2� 1 ��8�53
<br /> A��I�NIV�E�T �F F�ENT'�
<br /> L�an �o: 'I�7 3�(3554 ����til�u�d} Page 4
<br /> the name o� Gran�or an� �a negatiate �he same and co�lec� the proceeds. Paymen�s by �tenants or o�her users ��
<br /> Lender in re�pons� �o Lender's demand shal� sa�isfy the abligations for which the payments are made, whe�her ❑r
<br /> na� any prvper graunds �vr �he �eman� ex��t��. Lender may exercise i�s rights unde� this subparagraph either in
<br /> person, �y agen�, ❑r�hrough � recei�er.
<br /> Dther Remedies. Lender shall ha�� all o�he�- rights and remedies praWided in this Assignment ar �he No�e �r by
<br /> I avir.
<br /> Electiv►� vf Remedies, E�ection by Lender ta pursue any remedy sha�l no�t ex�lude pursuit af any athe�-rern�dy, and
<br /> an elec�ion ta make expendi�ures or t❑�ake acti�n�� perform an abligation o€Grantor und�r this Assignment; af�er
<br /> Grantvr's faifure ta perform; shall na�affect Lender's righ�t� declare a defau[t and exercise its remedi�s.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees: Expenses. �f �ender institu�es any suit or action to enfvrce a�y p�the terms �fi this Assignmen�,
<br /> Lender �hall be entitl�d �a reevr�er such sum as the cour� may ad�udge reasona�le as afitorneys' fees at trial and
<br /> upon any appea�. V1lhe�her t�r na� any caurt activn is in��l�ed, and ta �t�e extent not prc�hibited by law, all
<br /> �easvnable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinian are necessary at any �ime �or the pra�ecti�n ❑� its
<br /> interesfi or the en��rcernent af it� rights shall hecame a �art o��he Indeb�edness payable fln demand and sha[I bear
<br /> interest at the #Vo�e rate�r�m�he date of�he expenditure un�il r�paid. Expenses cav�red by this paragraph inc[ude�
<br /> wi�hout limitatian, hawever suhjec�t� any limits under applicable lawr Lender's a�torney�' #ees and Lender's �egal
<br /> e�penses, whether ar no� �here is a lawsui�, including at��rneys' f�es and expenses #�r bankruptcy praceedings
<br /> �including e�fvrts to madify or vaca�e any au�ama�ic stay❑r in}unc�ivn}, appeals, and any an�icipated pos�-j�dgment.
<br /> cvllection servi�es, the �os� af s�arching re�ards, �btainin� �itl� repor�s �including �areclosure �epor�s�, surveyars'
<br /> rep�rts, and app�aisal fees, title insurance, and f�ss far the Trusfiee, tQ �he ex�ent perm�t�ed �y applicable �aw.
<br /> G�an�ar a[so will �ay any court cas�s, in addition ta a(I ather sums pra�ided by law.
<br /> 111i�SGELLAIVE�US PR�V151�NS. The f��lnw`rng miscellaneQus pro�isions �re a part❑f�his Assignmen�: -
<br /> Amendm�n�s. This Assignrnen�, toge�her with any Related Dacum�nts, cons�itutes �he enti�e understanding and
<br /> agreement af the parties as �a the mat�ers se� �orth in this Ass�gnment. No al�eration ❑f ar amendment to �his
<br /> Assignment sha�l be �ffeGt��e unless giuen in writing and sign�d by the party vr part�es sought to be charged or
<br /> baund ���the alteration or am�ndm�n�.
<br /> Captivn H�adings. Ca�fi��n heading� in�his Assignmenfi are �or c�n�enience purposes anly and are not t� he used
<br /> t❑ interpret or defin��he prv�isians vf�his Assi'gnm�nt.
<br /> Gv�erning Law. Thi� Assignmen� wil[ be gvverned by federa! iaw applicab[e tv Lender and, to the extent nnt
<br /> preempfi�d by�edera�law,the [aws of the 5tate of Nebra�ka wr�thaut regard tv its cnnflicts of law prvWisions, This
<br /> Assignm�nt has heen ac�ep�ed by Lender�n the Sta�e v�iVebr�ska.
<br /> Chaice v# Venue. 1� there is a fawsui�, �rantar agrees up�n Lender's �equest to submit �a �he jurisdiGtivn �� �he
<br /> courts vfi HALL Coun�y, 5ta�e �f Nebraska.
<br /> I'�erger. 7her� �hal1 be n❑ merger ���he in��rest ar es�a�e created by this Assignment uvi�h any ather interes� or
<br /> �sta�e in the Praperty a� any time heid �y flr #or th� benefifi a� Lender in any capacity, withou�the wri�ten consent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Interpreta�ion. ��� In alf cases where there i� more �han vne Borrorrver ar Gran�or, �hen all wards used in �his
<br /> Assi�nment in th� singu�ar sha[! b� deemed tv ha�e h�en used in the plural where �he �antext and c�nstruc�ion sa
<br /> requir�. {�� !�mar��han ane person signs �his Assignm�n�as "Grantor," the ❑bligatians ❑�each Gran�ar are jaint
<br /> and several. This means that if Lender bring� � lavusu�t, Lender may sue any ❑ne ar more ❑f the Grantars, lf
<br /> Borrower and Grantar ar� no�the same person, Lender need na�sue Barrawer�irs�, and that Barrower need not be
<br /> joined in any lawsui�. {3} The names gi�en �� para�raphs or sectivns �n �his Assignm�n� are �ar cvn�enien�e
<br /> purpases ❑nfy.They are not ta be used�v int��pre�or def�ne the prvvisians of th�s Assignmen�,
<br /> Na Wai�er hy Lender. Lender sha[I not be deemed �a ha�� wai�ed any righfs under this Assignrnen� unless such
<br /> wai�er is given `rn writing and �igned by Le�der. N❑ delay or omissian on the par�❑f Lender in �xercising any ri�ht
<br /> �hali aperat� as a wai�er af such right c�r any ❑�her right, A wai�er by Lender vf a pro�ision ❑� this Assignment
<br /> shall not prejudice or cons�iru�e a v►raiver o� Lender's righ� otherirvise t❑ demand s�ric� cflmpliance wi�h that
<br /> pra�ision or any v�her pr��ision o�F this Assignment, No priar uv�iver by Lender, nor any �ours� af dealing between
<br /> L�nder and Grantor, shall �qnsti�ut� a wai�er v�f any ❑f Lender's righ�s or af any af�rantor's obligatic�ns as to any
<br /> future transa�tions. Whene�er the consen� o� Lender is required under this Assignrnenfi, �he granting of su�h
<br /> �onsen� by Lender in any instan�ce shall nvt c�ns�it��e �ont�nuing consen� to subsequen� ins�ances �nrher� such
<br /> consen�is required and in all cases such consent may b�granted �r withheld in the sol�d`€scretion a� Lender.
<br /> CVvtic�s. Any notice required �a be �iv�n un��r this Assignment shall be gi�en �n wri�ing, and sha�� be effeGti�e
<br /> when a�tual�y �deliver��, v�rhen actually recei�ed �y t�lefa�simile �unless o�herwise required by law}, when
<br /> depasit�d wi�h a na�iona�ly recagnized aW�rnigh�courier, vr, Ef mailed, when deposi�ed in�he Llni�ed 5tates mail, as
<br /> first class, �ertifi�d ar regi���red mail pa�tage prepaid, directed t❑ �he addresses sf�own near �he beginning af�his
<br /> Assigr�men�. Any p�rty rr�ay chang� r�s address for nvtic�s under�his Assignment by gi�ing �vrmal written notice
<br /> �❑ �he vther parties, speci�Fyir�g that the purpase of th� natic� is �a change the party's address. Far not�ce
<br /> purposes, Gran�ar agrees �v �eep Lender in�a�med at all times of Grantor's current address. Unless o�herwise
<br /> pra�ided ar required by law, if there is more than ❑ne �rantar, any nati�e gi�en by Lender ta any Gran�vr is
<br /> . deemed to be n�tice gi��n t� all G�an�ors.
<br />