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2� 1 ��8�53 <br /> A����N�EiVT �F I�ENT'S <br /> Laan No: 7��30�55� ����1���u�d� Page 2 <br /> TH1S ASSI�i�[�[EiVT iS GIVEN T�7 SECURE {'I} PAYII�ENT �F THE iiVDEBTEDNESS AIVD {2} PERF�RNiANCE UF ANY <br /> AND ALL �BL[GATIUI�S C�F GRANT�R UNDER THE N�TE, TH15 ASSIGIV[V[ENT, AfVD THE RELATED D(]�Uf1�E[VTS. <br /> TH�S ASS[GN�JIEiVT IS G1VElV AND A�CEPTED OiV THE FQLL�IJ��NG TERE�S: <br /> PAY111JlEiVT AND PERFC�R[�A1VCE. Ex�ept as ath�rwis� pro�ided in �his Assignment or any Related ❑acuments, Grantor <br /> shall pay �o Lend�r a[I amounts secured by this Ass�gnmen� as �hey be��me due, and shall stric�ly perfvrm all a� <br /> Gran�v�'s obiiga�ions under�his Assignment. Unless and un�il Lender exercises i�s right to col[ect the Rents as prn�ided. <br /> belaw and so [ong as there is na de�ault under this Assignment, Gran�or may remain in pass�ssi�n and ��ntral �f and. <br /> aperate and mar�age �he Praper�y and cal�ect the Rents, provided �ha�the gran�ing o�the righ��o collect the Ren�s shall <br /> na�c�nsti�ute Lender�s consent ta�he use�t cash cal[ateral in a bankruptcy proceeding. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTAT[�NS AI�D WARRANTIES. Gr���or warrants�ha�: <br /> Uwnership. Grant�r is entit�ed t❑ receiWe the Rents free and c�ear o� a)1 r�ghts, loans, ��ens, encumbran�e�, and <br /> claims ex��pt as disciosed�o �nd a�c�pted by Lender in writing. <br /> Right tv Assign. �rant�r has �he �ull right� pawer and au�hori�y t❑ en��r in�o �his Assignment and to assign and <br /> can�ey fihe R�nts t� Lender. <br /> Nv Pri�r Assignmen�. Grantor has nQt pre�ious�y ass�gned or can�eyed the Rents to any other person by �ny <br /> ins�rumen�now in force. <br /> Na Further Transfer. Gran�ar vvill no�sell, assign, en�umber, or v�Cherwise dispvse of any o�G�antar's rights in th� <br /> Rents exGept as pro�ided in this ►4ssignm�nt: <br /> LENDER'S RIGHT T� REGEIIIE A�VD C�LLECT REIVTS. Lender shall ha�e the right a� any time, and e��n thvugh na <br /> defau[t shali ha�e occurred under�h[s Assignmen�, �v col�ec� and recei�e the Rents. For�his purpase; Lender is hereby <br /> gi�en and gr�nted the fallovv�ng righ�s, powers and auth�ri�y: <br /> [Votice tv Tenants. Lender rx�ay send no�i�es ta any and all �enants of �he Praper�y ad�ising them of this <br /> Assignmen�and direc�ing all Rents to b� paid��re��ly�� Lend�r ar Lender's agent. <br /> Enter�he Property. Lender may�nter upan and take pvss�ssion af�he Prflperty; demand, co�lect and receive #rom <br /> �he �enants o� �r�m any a�he� persans liab[e �heref�r, alC a�the Ren�s; ins�i�ute and earry an all fegal proceedings <br /> necessary fvr �he �rotection a� the Prap�rty; inc�uding such prviceedings as may he neces�ary �o reco�er <br /> passession of the Prop�rty;�ollect�th� Rents and rernov� any tenant vr�enan�s or❑�her persons �rom the Prvpe��y. <br /> Nlaintain #he Proper�ty. Lend�r may en��r upon the Proper�y�o maintain th� Praper�y and keep the same in repair; <br /> ta p�y the cvs�s thereof and of all ser�i�es of alf emplayees, including their equipmen�, and of all cantinuing casfis <br /> and expenses af main�ain�ng the Pr�p�r�Y in proper repair and candi�ian, and alsv t❑ pay a[1 taxes, ass�ssments and <br /> wa�er uti�i�ies, and�he pr�r-niums vn fir� and ather insurance��fec�ed by Lend�r vn the Praper�y. <br /> Com�liance Wvi�h Laws. Lender may do any and al[ �hings �o execute and comply with the laws o� the State o� <br /> Nebraska and alsv all vther faws, rules, o�ders, ordinanc�s and requirements vf a[� o�her governmen�al agencies <br /> a�-�ec�ing the�roper�y. <br /> Lease�he Proper�y. Lend�r may r�n��r �eas� �he whole or a�ny pa�t of th� Praperty '��r sueh te�m ❑r terms and ❑n <br /> such condi�t�vns as Lender may deem �ppropria��, <br /> Emp�oy Agents. Lende� may engag� such agent vr agents as Lender may deem appropriate. e�ther in L�nde�°s <br /> name or in Gran��r`s narr�e, �.❑ rent and manage the Proper�y, in�(uding the colleGtian and app��cation of Ren�s. <br /> Uther �4cts. Lender may d❑ a�! such vt�e�' �hings and acts vvith resp�ct �to �he Property as Lender may deem <br /> appropria�e and may ac� exclusi�ely �nd solely in the plac� and stead vf Grantor and to ha�e all �f�the power� ❑� <br /> Gran�t�r far the purp�ses state.d abo�e, <br /> �Vo Requiremsnfi�❑ Ac�. Lender sha11 nat be required to d� any of the �oreg�ing acts ar things, and the �ac��ha� <br /> Lend�r shall hav� per�armed one ar m��e o� the faregain� acts fl� things shall no� require Lender to do any ather <br /> sp�cific ac�vr t�ing. <br /> APPL�CATI��V �F RENTS. Ali costs and �xpenses incurr�d by Lender �n connec�ivn with �he Praperty shall be fvr <br /> Grantor's account and Lend�r may pay such �as�s and expenses �r�m the Rents. Lender, in its sole discretian, s�a�� <br /> det�rmin� �he applica�ian ❑f any and all Rents received by it; havvever, any such Rents recei��d by L�nder whi�h are <br /> not app[ied ta such cos�s and expenses sha[� be app�ie� tv �he Indeb�t�dn�ss. A�! expenditures r�nade by Lender und�r <br /> this Assignment and nvt reimbursed from �he Rents shall becvme a par� of �he �ndebtedness se�ured by this <br /> Assignment, and sha�! b� payable vn demand, with interes�at the Nat� rate�rom date of expendi�ure un�il paid. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. 1� Grantor pays all o�F the lndebtedness iruhen due and atherv�rise perfvrms all the obligatians <br /> imp�sed upon Gran�or�nder�his Assignment, �he Note, and �he Rela�ed Dacumen�s, Lender shafl execut� and defi�er�a <br /> Grantor a sui�table satis�a��ion ❑f this Assignment and suitable statemen�s of�ermina�ion �� any#inancing statemen�on <br /> file e�idencing Lender's security interes� in �he Rents and �h� Praperty. Any termina�ion �ee required by lavv shal! b� <br /> paid by Gr�ntQr, ��permitted �y applicahle law. <br /> LEIVDER'S E�CPENDITURES, I� any ac�ion ar proGeeding is commenced tha� woufd materially a�F�ect Lender's in�r��est in <br /> �h� Prvperty�r if Grantor fails to comply with any pra�ision��this Assignm�n�or any Re�ated Documents, including �u� <br /> no� limi�.ed t� Grantar`s fai[ur+��o discharge or pay when due a�ny amounts Grantor is required ta discharge or pay ur�der <br />