to .
<br /> , th� Crantee a�y i+re s9,mple interest or title to the abcu��cfssa-ii�d lands. ,
<br /> 6. Zhe Gran�xe wi�l vanstruc� a t�er�arary electri y �ence a2ong tsoth banks
<br /> „ of t2re i�r+oved �Y�nnel (�ere e�eeded) arxi install a sa��r parered fenaer. 1i�is
<br /> : system will be u�i�iZed fee� tw� (2? �owin8 sea�ns thereaf'ter beoacnirtg tt�e ,
<br /> P�P�'"tiY of the Grantor. . t/ �6
<br /> �. �K�e� ct�i�� G�tis�+^�G� a c re sf�ti� w. . �s �i 6��1a�p� :-===____
<br /> W�irr�► �ov'� � � � �
<br /> n�Or C��olt'S. �
<br /> !f �i�« u+.�/pro�:d� tvay'e�r:�� Qv'pa ter �'✓�sTsc� 6y Cs�.s�r�c�.i.7 ,
<br /> ." , F . . . . � .
<br /> • e�l�C�1►%C Tl�I1C�L� GLI/`d I�N� �4i l�i� tilw�l• ' �
<br /> 7p HAYE AND 'YD F�[.D the aforesafd easetient in� aver and upon the above des�rfbed
<br /> �,., land of the Qr�tor, with all the rights, prfvileges arxl ap�atenan�e� thereta
<br /> Oelo�ging or in ar�y�+i,se a�p��e�rtafnis�� v�to the Grante�, its snccessors and
<br /> assigns Farever.
<br /> . f
<br /> r
<br /> i
<br /> ly <
<br /> , f.ii-t
<br /> .�.!
<br />.
<br />